I'll be packing up some of my winter / fall clothes this week in preparation for leaving for Dublin. I am struggling with the idea of condensing my life into 2 suitcases as I left with 3 the last time I made this trip and still found I needed more. How does one pack their entire life into suitcases anyways? How do you decide what's important enough to bring versus what you can confidently leave behind? It's quite the struggle to be honest. Can't I just take everything without paying astronomical fees at the airport? :'(
With the exception of packing, I haven't really attempted to prepare any further for my trip. I'll be reconnecting with a recruitment agency again next month in hopes of finding a hospitality job in advance of arriving in Dublin. Having a job or at least a lead on a job prior to leaving would really put me at ease as far as knowing I'll be relatively secure. I'm hoping I can find a job that will be ok with my desire to travel at least once every other month (if not more!) . I would assume they would expect a working holiday participant to be doing a little travelling anyways. Aside from that, I'm just counting down the days. I'm so ready to get on with this experience and make it exactly what the last one wasn't, fun. I'm determined to get everything right this time around and who knows, maybe I'll get that dream career or dream husband and I'll never have to come back to Windsor!! Now that would be a dream come true <3 HAPPY VEG
In less than 2 months, I'll be heading back to Dublin Ireland for a year and I couldn't be more excited. Now that I feel like I've done a much better job at preparing all the way around, I just know this experience is going to be everything I want and then some. Being underprepared last time really discouraged me but it also motivated me to make sure the second time around was flawless. I've saved significantly more money, contacted a recruitment agency to help me find work asap, and done a lot of ground work in regards to finding a place in advance of my arrival. All of these things are going to help make sure this trip goes perfectly.
Working as much as I am right now is a great distraction from counting down the days. I've really been looking forward to this so keeping busy is a great way to help pass the time. I've got so much I want to do in Dublin this time around, moreso Ireland as whole. There's a few spots in Galway, Cork, and Waterford I am desperate to check out as well so I'm also looking forward to that. Can't believe I've almost been back a year already. Time flies! Another thing going great is my ebook! I'm already on the second of three chapters with the work coming along nicely. A friend of mine was gracious enough to proof my first chapter and give me some helpful tips and corrections I should consider making which I have already done. I'm also super grateful that a longtime friend of mine who is a graphic designer has agreed to design me a new logo for the blog! I can't wait to see what she comes up with and share it with all of you! Lot's going on, stick with me through all of this! Happy Sunday y'all! HAPPY VEG |
December 2024