It is recommended in most cases, that we consume 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day. What exactly is a serving? When it comes to fresh produce, one medium sized piece of fruit or veg is usually considered one serving. For example, 1 bell pepper, an apple, or a banana, would all be considered one whole serving of fruit / veg. In terms of frozen, you're looking for about 1/2 C to reach a full serving, but more is always better. When you're considering your fruit and veg options, ideally, you want a variety of produce options to make up your 5+ / day. Eating a colourful variety of produce ensures that we are getting different nutrients & antioxidants on a daily basis. I've got a few easy ways that you can amp up your produce game if you're guilty of missing the mark on your servings! SMOOTHIESA smoothie / day is one of the easiest ways to increase your produce intake, while also getting a variety of other nutrients & vitamins. Most smoothie recipes will start with bananas for emulsification, so that's one whole serving right off the bat. Next, consider another cup of produce, either fruit, or veggies, to max out your potential. A cup of spinach, another piece of fresh fruit, 1/2 c of frozen fruit, etc., the more the merrier. Smoothies are also great way to get in extra goodies like superfood powders such as Baobab or Camu Berry & protein packed seeds like Hemp Hearts or Chia. Most importantly, you're in for 2 - 3 servings of produce in every smoothie. Smoothies are a great mid-day snack to hold us over until dinner, and also a wonderul option for breakfast on the go!
SNACKINGThere's not a single person on this planet who doesn't indulge in snacks, good or bad ones, we're prone to snacking in between our next meals. Having some fresh produce chopped up and ready for snacking, helps us avoid sugary or bad for you snacks, in favour of getting a few more servings of fruit and veg. I try and pack 2 - 3 cups of raw veggies with me wherever I'm going so that when that snack attack hits, I've got a nutritious choice handy. It took a couple weeks to really make it a habit, but now I always remember to pack my veg. Remember to switch up your raw veggies to maximize your nutrient intake. I rotate between peppers, cucumbers, snap peas, cauliflower, carrot, celery, and grape tomatoes, but any combination is a great choice. Take the time to prep your veggies in advance so that they're readily available to you wherever you are. This is another easy way to get anywhere from 1 - 3 additional servings of veg / day. ADD A SALAD
SLIP IN EXTRA VEGI'm a firm believer that there is always an opportunity to slip an extra veggie in to whatever you're making. Whether it's a soup for lunch, sauce for dinner, or breakfast scramble, look for ways to slip in an extra veggie. For example, a nice breakfast scramble could always use an extra bell pepper or a couple handfuls spinach. Having pasta with tomato sauce for dinner? try adding a few handfuls of greens or a bell pepper to your mirepoix to increase the veggie intake. Always looking for a way to throw an extra veg or two in to your meal prep ensures you're on your way to that 5+ a day! KEEP FRUIT CLOSE FOR |
Going meatless for dinner is a great way to play catch up if you've had a bad day for fruit and veg intake!
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Jonathan - Happy Veg
Dedicated Foodie. Proud Vegetarian. Recipe Creator. Friend to all Animals.
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