Today marks the very last thing I have to take care of before heading to Ireland in September. Considering I still have two months to go before I leave, I feel super great about the position I'm in. Paying for my insurance today is going to be costly but as I said, I still have two months of paychecks left to compensate for this last big expense.
Now, I can literally focus on saving more money and trying to condense my personal items. The last time I went, I travelled a little heavy so I'm focused on trying to figure out a way to minimize what I believe I need this time around. It's not cheap flying when you have your entire life with you so I have to try and cut myself from three suitcases down to two. I can't imagine how I'm going to do that but I really don't have a choice. The idea is that you make the most of what you have with the least amount of stuff as possible right? So that's going to be a challenge for me. For now, I'll continue to work my summer away making that money so that my trip is as comfortable as humanly possible. I'm determined to last the year especially now that I'm almost certain my sister will be visiting next summer. :) HAPPY VEG
Going back to Ireland and doing things right this time around is very important to me. I'm not going to dwell on last time and the mistakes I made but I must remind myself that I felt prepared last time as well. Not only did I feel prepared, but I was constantly reminded how prepared I was. I think that made the decision to come home so much more difficult for me. I am absolutely determined to try and cover every base before I leave.
I'm looking into opening an Irish bank account from home because I've seen on other expat groups that this sort of thing is available. That was definitely a stumbling block for me last time. There were so many necessary steps to opening an account / finding a job that I just felt overwhelmed. I've also contacted a hospitality recruitment agency which I know will be my ticket to finding a job and quickly. Finding a job that's relevant to my credentials is important to me. This is why I've never been able to work in factory despite being lured by higher pay, just the monotony of it would drive me insane. I've looked at some places but the prices are still freaking me out so that's something I'll go back to next month lol I can't believe how expensive it is for a flat out there! If you don't live with 2 or 3 people, you're paying easily 1500 euros which I'm sure will make a big dent in the money I saved / earn while there. I'm exploring options as far as work aways versus house shares. I really want to find the best option as far as surviving and being able to travel because c'mon, these working holidays are MEANT to support this idea. I leave in 2 1/2 months which is really not a lot of time so I'm buckling down and doing as much research as humanly possible. I WILL last this year and I intend to do it the way that I'm dreaming of :) HAPPY VEG A few months back, the prospect of my sister, nephews, and giant dog, moving in with us was just a thought and we did very little to prepare. Suddenly, it was the time for them to move in and I knew that things were going to change around this house dramatically for a while.
Having my nephews around all the time is going to super great for me because it means spending more time with them prior to me heading back to Ireland. It means more bonding time for us which is just amazing. It means spending more time with my sister as well which I'm super excited about. It also means conquering what's left of my fear of dogs because my sister's dog is enormous, loud, and intimidating, while also being such a good boy. I'll tell you, the first time I spotted him, I thought, "Holy shit, I'm terrified!" and wasn't really sure how I was going to handle this. I knew I was going to have to conquer this fear whether I liked it or not because he wasn't going anywhere. While all of this is amazing, it certainly makes things in my life a bit more hectic. I know I'm going to be constantly torn between playing with the boys and writing my book. I know I'm going to have to try and plan out my recipe testing around everyone's schedules. I know that things are going to be a juggling act, and I kind of like it. There's always room in our lives for one more challenge and that's certainly what this is. With every challenge however, there's opportunity to grow. I expect to come out of this completely unafraid of dogs (because Blue won't let me have it any other way), and with a newfound appreciation of what my sister does every day. She's one tough chick I tell you and she's been through it all but she loves her boys and they know it. That's one of the best things to witness I think. HAPPY VEG |
December 2024