Let's face it, everywhere you look on the internet, television, or in advertisements, we're seeing trends in health and food that are dominating the markets. Everything from the super food of the moment to new ways to help the environment through packaging is being force fed to us and it's hard to know which ones are really good or important. Frankly, we can't always believe everything we see or read but a lot of the time, there's something good we can take away from all of these trends. Let's take a look at some of the most popular trends of 2019 thus far :) CBD in everything There's a misconception out there amongst those who are not educated on the topic that CBD will get you high because it is obtained through marijuana or hemp rather, but that's simply not the case. Cannabinoids are being studied frequently for their positive benefits and there is an alarming amount of evidence that they can help us in so many different ways including helping with stress or anxiety, managing the symptoms of epilepsy, and as a potential cancer fighter. Obviously, there's still much more work to do before we start touting it as some kind of miracle cure but evidence is leading us in that direction. Products are hitting the market now with CBD in everything as a means of getting the benefits in a variety of forms. Gummies to give an immediate relief to stress or anxiety, CBD infused sparkling beverages, oils, and even coffees. I think we should be jumping on this bandwagon because even if we are still in the early stages of knowing exactly how much CBD can help us, there's enough studies out there that suggest its benefits and why not put good for you antioxidants into our bodies?
Plastic / Styrofoam packaging, plastic straws, one time use bottles etc., these products can easily be swapped out for sustainable products and people know this. Our oceans are flooded with plastic with images popping up all over social media of sea creatures wrapped up in plastic or suffering the effects of our needless pollution. At the same time, we are seeing new ways to do our part popping up all over social media. For example, the trash bag challenge which is seeing people show up to an area riddled with garbage and sharing their before and after clean up photos. It's evident that the general consensus is shifting towards wanting a greener existence for the sake of the planet and this is a trend I can certainly get behind :) VEGANISM / PLANT BASED / VEGETARIANISM What once started as a supposed fad is now becoming mainstream and it's about time. Whether people are going vegan / vegetarian / plant based for the animals, their health, or the environment, there's no denying this movement is everywhere and companies are taking note.
TURNING ON SUGAR Sugar is being portrayed as the enemy of our health and the leading contributor to so many problems we currently face. Obesity, diabetes, cancer, and poor oral health are all linked to sugar consumption so it's no surprise that sugar has a bad reputation. The fact is, no sugar in large quantities is going to be good for you but processed white sugars specifically are the worst of the worst. On top of that, products that contain absurd amounts of sugars or unnecessary added sugars are being targeted and frankly, I think it's a wonderful thing. When you consider that we should be trying to have less than 25 - 37 grams of sugar a day, there's too many products out there that provide significantly more sugar than that in one go leaving us destined for health problems. Pop for example is one of the very worst of the worst out there. When you consider you can get in upwards of 40 or 50 grams of sugar from one bottle, there's nothing redeemable about it. Now don't get me wrong, we shouldn't deprive ourselves of the occasional sweet treat but the point is that we should be making an effort to reduce our sugar intake to the very best of our abilities. There's plenty of trends out there and as I said, sometimes it can seem overwhelming to know which ones are worth partaking in. The ones I've outlined are some of my favourites that I'm promoting but we all must do what works best for our schedules and lifestyles.
What do you guys think? Are there any fads / trends in food or health you are currently digging or on the contrary, find completely ridiculous? HAPPY VEG
DIGESTION - Broccoli is full of fiber which is probably one of the most important things for our body's overall well being. Fiber plays a vital role in keeping our digestive tracts healthy and functioning properly. In fact, studies have suggested that getting enough fiber can actually help manage the effects of colitis by helping regulate our digestion. It's also thought that broccoli helps to keep our stomach lining healthy and can help maintain the amount of healthy bacteria in our guts. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY - Broccoli boasts a large collection of vitamins and minerals, plenty of which help to fight off inflammation. Vitamins like vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, all help to fight off inflammation in our body's. It's thought that getting enough of these vitamins and minerals can help to reduce / fight inflammation which can lead to more sever disease and illnesses if left untreated. ANTI-CANCER / BODY DETOXIFICATION - The antioxidants in cruciferous vegetables are currently being studied for their anti-cancer properties. Their unique antioxidants are integral for fighting free radicals in our systems and also have been shown to reduce excess estrogen which can lead to breast and uterine cancers. Their unique antioxidants also target free radicals which can lead to a multitude of health problems. Including anti-carcinogenic vitamin C, they also contain beta-carotene, sulforaphane, glucoraphanin, diindolylmethane, isothiocyanates, and selenium, all of which are thought to be anti-carcinogenic.
WAYS TO GET ENOUGH There are so many ways to enjoy broccoli that it really isn't hard to get enough of this green super veggie. There are varying reports on whether you get the full benefits of broccoli raw or cooked so enjoying both ways is in my opinion, the best way to take advantage of its nutritional benefits. Here's a few easy ways to get more broccoli in your diets!
The possibilities are truly endless with broccoli. Not only is it delicious, but it's incredibly versatile and works in a variety of dishes and various cooking methods. Getting enough broccoli is easy and super beneficial for our bodies so try adding more broccoli to your diet to reap these benefits <3 HAPPY VEG Sources https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/vegetable/health-benefits-of-broccoli.html https://www.livescience.com/45408-broccoli-nutrition.html |
Jonathan - Happy VegDedicated Foodie. Proud Vegetarian. Recipe Creator. Friend to all Animals. Archives
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