I still remember the very first recipe I tried to make from scratch was soup and boy oh boy was it a train wreck. It was essentially water with greens floating in it, pretty much as offensively bad as one can imagine. After that fiasco, I told myself soup was way too hard to make and stayed away from it for months unless I was using a recipe I could follow. That failure eventually drove me to try again and again until I started getting the hang of things. Making soup is now one of my favourite things to make but that's because there are some very simple things one must consider when making soup to ensure it is delicious and flavourful every time.
Honestly, once you make your first batch of soup and it turns out just the way you thought it would, it's pretty awe-inspiring. You'll start souping once a week I can guarantee it and there's nothing wrong with that. Making big old batches of soup is great because you can freeze excess for a future meal. Just make sure you've dated your tupperware otherwise you could be eating frostbitten soup from long ago!
Jonathan - Happy VegDedicated Foodie. Proud Vegetarian. Recipe Creator. Friend to all Animals. Archives
May 2024
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