In one week I'll be flying back to Canada ending my one year working holiday in Ireland and I've got so many mixed emotions about it. Along with those mixed emotions comes a slew of things I need to try and address and take care of prior to coming home as well as an enormous list of things to accomplish when I get back.
I am in a bit of a crisis regarding my luggage because over the course of the year I've engaged in relentless retail therapy leaving me to wonder where the hell I'm going to be putting everything without getting charged at the airport for having too much shit. I am going to have to start going through my things and deciding if there's anything I can leave behind / donate to make room for the things I definitely want to keep. I also had intentions of bringing home souvenirs for friends and fam but it's looking like that's going to be kind of impossible at this point unfortunately. My urge to shop definitely got the best of me lol I also need to address paperwork regarding my taxes so that I get back money I over payed so that's something I need to be looking in to. I know there's forms and such I just don't know if I'll get them before I leave or after so an investigation is necessary. Considering I didn't save a dime the entire time I was here, any money I get back for my return to Canada is going to be a blessing at this point. Finally, when I get home there's a billion things I need to do. Re applying for my health card, deciding if I'm going to reissue my drivers licence and try to get my G2 prior to January when it expires or just give up on that until I come back from New Zealand (if I go). I also need to start thinking about work if for some reason I can't go back to my job at Healthy Mamas. Tim Hortons has already reached out to me about setting up a meeting so I know that that would be an option but I'm not sure it's something I want to do on a full time basis. Ugh, reintegrating back into my old life is going to challenging but fun at the same time. I must say, I'm really going to miss Dublin. This has truly been an amazing experience. HAPPY VEG
I just realized it has been a month since my last post in here. I've been quite busy actually between working, volunteering at night at my hostel, and just trying to enjoy my time here because however difficult it is for me to accept, I'm heading back to Canada in 3 weeks! In these 3 weeks I have so much shite I need to do to prepare myself for heading back that I'm kind of in panic mode here trying to make sure I remember everything.
I'm a list kind of guy but the kind of list guy who forgets he made a list and makes a new list of to do's inevitably ending up with 30 lists all of which contain the same things with one or two additional items on each. Do the lists help you ask? Perhaps just in that I start to memorize my to do's because I'm constantly rewriting them down to help myself not forget anything but I end up with so many lists containing the same things that I think it's more of a nuisance than anything else lol I head to Italy next week for 4 days which will be fantastic so I'm preparing myself for that. I'll also be taking a tour through Cork and visiting a couple castles including Blarney castle with the infamous Blarney Stone. Lore states that if you kiss the blarney stone, you are granted the gift of the gab which if y'all know me, I'm already highly gifted in gabbing but I'll still give er' a kiss for good measure lol So that's tomorrow with one of my fav coworkers and will likely be an all day thing. I need to prepare my taxes so that I get my money back after I go home, start figuring out how I'm going to pack all of my shit, start saying my goodbyes, ugh, where's my list?!?! I have a lot to take care of, that's all I know. After returning from Italy, I'll have exactly one week of work left and then 4 days off to spend with my best friend here and just enjoying Dublin before I say my goodbyes. It's crazy, where has the year gone? The other day my General Manager told me that everyone at work will miss me and to make sure I use him as a reference because I did an excellent job. I got a little teary eyed because that was kind of the first time it hit me coming from someone else that my time in Dublin was coming to an end. Honestly, if Ireland would have allowed it, I'd have stayed another year for sure. I must admit, it was easy to accept going home when the government shuts down your request to stay lol Easier to accept when there are no options. Anyhow, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy these next few weeks here. It's been an amazing year and I want to appreciate every last minute of it before I return. HAPPY VEG |
December 2024