I officially leave in like, 2 weeks and I couldn't be more excited. Although this summer wasn't the worst we've ever had in Windsor, Ontario, it was bad enough to motivate me to gtfo of here. I am so over 90 degree days and sweating just standing still. I'm over walking to work and literally losing the ability to enjoy my walks because I'm saturated in sweat from head to toe. Pretty much everything about being In windsor has me motivated to leave lol
I'm also super motivated to make things work this time because I have so many people who want to come and visit me. My sister most importantly, is planning a 2 week trip next summer and I especially can't wait for her to come because she too has never flown or travelled outside of North America. It will be a first for her and I can't wait to experience some new things with her. I've also got a few friends who have expressed a desire to come for a visit so I want to make sure I do my very best to get myself together by the end of the year. I'm looking forward to the whole experience to be honest with you guys. I'm looking forward to learning from my previous mistakes and truly enjoying every moment in Ireland, free from stress and worry. I have saved more than enough money and made enough important connections that I can't possibly imagine being in the same predicament as I was the last time. This just HAS to go perfectly this time around. Let the countdown begin <3 HAPPY VEG
I'm heading into my last week of work at both of my jobs and I couldn't be more excited. Finishing up means I'm just that much closer to heading back to Dublin. Although I feel like the time has dragged on these past few weeks, I also feel like it couldn't be going any faster. I have quite a few things I want to take care of before I head out this time, starting with selling off some of goodies that I know I won't be bringing along with me.
I've noticed myself growing resentful of my jobs these past few weeks. Not for any specific reason, just in general. Whether this is because of my excitement over leaving or not, I've still noticed it. I find myself growing frustrated at work much easier and allowing myself to become overwhelmed which obviously frustrates me. I've always gotten to a point with a job where I just knew it was time for me to go and I believe I've reached that point with both of my jobs. If I wasn't leaving for Dublin so soon, I think I'd have to quit anyways. I would never subject anyone to my resentful attitude when the solution was as simple as walking away. I've learned a lot about what I want for my future however. My job at Healthy Mama has taught me an awful lot in regards to cooking techniques and new products I would likely never have worked with. I've learned a lot about product quality and its importance and also allowed my creativity in the kitchen to really shine. What I've taken away from this experience is that I don't believe I want to work in a kitchen after this. I've learned that I enjoy cooking so much when it's under my own terms, not so much when it's repetitive or forced. I'm also reminded that I literally hate being warm so naturally, a kitchen is probably the last place for me to be. I loved this job so very much but I feel at peace with walking away this time. When I come back, I want to focus on what will enrich me and my life. I want to do things that will help me achieve my own goals as opposed to putting all I have into someone else's success. I love my boss and I want her to be successful and happy, but I also want to have that same feeling for myself. I've spent 16 years putting all of myself into other people's success and although it is such a great feeling to see someone succeed knowing you contributed even in the smallest way, I can't help but want that feeling for myself. What will I be doing when I come home? I haven't a clue to be honest, but I have a year to figure that out. For now, I'm going to just live in the moment, I'm going to flow with whatever comes my way in Dublin and just engage in everything I possibly can. I want to truly experience everything I possibly can because if there's one thing I've learned from losing my mother, it's that life is so short and fickle, it can really end at any time and I refuse to sit back and wait for that happen. I need to live and going back to Dublin is exactly what I need to be doing. Chat with y'all soon <3 HAPPY VEG Well, I can officially say that I'm getting all nervous / excited again. I've got about 3 weeks left of work with another 10 days after that being the date that I fly out. I'm trying to prepare as best I can around my super hectic schedule between both jobs but I know those last 10 days are going to be a hot mess. There's definitely a lot more riding on this this time around so I have to make sure everything is perfect.
I've had serious FOMO this past year. I can't even begin to imagine all of the fun things I've missed out on the past year. It's helping to build anticipation about returning that's for sure. I'm looking forward to a lot. I've got a few fun ideas to keep me occupied while I'm there and I think you guys will enjoy some of the things that I have coming up! As far as preparing, I have an appointment with a recruitment agency when I arrive, I also have to visit the Immigration office and fix a problem with my passport. They only stamped me for one year but I am actually granted two years as a Canadian. Definitely need to have that addressed otherwise I'll be sent home after October and I think that would probably crush me. Four weeks and counting! I'm super stoked! HAPPY VEG I'm starting to feel excited about heading back to Dublin y'all! I'm finishing work in less than a month and then 10 days after that, I'm on a plane headed for Dublin. What once seemed like ages away is now creeping up and I'm super ready to head back.
In the next month, I'll be packing up my life into 2 suitcases which seems incredibly difficult considering I barely squeezed it into 3 the last time. I'll have to scale back on what I consider necessities this time around so I save the money on the additional suitcase. I'm not sure how I'll be able to do this so I'm for sure going to have to get creative when I pack everything. I'm going to have to let go of some of my attachment to things that's for sure. Besides, they'll be waiting for me when the time is right! This month will be a bit of a blur I imagine because I have so much to accomplish. I will be getting in touch with that hospitality recruitment agency again in hopes of securing employment before I arrive. I have to start looking at rooms for rent as well which I'm actually pretty excited about. I just pray I find something with a decent sized kitchen with good lighting because I want to continue doing some recipes and photos of course. I might not be as active with the recipes being that I'll likely have a billion things I want to be doing, but a well lit, decent sized kitchen is on my radar. I'll be tying up my loose ends this month, cancelling my phone contract, paying off the remainder of my student debt, purchasing some euros, and saying goodbye to my coworkers for the second time. It's going to be bittersweet but I just know that this time is going to be different. I'm going to make it the full year and enjoy every freaking minute of it. I'm also in the process of discovering other opportunities abroad that I can partake in after my time is up in Ireland. In a perfect world, I'd be able to bounce around through different opportunities that took me to different European countries but I guess we'll have to take things one country at a time ;) HAPPY VEG |
December 2024