I'm starting to weigh out options as my proposed trip to Ireland approaches and as always, I'm doubting my decisions.
Although the experience alone would be well worth the money I've saved, I'd be returning to Canada without anything ASIDE from the experience. What's two years? It'd be done in a flash and then I could work on finding a management job in a restaurant. It all sounds great but I've been thinking that I probably should have thought about this more so when I was 20 as opposed to approaching 30. My reasoning? I worked hard to save the measly amount of money I've put away and frankly, I want it going towards a new place and furniture. I also need to get pets soon, a kitten and a puppy preferably :P I just feel like I should be focusing on trying to find a career versus fluffing off another 2 years. Lot's to think about over the XMAS holiday.
I am unfortunately going to be on Midnights at my job for the next little while. This while have me posting me a bit less but I will try and keep things updated.
I am getting more nervous by the day for my trip to Ireland. I am so excited but overwhelmed. I really hope this all works out the way I want it to. I love learning about culture, new foods, new people etc so I know I will adjust to the move. Going to be difficult but a challenge is healthy now and again! This appears to be a replica of the actual "Working Holiday" application for Ireland which is strange because this was the first link I clicked on and voila, for the country I'm moving to! Meant to be? :p
There are so many important steps to take when moving abroad even if just for a short time. It can get quite overwhelming which is why checklists are so handy! Great way to keep yourself organized a midst the craziness! A few tips for getting ready before your moving Holiday! - If you are moving somewhere the currency is different, start watching your bank and their currency conversion rates a few months prior. This will help you learn trends and you can start buying your money with confidence that you're getting the best rate! - Travel lightly! Look at storing furniture, decorative items, cookware etc at a friend or family members! Even consider a storage locker. Depending on where you are headed, you might be able to find "furnished" flats / apartments. Less things brought over means less headache at the airport and when headed to the Hotel / Hostel. - Meet with a Financial Advisor at your bank to discuss what to do with your account and how to continue paying bills. I learned from my visit with the bank that they had recently launched a money transfer service with over 33 countries so far. Ireland was one of them! I can easily pay my bills here in Canadian by transferring Euro's over from my new account. So easy! I also found a cheaper monthly plan for my account that will keep it open but charge me next to nothing to have it! Definitely worth the 20 Minute visit! Those are all the tips for now, I still have 3 months to go before I am done my job and 4 months to go before I fly out !! HAPPY VEG I've actually now applied to 2 different Hospitality industries in Ireland as well. I can't believe how quickly my trip is approaching. I am so incredibly nervous but also extremely excited. I've never really put myself in this sort of situation before and that's particularly why I'm doing it.
As I approach my 30's and recently having lost my mom to cancer, I've realized just how short life truly is. It's time to get out and experience what life has to offer. I'll not only learn about new foods (which is great for the blog) but hopefully I'll also gain some valuable life experience. Stories I can look back on when I get old. I don't know how this is all going to pan out but I know I'm going to try. A beautiful place like Ireland with people who have a reputation for being extremely friendly, how can I go wrong? Obviously, moving abroad brings upon a rush of different emotions that are to be expected. Anxiety being one of them :o
However, since my mother has passed I also have a feeling of guilt surrounding my trip. I feel so responsible for my father since everything has happened and although he says he will be fine, I am having a hard time with the idea. Originally, I would've been leaving BOTH my parents together but now it's just him. My siblings both work and have children and really can't be over here visiting with him every day... I can't decide whether it's appropriate to feel this guilty but I can't help myself. I'll have to just continuously reaffirm that he will be ok. Maybe it will eventually stick with me. |
December 2024