I've been back in Canada now for 3 weeks and the only word I can use to describe how I'm feeling is surreal. It's such an incredibly weird feeling just coming home and getting right back into the swing of things when a piece of me still remains in Dublin. I don't even feel like I'm fully here if that makes sense. I'm almost on auto pilot, coursing through the days but not being present in them.
Every time I see a post from one of my friends back in Dublin, it really makes me miss being there. I've also found myself scrolling through some of my old photos and videos, reliving some of the fun moments I had throughout the year I was away. This experience was definitely something I'll always remember but participating in this experience comes with some difficulties I'm now enduring. Just wishing I was still there is especially difficult. It's kind of the one downfall of taking part in one of these working holidays because you get to meet all of these amazing people and see all of these amazing things but the experience is finite. It's really effing difficult to leave it all behind. With that being said, I'm going to try a bit harder to get myself together back here in Canada. I really want to take french lessons, participate in Zumba classes, and continue working on my German lessons as well. I also had the idea to give myself little challenges every week that I would add to my calendar. Like, every week have a little challenge like, "sign up for french classes" or "complete x amount of german lessons" and try to achieve them by the week's end. I really want to be as productive as possible now that I'm here but admittedly, these past weeks have kind of been a bit of a blur. I guess I just have to take the bad with the good in this situation. Saying goodbye to one of the best experiences of my life is undoubtedly difficult but without these goodbyes, there would never have been the experience. HAPPY VEG
I've been back in Canada now for almost a week and have had the time to really think about everything that's happened to me this past year living and working in Ireland. I can't stress enough how amazing the opportunity was and how it helped me on a personal level in so many ways. Let's take a look at why I think everyone should do a working holiday once in their lives! CULTURE There is nothing like visiting local attractions or hanging out where the locals hang out. Learning about and engulfing in another country's cultures and traditions is not only interesting and exciting, but I think it's personally a wonderful opportunity for growth. Often times, we know only what we read online when we think about another country which can shape our opinions without any actual first hand experience. Living in Ireland was such an amazing opportunity for me to explore a history that seems to date back hundreds of thousands of years. I visited castles and learned about their place in Ireland's history, I visited natural wonders like the Cliffs of Moher, and I visited pubs where I was able to witness what the Irish charm was all about. After a year in Ireland, I can honestly say I have a much deeper appreciation for traditions and culture as a whole. Also, visiting other countries throughout Europe and having the opportunity to try their food, visit their attractions, and even in some cases, struggle to communicate through a language barrier, was an opportunity to learn and grow. There's nothing quite like speaking with someone who has grown up completely differently than you and just listening to their stories about their childhoods or views on current conditions in their country. There's nothing like sharing stories and celebrating differences. CHALLENGING YOURSELF Initially, it can be overwhelming moving to another country where you know absolutely nothing, but this quickly turns to a feeling of accomplishment when you get yourself settled. Meeting with immigration, setting up tax appointments, searching for work, searching for flatmates, friends etc., it's challenging but also an opportunity to show yourself just how strong you are. I had never lived abroad prior to this nor had I really had the opportunity to visit Europe so there were so many firsts that I accomplished. After all is said and done, it was a challenging experience that yielded life long memories. FRIENDS ACROSS THE GLOBE The more good people you have in your life, the better. Moving and living abroad is an amazing opportunity to meet all sorts of different people from all over the world. It's an opportunity to expand your network and grow your personal and professional profile. Plus, when you return to your destination in the future, maybe you'll have a few places to stay on the cheap ;) GROWING YOUR RESUME There's nothing like having experience in your field but there's something to be said about having experience in your field from across the globe. The opportunity to learn about your industry through the eyes of someone who's grown and worked in your industry but from another country is invaluable. You'll pick up new skills, new ways of handling similar situations, and worldly experience that will translate to success in your field back home. Employers are most definitely intrigued by someone who has worked all over the world because you'll bring something new to the table! TRAVELLING I think the most beneficial part of living abroad is the opportunity to travel and see new things. I spent so much time wandering around and experiencing new things every day, it was so exciting. Plus, because I was based in Dublin, I had all of Europe at my fingertips. I was able to travel and see so many beautiful countries and I did so all by myself with only my own itinerary to focus on. There's nothing like wandering the streets of Amsterdam with its many canals or standing before the Colosseum in Rome. Travelling is something we all should do and there's no better way to do it than when you're living in an entirely new place somewhere far away from your home. I can't stress enough to you guys why you should take advantage of these opportunities. Most countries allow you to utilize this visa until you're 30 so the time to do it is now. My only regret was waiting so long to take advantage of this visa because I missed out on so many countries because I was a touch over 30.
It's an opportunity to see new places, meet new people, and prove to yourself that you can basically do anything you put your mind to. Who doesn't love that feeling of accomplishment at the end of something challenging? HAPPY VEG |
December 2024