It's such a weird feeling knowing the place I've called home for the past year is soon to be just a memory you know? Like, I could honestly see myself staying here long term but I was denied on my extension to my visa so I've had to accept that it's actually time for this chapter to end with a new one beginning.
When I say I could see myself staying here long term, I'm not really factoring in the reality of living here, I am solely basing this off of my comfort level here. The fact is, Dublin is just too expensive to rent and frankly, after living in a hostel for the past year, I want my own space if I'm going to get an apartment. I couldn't fathom living among another household of people after this. I miss having my own space to keep all of my bathroom toiletries and such. Carrying my gross plastic bag filled with my bathroom products has worn out its welcome I'll tell you. Not to mention I've been living out of a suitcase which has also lost its charm. If I could bring the weather here home with me I'd be a lot happier I'll tell you. It rains here sure and there are times you might not see the sun for a few days but the temperatures here are much more in line with what I appreciate. The winter was cold but not Canada cold, I didn't even wear a winter jacket once this year. The summer can be warm (to my standards) but not Canada warm lol I didn't miss the 40's outside with humidity, in fact, I don't ever want to deal with those again. One of my best friends is getting married next August and I am already dreading the idea of sweating outside for hours in those awful temperatures lol Honestly, there's a lot I'm going to miss about being here but I've accepted that it's time for me to leave. I'll enjoy this last month here to the best of my ability that's for sure. Oh, and I can't wait to see Rome in a few weeks :) HAPPY VEG
I just booked and confirmed my flight back to Canada for October 7th. It's actually officially official now, my working holiday in Ireland is quickly coming to a close and feels even more real now that I am set in stone with a return date. All the feels this morning I'll tell ya, it's absolutely crazy now to think that a year has passed and it's time for me to go home.
I'm obviously super excited as I've said before to see my family and friends but it's so weird and saddening knowing I'm saying goodbye to Dublin permanently so soon. This past year has been so amazing but it has also made Dublin feel like home to me. Initially, I didn't know how I would like it or whether I'd ever feel comfortable here but here I am now, 11 months in and feeling like I could have stayed here permanently. It's insane how quickly this year has flown by but it also means I have to really make the best of the limited amount of time I have left here. I also booked a trip to Rome for the end of September because I put out a poll asking everyone where I should go and it was pretty unanimous that I needed to go to Italy. I wanted to do Greece but after speaking with my sister, we decided I should wait and she would save her arse off and we would do Greece together late next year so I'm ok with that. As long as I know that I'll eventually see Greece, I can go on with my life lol I can't tell you how weird it is to accept that this chapter is actually coming to an end. I mean, it was inevitable right..but it still feels so weird. Any time there's a big change in our lives, it feels sort of surreal until things get back to normal and this is just another one of those situations. I know I'll be sad when I leave but I also know I'll be so happy to see all of my back homers again so there's good and bad here but the good will certainly outweigh the negative. Let the countdown begin. HAPPY VEG |
December 2024