Connecticut is set to become the second United States state to enact a full ban on fur but they need the help of residents to make sure this bill makes it through the legislature. Advocacy group In Defense of Animals is asking Connecticut residents to call, write, or email their local state senators and express their support of a statewide ban on the production, trade, and sale of new furs. As we all know, the fur industry is one of the cruelest and most unnecessary of the industries that we utilize animals for. Animals like foxes, minks, coyotes, and rabbits are denied all of their wild, natural instincts as they sit in cramped cages awaiting their turn to be slaughtered. These poor animals live amongst feces and urine, suffer from sores and infections that are often left untreated, and live their entire lives in fear as they witness the brutal deaths of their companions. To keep the pelts in tip top shape, these poor animals are electrocuted to death, killing them from the inside out which we can only imagine is excruciating to endure but also to witness. In some cases, these animals are bludgeoned or skinned alive, neither of which would be a pleasant experience for these poor animals.
If you are a resident of Connecticut and want to help, follow the link at the top of this page to the World Animal News page where they outline the various ways you can get in touch with your local senator and express your support for a full ban on fur products. California was the first state to enact a ban and now we have the opportunity to see Connecticut as the second which would hopefully trigger other states to consider a ban as well.
It's time to end the fur industry once and for all and spare the hundreds of thousands of innocent animals from being slaughtered in the worst of ways. The future is fur free and we're on the way! HAPPY VEG
0 Comments The District Court of Kansas has shot down nearly all of Kansas' ag-gag laws, deeming them unconstitutional. The law, which prevents undercover exposure of animal agriculture facilities, has spent 30 years keeping activists from exposing the horrors happening behind the scenes throughout Kansas' animal agriculture industry. Kansas' motion to have the case dismissed was denied meaning that they cannot enforce the ag-gag law. The court granted almost all of the concessions to the coalition of activist groups who were challenging the ag-gag laws with the only exceptions being abuse to animals by activists and civil remedy for violations. This means that the court has ruled in favour of abolishing the ag-gag laws as they violate the first amendment, freedom of speech. This is fairly monumental as Kansas not only has the highest population of cows, but has also enforced the ag-gag law for the longest of all the states that tried / are currently enforcing the rule.
I have long been vocal about ag-gag laws and why they are nothing more than an opportunity to cover up wrong doings in an already cruel industry. If you are operating at the appropriate standards and following the required animal welfare guidelines set out, then you would have absolutely no problem with allowing activists or investigations into your property. The ag-gag laws are a way to protect the agriculture industry from having to meet these guidelines and to protect them from being exposed. In almost every undercover investigation that has been made public, there were several instances of animals being kicked, choked, punched, thrown, and treated like nothing more than a piece of trash. None of this complies with regulations set out for the industry, hence the ag-gag laws.
So far, ag-gag laws have been struck down in Iowa, Utah, and Idaho and are being challenged in North Carolina and Arkansas. I'll say this again, if you have nothing to hide then stop hiding behind the ag-gag laws. If you are scared of being investigated, it's time to monitor your fucking establishment to ensure that these atrocities aren't happening. These animals live shit lives as it is without having to deal with physical abuse outside of being slaughtered. It's time to end the ag-gag laws once and for all! HAPPY VEG The Trump administration is facing yet another lawsuit after the US Fish and Wildlife Services authorized the killing of 72 grizzly bears to accommodate livestock grazing. The Center for Biological Diversity along with advocacy group Sierra Club filed their intent to sue leaving the Trump administration with 60 days to respond to the notice. The lawsuit argues that the Fish and Wildlife Services isn't giving the livestock industry any steps to take to prevent grizzly bear interactions with livestock and instead is placing the blame on grizzly bears. Once again, the feds are resorting to slaughter of innocent, wild animals as opposed to looking at solutions that benefit both the livestock industry and the wild grizzlies.
The livestock industry is being given far too many luxuries considering the negative impact they are having on the planet. The industry continues to grow which means more land will continue to be taken from wild animals. This will lead to increased wild animal conflict which as made evident by this post, will mean more slaughter to wild animals. The industry pumps out astronomical amounts of environmental killing greenhouse gases and pollution contributing heavily to climate changes on our planet and eyt the government continues to protect them at all costs.
Killing off grizzly bears is simply another example of the government's lack of real solutions when it comes to protecting our endangered wildlife. Instead, they make it abundantly clear that the money generated from the livestock industry is more valuable than the existence of wild animals. If it's not grizzly bears, it's endangered wolves, or endangered elephants etc., the livestock industry is continuing to be responsible for the demise of our ecosystems and the wildlife that inhabit our planet along with us. It's time to stop protecting the livestock industry and focusing on preventing further endangerment to wild animals already facing an uncertain future. It's sickening how easy it is to decide to slaughter these bears versus looking to the livestock industry to do more to prevent future conflicts. I look forward to updating this story, hopefully with good news that the bears' lives will be spared. HAPPY VEG Advocacy group Friends of Animals is calling on New York to officially ban trophy hunting imports as the largest port of entry in the United States for these imports. “The only difference between ‘illegal’ poachers and trophy hunters with permits is wealth and political connections,” President of Friends of Animals Priscilla Feral, said in a statement. “It is time for New York to end an industry that is contributing to the rapid decline of Africa’s most persecuted and beloved species.”
Between 2005 and 2014, nearly 160, 000 trophies were imported through New York. Among these trophies, 1541 were lion parts, 1130 were elephant related, over 1000 leopard related imports, and over 100 rhino related products. All of these animals are endangered or facing endangerment in the wild. Often hiding behind the guise of conservation, trophy hunters argue that the money they pay for these hunts is funnelled into actual Conservation efforts. Unsurprisingly, this couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, studies show that less than 3% of the money supposedly going towards conservation actually ends up allocated to African conservation efforts further proving that trophy hunting is contributing to the extinction of Africa's most recognized and vulnerable animals.
Whether it's the United States, Canada, or any other nation around the world, if our country is allowing these trophies in, we are directly responsible for the continued decline of these majestic species. There needs to be a ban on trophy hunting across the globe, enough is enough. There needs to be bans on imports, bans on participation, and a complete halt on issuing of permits for trophy hunts. While some have argued that banning trophy hunting would actually hurt these animals, I find that to be wholly incorrect. If we stopped allowing people to legally shoot endangered animals, we could focus our efforts wholly on illegal poaching. We need to send a strong message that these parts are not valuable and that there is no market for these things. We need to take a stand and stop pandering to wealthy hunters who want to end the lives of endangered animals for their own satisfaction. I truly hope New York adopts this ban on trophy hunting imports and that it has a trickling effect on other states / countries. We are facing the largest human caused mass extinction ever witnessed and if we don't start taking reasonable steps to end our contribution to their decline, we will see the end of elephants, rhinos, lions, and other recognizable and well loved African animals. HAPPY VEG The horrendous annual seal hunt in Canada is roughly a month away but don't expect Switzerland to happily participate. Switzerland has continued with a full ban on the import of seal products from Canada, enacted in 2017 with only a few minor exceptions. Switzerland joins other countries such as the United States, Russia, and Taiwan in restricting the imports of seal products from Canadian seal hunters.
We've all seen the images that have been shared of the horrors of the annual seal hunt. Snow stained red with blood splatter, seals fleeing as they're followed by men with pickaxes trying to get close enough to pop them in the skull, carcasses scattered across snowy landscapes, etc., it's a horrific sight to see and one that is losing its popularity as the years go on. In fact, last year's hunt generated 33 million less dollars than in 2006 which was the peak of the hunt signalling a drop in interest and participation.
Considering our planet is in the midst of a mass extinction, it's astonishing to me that events that focus on killing animals are still taking place. Humans are already responsible for the perils that many of the planet's endangered species face through habitat loss, human / animal conflict, and climate change, so continuing to allow things like the seal hunt or trophy hunting are even more despicable knowing what the current state of the animal kingdom is. It's absolutely disgusting to think that there are people out there who look forward to such a barbaric event such as this one. One can only hope that with continued outrage, a continued drop in participation, and more bans from other countries who want nothing to do with this brutal event, will see the annual hunt abolished once and for all sparing tens of thousands of seals an untimely and horrific death. HAPPY VEG Foie gras advocates have lost yet another round of challenges to the foie gras ban after the Supreme Court upheld the current ban as constitutional. The foie gras industry has continued to challenge the ban since its inception, labelling it as unfair and unconstitutional to no avail. This would be the second time the foie gras industry tried to challenge the ban since it came into full effect in 2012.
Foie gras advocates argue up and down that because geese have no gag reflexes, they feel no pain when having these tubes rammed down their throats. Unfortunately, the videos suggest an entirely different situation, one that is undeniably difficult to watch. Perhaps the geese don't feel the pain of having the tube in their throats, but they undoubtedly suffer emotional and mental distress when being tugged around aggressively and held in place while being force fed. I would also assume that as their livers begin to bloat, they would likely become uncomfortable and suffer ill effects of their diseased livers. I can also assume pretty confidently that when their time to be slaughtered comes around, they feel nervousness and fear as they are rounded up to be killed.
There is no argument for foie gras. It's nothing more than a novelty product, one that no one can argue its necessity to our survival in any way, shape, or form. Unfortunately for the foie gras industry, people around the world have recognized foie gras as cruel and a product that they would likely not buy because of the method of preparation. In fact, foie gras is banned in various countries and states across the world for this very reason. There is no justification for what is done to these birds despite the pleas from the foie gras industry. For now, foie gras remains banned in California and here's to hoping it stays that way! HAPPY VEG California Governor Gavin Newsom has allocated 50 million dollars to putting an end to shelter pet euthanasia after admitting that the roughly 100, 000 animals euthanized every year in shelters is unacceptable. If approved, this 50 million dollars will help shelters across California with the burden of euthanizing animals under the current standards. Knowing that over 100, 000 animals every year are euthanized, most of them being in perfectly good health, motivated the governor to propose the funds to help shelters accommodate animals as opposed to euthanizing them. This money will help shelters;
Information taken directly from World Animal News Animals in shelters are at risk of euthanization in part due to continued purchasing of animals through other avenues like breeders, pet shops, and other means. When someone purchases an animal, they are unknowingly promoting the euthanization of an animal in a shelter who is hoping and praying for a second chance. By supporting puppy mills, breeders, and pet shops, you are contributing to the deaths of animals in shelters due to overcrowding. It's a horrendous cycle that continues because of people's desire to own animals of a specific breed rather than owning an animal for the right reasons like companionship, love, and friendship.
What we must always remember is that these shelter animals once had a home. They once had love, a family, friends, and then ultimately lost it all and ended up in a shelter feeling lost and alone. These animals often feel scared, confused, and unsure of their futures which is why rescuing an animal from a shelter is so much more rewarding than one can even imagine. You are not only saving an animal from death, you are giving them a second chance, one that they deserve more than anything else. I truly hope this planned funding of shelters is approved and we see a serious drop in euthanizations in California. My other hope is that other states and countries witness the success of this initiative and also decide to allocate funds to save shelter animals. Healthy animals don't deserve to die, they deserve love and that's why this money is such a big deal. Always remember, adopt a family member and never shop for one. HAPPY VEG It's been 14 days since 2020 began and Kruger National Park in South Africa has seen 7 arrests for suspected rhino poaching. Although this is unwelcome news considering rhinos are in serious danger of going extinct, it's also an example of how tirelessly those protecting these animals work to have made these arrests and save rhino lives. The arrests were made in clusters within the first 9 days of 2020 signalling a continued necessity for protecting the park and its animals. To think that in just over a week, 7 people thought it wise to enter a protected park and attempt to slaughter rhinos for their horns without fear of repercussions is an angering thought to say the least. This continued effort is necessary if the rhinos will continue to exist on our planet.
I've said this many times before through various posts but we need the entire planet's help in protecting endangered species. We must eliminate every situation that could allow these endangered animals to inch closer to extinction. We can't allow trophy hunting of endangered species while also allowing conservationists to work tirelessly to protect these animals. Our hypocrisy and slow actions are costing these species' their existence. There's always more that can be done but it starts with our government's taking initiative and banning these activities that work against true conservation otherwise all of the hard work these anti-poaching units do is in vain. All of the work activists do everyday to bring awareness to the plight of endangered species is in vain. We need action and we need it now.
Big congratulations to all of the people responsible for working everyday to protect these beautiful animals. I simply hope that more continues to be done to ensure a future for these species. HAPPY VEG The Center for Biological Diversity has issued a formal intent to sue the California Pesticide Regulators for failing to protect California's native species from highly toxic rat poisons. More than 70% of California's wild animals tested positive for these toxic rat poisons including 86% of the mountain lion population and 87% of the endangered kit foxes. Five years ago, these rat poisons were prohibited from being sold to the general public but now the Center for Biological Diversity is suing to extend those prohibitions to licenced pest control companies and agricultural organizations. These highly toxic poisons lead to an agonizingly slow and painful death for California's native wildlife. Considering we are talking about 11 different endangered species, it's imperative that the California Pesticide Regulators prohibit these poisons across the board to prevent further deaths to endangered species in the area.
With the current state of animal welfare in the world and the mass extinction being reported, we should be doing everything in our power to prevent death to undeserving animals. It's up to us to make ethical, educated choices that work in harmony with nature and the animals that also inhabit these spaces. Simple things like banning rat poisons are a no brainer and should be addressed immediately. We might not be able to tackle climate change or habitat loss overnight, but something like this?
Ban the rat poisons and stop playing around. Save the endangered animals from unnecessary death. It's really quite simple. HAPPY VEG International Wildlife Charity, The Born Free Foundation, is continuing its work on lion conservation amidst the knowledge that the lion population in Africa has dwindled by 97% in the past century. Although a century is a long time to consider, there is no denying that these statistics are damning and lions are facing imminent danger of going extinct by the year 2031. Lions are extinct in 26 African countries with remaining numbers now sitting at approximately 20, 000. To put things into perspective, there are roughly 1.2 billion people in Africa and 20, 000 lions indicating that the species is wildly outnumbered. Although the foundation continues to make strides in increasing the conservation area, bolstering lion populations, and replenishing ecosystems to allow more species to flourish, there is significant work to be done to ensure the future of the lions in Africa.
The moral of this story here is that humans are pushing millions of species further and further towards extinction. If it isn't lions, it's giraffes or rhinos, Africa's immense and diverse wildlife population is dying so we must continue efforts to better protect them. As I said, tackle the things that we can tackle right off the bat, starting with trophy hunting and working towards increasing the designated conservation areas allowing for more room for the lion population to roam and increase.
I applaud the efforts of groups like Born Free Foundation who are working tirelessly to protect lions and other African wildlife. I truly hope we start to hear good news coming from Africa regarding its wildlife. I will update as more information becomes available. Read the full story from World Animal News by visiting the link at the top of the page. HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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