Holy shit y'all, this planet is in some serious turmoil. There's nothing but negativity and bad news around every corner and I'm telling you, it's been downright impossible to try and stay positive amidst all of this. Where do I even begin? Ugh, writing in here has been impossible because I've really just been trying to stay afloat; up against a consistent barrage of negativity, anger, and everything in between. The coronavirus. That pretty much sums up the biggest cause of negativity in my life right now, and I believe a lot of us are in the same boat. This pandemic has done an excellent job of driving a further wedge between our civilization. Whether we're arguing about vaccines, passports, segregation..ugh, every day it's like a new debate is sparked that we're forced to be a part of. Being in customer service has made this especially forced upon me because I'm tasked with enforcing rules that not everyone is on board with. People are NOT nice about being asked to put a mask on, it's like I've done something personally offensive to them. My job is to make people happy but everyone is so fucking miserable it's damn near impossible to have a good day anymore. I also can't stand the constant grumbling because I know of the horrors people in other countries are facing...horrors that we have absolutely no experience in. We're bitching and moaning about masks and vaccines while children are fleeing the Taliban. We're bitching and moaning about masks & vaccines while there are people on the streets who not only have higher chances of contracting covid, but also lack access to food, shelter, or healthcare. We're bitching and moaning about masks while half of Africa's species go extinct. Hello people? If there was ever a more clear example of entitlement, I'd be shocked. We're so entitled omg, we grunt and groan at the most minor of inconveniences while people on the streets give thanks for scraps found in a trash can. We're honestly disgusting. Of course now there is also an election, another reason for people to bitch and moan and become more segregated. We can't possibly have an election without constantly being attacked for having differing political views. Gosh, some of the ads / memes I've seen on Facebook joke about violence against the current Prime Minister for goodness sake like, how is this acceptable people? I made the mistake of posting on my IG story in support of a political party and was met with 2 or 3 DM's attempting to instigate an argument. I obviously chose NOT to do that, but you see what I'm saying? People are so triggered and just waiting to get angry with you at the first hint of differing views. It's not safe to have a fucking opinion anymore lol Now they're trying to implement vaccine passports in Canada. I can see them for like, planes and trains and such but for indoor dining? Who's enforcing this? Us? As if we haven't already taken a friggin beating from trying to enforce masks for the past year and a half, how are we suppposed to hold on to our mental health when we're walking in to verbal abuse everyday? It's so stupid. I'm doing my best to just focus on things that make me happy. My new kitty Leroy is doing a good job of melting the day's worth of stress away when I get home. Music, blogging, and just spending time with family and friends. These are the things life is made for, creating memories. I'll just keep coasting along until the day comes that covid, politics, or whatever the fuck else isn't the daily topic of conversation. HAPPY VEG
December 2024