It's been over a month since my last post, but today is my last day of work until this coronavirus is curbed so I figured it's a good time to reflect. This whole coronavirus thing has been so scary you know, none of us have ever lived through something like this before. I mean, there have been other virus' that have worried us but nothing that has swept across the globe with such ferocity. Borders closing, travel bans, isolation, it's all been quite a nerve-wracking journey up until now.
There are so many thoughts racing through my head as I finish work. I must admit, I have grappled with anxiety most of my life, but what triggers my anxiety most is the unknown. Not knowing when I will return to work, when things will reopen, whether or not this is going to get significantly worse etc., these "what if's" are wrecking my brain. I'm trying to be as level-headed about things as possible but wow, this is quite a rapid lifestyle change you know? 'm starting a 14 day distancing process beginning tomorrow. Outside of my daily walks through the trails, I will be staying home in an effort to keep myself and my family safe and to do my part to help curb the spread of the virus. While I look forward to being able to invest a large amount of time into things like studying for my TEFL, writing recipes, and diving back into my German lessons, I can't help but worry about how long this will go on. I can deal with a couple of weeks of no work but after that I see myself starting to go stir crazy. Working keeps me sane, without work and that break from home life, I fear I am going to be going a little bit nuts. This virus has taught me a lot about our planet. It has taught me that we are so blissfully unaware of how quickly our lives can be upended like this that when it happens, people panic. I've witnessed grocery stores that are wiped out of frozen goods, dry goods, paper towels and toilet paper etc., people have literally purchased enough to be locked up in their homes for months while the rest of us scramble to find necessities. It has taught me how susceptible we are to new virus' despite the millions of dollars funnelled into research and whatnot. No matter how immune we think we are, this virus has humbled the globe. I also can't help but recognize how quickly mother nature has healed amidst this crisis. Seeing the photos of Venice's canals clearing up was pretty awe-inspiring. Crystal clear water, fish, swans, and even dolphins returning to the coast, all of this within a month of Italy's lockdown. This virus has kept us at a standstill which has allowed the planet to rapidly heal. It's pretty shocking to actually witness the planet healing itself you know? Will this change anything when this is all over? I don't think so, but those of us who care enough about the planet have taken note. We are destroying the planet so rapidly and this is proof that if we actually cared enough globally to change out actions, we could clean this planet up in no time. However, I feel like people will be so eager to return to normalcy that they will immediately hop back on their planes, drive their cars, toss their trash etc., it won't change anything. My final thought on all of this is a well wish for everyone who's reading. I wish you all safety and health during this process. Heed the advice of officials who tell you to socially distance. If you have returned from somewhere outside of your hometown, take the advice of officials and isolate for 14 days. We must all do our part to keep eachother safe . xo HAPPY VEG
December 2024