New Years is almost upon us and unlike most years where I refuse to make any resolutions for fear of not living up to them, this year I've got a few in mind and I intend to stick with them. It's an opportunity to challenge ourselves to be better because no matter how happy we are with our lives, there is always room to improve for our own well being.
As I said, I typically avoid making resolutions because it always seems to be an opportunity to be let down for not completing some larger than life task I've assigned to myself. However, I believe it's up to me to really take on the challenges and try to achieve all of the things I want for myself and frankly, there's no better time to make some kind of change than at the start of the year. I'm determined to set 3 goals for myself and monitor my successes with them and look for ways to achieve all of my goals. First off, I really want to put more effort into activism. I spend a lot of my time reading and reporting on animal welfare stories from around the world but I want to invest more of my time into this. I want to really engage with people through social media about animal welfare and their standpoints on things. I want to have more discussions about animal welfare with those I'm close to as well as reaching out more to officials and organizations to really engage in activism. While I'm happy with what I've done thus far, I really want to push myself to do more. This could mean attending rallies, organizing protests, contacting world leaders about animal welfare opportunities in their country etc. I intend to make 2020 a productive year for animal welfare. Secondly, I want to really buckle down on the things I want for myself on a personal level. I want to start investing my time in exercising more, working on my photography, filming new videos etc. I really want to be that guy who seems to have time for everything he wants in life. Deep down inside, that guy is there but I find myself sometimes making excuses for not getting things done. I want 2020 to be the year that I just DO instead of wanting to do. My final goal for the new year is one I'm keeping to myself. Much like making a wish on a birthday candle, I want to keep this one to myself and simply watch to see if it comes true. :) Are you guys the type to make resolutions or do you find them to be opportunities to be let down? How do you approach New Years? HAPPY VEG
So I've been back in Canada now for 2 months and I literally couldn't tell you what I've done since I've been back. It's been nothing but a blur of operating on autopilot. I'm legitimately still stuck emotionally in Dublin but physically, I'm here in Canada doing the things I have to be doing to make it through. Coming back to Canada around Christmas was also an interesting thing because I came back with absolutely no savings and on top of trying to pay down my credit card, activate / pay for my phone, and get myself together, I'm also tasked with locating money to get my 6 nephews something for Christmas. I'm a touch overwhelmed.
Besides this, I seem to be at a standstill with other things I'd like to be doing in my life. I took out my DSLR camera but once to try and play with it to get a better handle on it. I've stopped my German lessons despite doing really well at them. I haven't signed up for Zumba despite wanting to do that also. It's so weird that my usual motivation is lost somewhere in translation while I continue to just go to work and come home. It's a vicious cycle of lackluster motivation and longing to be elsewhere. I'm hoping that I can use New Years as motivation to get myself together. Start the year fresh with all of the things I want to do and try to set aside time each day to do these things. I'm also going to start looking into a second job so I can save the money required to move to New Zealand next year. I'm still not 100% committed to the idea of moving there but even having the savings to perhaps move somewhere else in Canada and get a place would be beneficial. This post was nothing more than rambling but it's how I'm feeling lol I have no motivation to do anything outside of what I have to be doing and I have no direction for my future lol Kind of daunting isn't it? HAPPY VEG |
December 2024