Something has shifted in my ability to sleep y'all and I'm struggling to get even 6 hours of sleep a day. I don't know what the heck happened but I went from sleeping almost the entire day to barely getting any sleep and I must admit, it's taking its toll on me. I'm feeling so exhausted and fatigued from lack of sleep but my motivation to continue is travelling and the fact that my visa is up in 5 months.
On a lighter note, I'm looking forward to a lot over the next few months. I've got my ebook submitted to the formatter who is getting it into the appropriate format to upload to amazon which is super exciting. I've already got a few ideas for more books and knowing now which programs are easily convertible, I won't have to utilize the services of this formatter the second or third time around. Ideally, I'd like to put out 3 or 4 ebooks before I focus my attention on a hard cover book. The ebooks will have themes much like the first one did, collections of recipes all focusing around one theme. When it comes to the hard copy, I'd love to include new and old recipes in a collection of 100 or more recipes. I'm looking forward to developing these ideas when I arrive back home in Canada. Also, I've got some fun trips coming up. In 9 days I'm flying to Eindhoven Netherlands and will also be visiting Amsterdam and meeting up with a friend there. I'll be visiting the Anne Frank house and eating some cannabis infused baked goods because c'mon, how can I not? I'm super looking forward to it. A month later I'll be heading to Copenhagen for a 4 day trip as well. There's a lady staying in my room at the hostel who is from Denmark and has offered to jot down some must-sees in Copenhagen for me which is great. After these trips, things are up in the air as far as where I'll be heading next. June is Pride Month and there's going to be a lot of fun events and parties my friend and I would like to attend so I'll have to see how the financials work for the month in trying to attend these events and trying to travel as well. I've got a lot of places I would like to cram in and see before I go home. I'm determined to go to Spain and in a perfect world I've time to visit France and Greece as well but we'll see how everything works out with money and timing. I also have to take some time to actually travel around Ireland because as of now, I've seen absolutely nothing aside from Dublin and lord knows there's so much more to Ireland than just Dublin. I'll keep you all updated as plans come together :) HAPPY VEG
Time is flying guys seriously, I've got just over 5 months before I head back to Canada and try to organize my life. This trip has been such a wonderful experience but it's also kind of delayed the inevitable, figuring out a life plan. I know I talk about this all the time but it's something that I can't help but be constantly thinking about. What am I going to do with my life?
It's a question I think we all ask ourselves but even more so as we start to get older and don't have an actual "career" in place. I wouldn't say I'm super concerned about staying at the same job for the rest of my life but at least deciding a direction would be nice. I've always been so bombarded with ideas that they end up muffled and not coming to fruition so I really need to focus and figure out an actual plan because I know whatever I decide to do if I give it 100% I'll most definitely succeed. It's a matter of actually knowing what the heck to do. Obviously I miss cooking and being in a restaurant so that's definitely an option. Owning my own restaurant would be great but I fear I wouldn't want to commit to something like that that essentially ties me down to one thing for as long as I stay open. In that case, I also feel like focusing 100% on my blog, writing recipes, and getting more involved in food photography / cooking videos. I purchased a good DSLR camera that's currently collecting dust back home so I know I want to get into that and learn the ropes. I love writing and testing recipes, it's got to be one of my favourite things to do and that's also why the restaurant turns me off because you kind of get stuck making the same thing all the time, it was stifling me. The animal sanctuary is also a serious contender. If I buckled down and saved for an entire year, I could put a down payment on a farm / property and start adopting / rescuing animals which is something I'm wholly committed to the idea of. Again, it would require me to focus all of my attention and efforts into it and I worry that I would lose focus on other important things however rewarding it would be. I would initially still have to work because I couldn't keep the property running without a continuous stream of money right? Where to go from here? My two main ideas are growing the blog and the animal sanctuary so I need to really put some effort into figuring out what I want from each of these experiences and if they can also coexist which would be ideally, quite perfect. Why is life so hard guys? :P HAPPY VEG Holy shit guys, I'm in Glasgow! Honestly, the travelling bug has bit me and it's left a scar, I can't get enough of seeing new places and experiencing new things. My only regret is that it took me so damned long because of anxiety to actually let myself live. I've always been fascinated with other places and cultures but never in my wildest dreams did I actually think I'd be here doing these things. It's truly a remarkable experience.
Although I've only been in Glasgow for a short time, I can tell you I'm already taken by the charm and beauty of the city. Every single building looks so architecturally interesting and like it's been here for hundreds of millions of years. Everything is so different here than what I'm used to in Canada, specifically my hometown of Windsor. I just can't help but be awestruck by the beauty of some of these buildings. Looking at them literally takes me back in time to when they were first erect and what they were used for so many gazillion years ago. It's such an experience walking down the streets of a city that just oozes charm and history, something unlike anything I've ever felt before. I think I'm most excited about visiting the Scottish Highlands on Monday. Nothing but mountains, hills, and green space for miles in every direction. I feel like that's something that I've been missing in Dublin. Now don't get me wrong, I realize if I venture out of Dublin I would find those things but I intend to leave my Ireland travel for the very end and focus my attention and efforts on travelling through Europe. I can't believe half of my time in Europe is already over. I was just chatting with a friend last night about how I feel so much pressure to hurry and see as much as possible because I truly don't know the next time I'll be able to come back here because of costs. It's unfortunate but honestly, travelling to Europe from Canada with Canadian dollars that are so weak against the Euro is extremely difficult. I feel this immense pressure just to see everything and get as much travelling in before it's too late. There's no room in life for regrets you know, even though sometimes I can't help but wrack my brain with all of the things I wish I'd done but honestly it's so much better to live in the present and take each day for what it brings. It's a challenge for me because I always want it all and always think about how I could have done things differently to achieve it all but as I said, I have to remind myself that I should be grateful I have the opportunity to do any of this. In the end, this will definitely go down as one of the very best experiences in my life, hands down. For now, I'm going to enjoy my four days off of work in beautiful Glasgow and just allow myself to take it all in. HAPPY VEG |
December 2024