I've legitimately spent the past four weeks being back in Canada just trying to acclimatize back into some kind of routine rather unsuccessfully. It feels like I'm on autopilot here like, I'm going to work and making plans with friends and whatever else but I'm not here. Part of me stayed in Dublin when I left, the part of me that wants to continue travelling and seeing the world. So I decided to start investigating a move to New Zealand!
New Zealand was on my radar already before I left Dublin because it was the only other country that allowed a youth mobility scheme after 30 so I kind of already knew I wanted to go, I just forgot the specifics of the visa. After investigating, I've realized it's totally achievable that by next September, I can head there for a year for some more travelling and exploring. It's kind of a dream of mine to have the opportunity to make a trip to some Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, all of which I could reach if I was in New Zealand. Not to mention seeing and living in New Zealand would be pretty fantastic as well. As it turns out, it will run me approximately $10,000 to comfortably make this happen. That ten thousand dollars includes the $4,200 in security funds required to enter the country, the cost of the visa, travellers insurance for a year, and a first class ticket one way to New Zealand. Why first class you ask? Well, after a year of flying around Europe followed by a 7 and a half hour flight home, I came to the realization my irritability breaking point when flying is somewhere around 4 hours. I start getting restless, leg crampy, and ready to get the frick off of the plane. Knowing this, a flight that is almost three times as long will require me to take additional precautions to ensure my comfortability. That includes a first class ticket where my seat folds out into a bed allowing me to stretch and potentially sleep during my flight. Without that, I don't think I'd make it to New Zealand in a sane state of mind. Knowing what I know about the requirements and my desire to continue seeing the world, I expect to be on a plane to New Zealand next September or October. Until then, I will continue enjoying my time with friends and family, cooking, and working on a hard cover cookbook that I would love nothing more than to have published by the time I leave next year. A boy can dream right? HAPPY VEG
December 2024