I was chatting with some of my coworkers yesterday and it kind of dawned on me that I'm leaving in just 4 short months. It's hard to believe how quickly time is going by but I suppose working two jobs virtually every day will do that to you. I was saying that it felt like I had just come home and now I'm already watching flights to return to Ireland. They say time flies when you're having fun but it apparently flies when you work yourself to death and have absolutely no life :D
I'm so looking forward to going back. Almost every day I scroll through all of my photos from Ireland and try to pump myself up for going back. As I've said in previous posts, there's so much that I need to do when I return. I saw so little of Ireland when I was there that it left this burning desire in me to discover everything that Ireland has to offer. It's such a beautiful country full of beautiful landscapes, interesting architecture, and wonderful people. There's a million reasons why I can't wait to go back! For now, I'll continue to dream of what is to come and work my arse off to secure myself for leaving! HAPPY VEG
As of today, I've officially saved double what I saved the last time I tried to move to Ireland. I'm so bloody proud of myself and couldn't be more excited to head back o Ireland this fall. Having just got a little taste of the country, I've been dying to get back but would never put myself in that position again without my finances to support my decision. Although last time I also thought I was financially prepared, it wasn't until I arrived and got a feel for things that I realized I was not as secure as I'd hoped.
I'm already planning everything I want to do in Ireland this time around. I definitely want to visit Waterford and Galway. I want to visit as many castles as humanly possible this time around. I want to take a few trips to Scotland, Switzerland, and Holland. I'm desperate to see Italy as well. I refuse to allow myself to fall into the same traps I fell into last time. I have big hopes for this trip this time around and I can't wait to hop on a plane and restart this adventure <3 HAPPY VEG I've been trying to figure out lately what my next step with the blog is going to be. In a perfect world, I'd be able to cook, blog, and travel, all while volunteering at animal shelters and sanctuaries and still be able to support myself financially. Sounds fabulous doesn't it? This past week with a little help from a friend, I've started to put together my first ebook. Now, if you guys remember, I actually released one last year but realized afterwards that the website was not secure and I worried about people's credit info getting stolen. Obviously, I abandoned that idea and decided I'd wait and focus on my blog a bit more before I attempted to put together another book. It's been so great having her expertise and assistance because there's definitely a lot to learn. Growing my blog into more of a business is something I've been contemplating for a while now but wasn't sure where to go from where I was. I've always been the kind of person who had a million fabulous ideas with none of them coming to fruition. Because of this, I lose valuable time doing the same old thing when I could be implementing one of my many ideas. It's super annoying knowing that I do this lol This time around, I'm determined to focus my energy on releasing my ebook and doing so through Amazon. No more no name websites, I want to release this book as authentically as I can. I've actually started breaking down different ideas for topics and plucking out recipes from my archive. It's so fun to be able to be creative and come up with this fun collection of all of my ideas.
December 2024