Where my empaths at? This last year and a half has really put me through the ringer emotionally / mentally, and if you consider yourself an empath as well, I know you're feeling it. Our planet has seemingly been in turmoil since this pandemic began but it's been in turmoil for much longer than that if my soul has anything to say about it. I've been torn in every direction trying to navigate all of the negativity, anger, aggression, and resentment that has been presented to me. I'll tell you, it takes a pandemic to really drive a wedge between humanity. For example, I went out to dinner with a couple of girlfriends before we entered our most recent (and hopefully last) lockdown. During this dinner, the topic of masks and vaccines came up and it was immediately clear that I was on the opposite side of the discussion. While I am always able to defend myself, I felt a sense of discomfort over how passionately the conversation was being presented to me and how eager the other side was to get inside my head and pick apart why I thought the way I did. I left that dinner feeling scorned and sad that the pandemic was actually causing a rift between otherwise wonderful relationships. This dinner is only one example. I work in customer service and this year has been one of the hardest for those of us in this industry. The negativity surrounding the rules / protections put in place has been volatile to say the least. I've been quipped at, sarcastically spoken to, and faced aggression over enforcing rules that were put in place. Just yesterday in fact, two ladies entered my restaurant without masks and were rather unpleasant when told to put them on. This whole pandemic has really divided us and so much so that apparently everyone has strong feelings about why they should or shouldn't adhere to what's been put in place. I think my downward spiral emotionally began during the last year of former President Trump's tenure in office. I would turn on my computer in the morning to read my news and it was plastered with stories of his negativity. The nasty things he said, the nasty things he did, the people who continued to support him despite his vile rhetoric...it was all so shocking. I was constantly bombarded with negativity, especially because all of my social media was flooded with Trump news and news of the election. People were evidently quite impassioned (hello insurrection) and those opinions were used as weopons against those who didn't see eye to eye with his policies or language. The whole situation was exhausting. Honestly, I just think like, the past 2 years have been emotionally trying. I'm exhausted by the constant barrage of negative vibes that are constantly hurled in my direction. I try so hard to start and end my day with a smile on my face but it's certainly been a challenge when our planet is in so much turmoil. That's it, that's all I have to say. I hope y'all are holding up ok. Seems like we're finally coming out on the other side of this awful pandemic. Maybe everything starting to open up again will create a general feeling of positivity that lingers. Lord knows we could certainly use the good vibes. Take care everyone. HAPPY VEG
December 2024