Every good thing eventually comes to an end and unfortunately, I'm seeing the end of what was once a magical working experience for me. I've put almost two years into my job and lately, I've been on the receiving end of some treatment I'm not fond of. Without going into too much detail, I've been labelled difficult and negative which for me, is like the biggest insult of all. I pride myself on being positive and making people around me laugh and smile so to hear things like that, it just infuriates me to my core.
With that being said, my intentions are to go back to Ireland in September. I've left a job before without another to replace it knowing I would find something else, but the pressure of going to Ireland is keeping me grounded. My parents always taught me to stand up for myself and never to take BS from anyone and regularly, I would leave with my head held high, but the circumstances are a little different. I have decided to smile through the pain until I can find something suitable to replace this job. It's hard for me to accept people's opinions if they are different than what I see happening, and trying to accept a situation for what it is is not easy for me. It takes a lot for me to get to this point because I really do try not to take things so personally, but when they become so evidently personal, it makes the situation much more tricky. I WILL be going back to Ireland by hook or crook. I can take anything anyone can throw at me knowing I'm working towards my goals and a little negative energy thrown at me by superiors isn't going to stop me. However, y'all should expect to hear some news about a new job in my future. Until then, I will continue to be the upbeat, positive, and easy going employee I KNOW that I am. Screw their opinions :) HAPPY VEG
All I can think about is going back to Ireland. I watch their weather every day to see exactly what I'm missing. I look at all of the pictures I took repeatedly, wishing I was still there experiencing new things. I continuously google attractions that I intend on seeing when I get back making a mental list of all of the things I have to see. It's been a lot harder being home than I had imagined I must admit.
I've been working pretty much every day trying to save money because I know that I will be going back. Every shift, every paycheck, and every dollar made, gets me one step closer to Ireland. Coming home, I was prepared for getting back into a routine but I was not prepared for how desperately I'd want to be back in Ireland. I feel like there's so much that I'm missing out on. Every minute I'm here is a minute that I'm missing out on something in Dublin. With that being said, we're already in the second week of January. I find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that I've already been home 3 months! This is actually a good thing because it means that the time will likely pass quickly up until I fly out. As of now, my intentions are to finish at my jobs the first week of September and fly out the third week. This will give me enough time to get an appointment with the Garda and get my GNIB card issued for another year. I'm also looking forward to my sister coming up with me. She's never flown or really travelled before so I know she will have the experience of a lifetime. There's so many reasons I can't wait to head back to Ireland. I think most of all, this feeling of unfinished business that needs to be resolved. As I said, every minute feels like a minute that I'm missing out on something extraordinary and I can't wait to discover all of the things I didn't get to discover the first time around! |
December 2024