A top lawyer in Pittsburg Pennsylvania has been arrested and charged with 10 counts of sexual intercourse with an animal and possessing drugs. He was arrested after a neighbour reported hearing what sounded like sexual noises coming from his residence. The neighbour kept records of the times that they heard these noises, building a case against the man until he was ultimately arrested. The dog was reportedly injured from the advances and is currently safe and being treated by a veterinarian. I think the most twisted part of this story is that the man volunteered in 2014 as a dog walker for several months. Knowing what we know now, it's likely he had his own ambitions when volunteering and his intentions included getting close to dogs. It's so incredibly disturbing to think that he was likely getting sexual enjoyment out of his volunteering opportunity.
Someone who could do this to an animal is not mentally well. They quite obviously have desires that are outside of the norm and it scares me to think that they have access to animals in any way, shape, or form. It scares me to think that people like the man in this story are walking amongst us, unnoticed, and scoping out animals in a sexual manner.
Thank goodness for the neighbours who reported this scumbag and I am holding out hope that his dog will be just fine. The proof is in the pudding here, this shit is happening everywhere as made evident by this story, and without our laws being updated, there is potential for this sort of lewd act to go unpunished. That's not a Canada I want to live in so I will continue to draw attention to our poor animal cruelty laws with hopes that I will attract the attention of the RIGHT person who also realizes how disgusting and wrong this is. This man will likely spend some time in prison as he should, but I can't help but think about all of the animals who are being exploited with no hope of being saved. HAPPY VEG
This article really spoke to me because I am currently dealing with my own moral struggle when it comes to animals. Before I go into that, let's chat a little about the piece written by Michael Brooks for the Guardian. It's becoming increasingly evident with studies upon studies to back it up, that animals are sentient. They feel pain, joy, and fear, recognize faces and learn commands, and most assuredly feel distress. Farm animals are often overlooked when it comes to intelligence or sentience, but the facts are piling up in support of the very opposite of this. Cows are reputably loving and form bonds with friends, nurture other calves, and enjoy music. Chickens can become distressed and feel distress / empathy for others. Octopuses are extremely intelligent as evidence has shown that they can build their own homes, hunt in new ways depending on environment, and allude attack. In the article, one of the researchers studying consciousness said she was unable to eat the animals she had studied. Meaning, her discoveries swayed her from further consuming them. She also stated she would never study cows and one can assume, her desire to continue enjoying beef is likely the reason for this.
At the end of the story, the writer says that everyone SHOULD care about animals but that there were doubts that we ever would. HERE'S WHAT I THINK AND WHY THIS HITS HOME TO ME. . . I am a proud Vegetarian of 17 years. There's very few things that have left me feeling as accomplished as my compassion for animals. I absolutely love them and intend to devote my life to them. Now, as I said, I am a Vegetarian which means I still consume dairy / eggs. Dairy and eggs that have come from factory farmed animals, all of which have been tortured, abused, and exploited. I have chosen to ignore the truth about these products because of what I can only call, selfishness. I made the choice to give up meat and still to this day, the sight of it raw repulses me. I can appreciate the beauty of a gorgeous plate that may contain a perfectly cooked piece of meat, but that's the foodie in me and in no way do I approve of the meat itself. And yet, 17 years has gone by, I've taken up a job working within a Vegan business, I've seen countless videos exposing the gruesome truths about the dairy / egg industries, and I petition for animals everyday. Where does this leave me? Am I really choosing to ignore the inconvenient truth behind dairy farming? Am I really turning my back on the same animals I claim to fight for?
Also, my being a Vegetarian does not negate all of the hard work I have put into helping animal's voices be heard. It doesn't negate all of the stories I've shared, petitions I've signed, videos I've filmed, and social media shares. What it does suggest however, is that the writer of this article is pretty accurate in his assumption. We are deliberately ignoring the truth behind animal suffering.
I am choosing to ignore an inconvenient truth about animal suffering. People who eat meat, often times choose not to learn more about where there meat comes from. They couldn't tell you a thing about animal sentience and some have even lashed out at the thought of caring about animals. The reality is, they're being incredibly selfish. Are there different degrees of being selfish? Sure, but at the end of the day, it's all the same. What are your thoughts? Despite the rise in Vegan and Vegetarian lifestyles, do you foresee the world coming around or will things continue down the path they're currently on? HAPPY VEG UK animal protection organization Animal Equality in participation with the television show Salvados recently exposed what they deemed to be some of the worst animal cruelty they had ever witnessed at a farm that supplies El Pozo products throughout the UK. The undercover expose was broadcast on Spanish television with Animal Equality urging the UK to drop El Pozo products in favour of plant based alternatives. What we see in video is several pigs with horrible ailments like hernias, growths, and ulcers covered in infection and fleas. They witnessed pigs in pens with other dead pigs, pigs that were so starved they were eating one another, and pigs that were so ill they could no longer stand. It was abundantly evident that these animals lacked any veterinary care whatsoever and their condition was in violation of the law in regards to animal cruelty.
I truly hope the shock of viewing this undercover video on Spanish television with encourage a boycott of El Pozo products. I hope that it inspires people to consider going meat free or adopting a more plant based lifestyle. I hope that this sends shockwaves throughout the farming industry and that they consider their own operations.
Lastly, I hope this farm gets slapped with endless fines and charges for what they've done. Pigs are one of the smartest animals on the planet, keeping them in this condition is absolutely despicable. They suffered immensely likely will continue to do so unless this expose brings upon corrective action. Factory farming is the worst. It destroys the planet, tortures innocent animals, and gives no effs about their animals whatsoever. It's time for the world to wake up to the atrocities of the factory farming industry and turn their backs on it. One undercover video at a time, the world will come to terms with what they are contributing to. HAPPY VEG A UN committee is reportedly pushing a ban on children's involvement with bullfighting in Spain. Insisting that bullfighting was not considerably suitable for children, they suggested restricting minors from attending bullfighting school or being spectators at bullfighting events. Children over the age of 14 are currently allowed to learn some aspects of bullfighting through bullfighting schools and can attend the events as well. Now, before I go into the main reasons why this is not appropriate for children, let me address bullfighting. Tradition or not, it is literally a blood sport that lures, aggravates, tortures, and eventually kills bulls in captivity. There is no more sickening thing to think of than watching an animal being goated into danger and harmed. Bulls suffer immensely during these fights and it is so disturbing to think that anyone would pay money to watch that sort of thing. It's a very sadomasochistic sort of thing to me, enjoying watching pain being inflicted on another living creature, just weird and gross. Children are super susceptible to influence and this sort of unnecessary violence is not something any child needs to witness or learn. What they see is their own dominance over a big, strong beast. They see animals as lesser beings, things that can be manipulated and utilized at will. They see entertainment in animals, degrading them to nothing more than props. They see people hurting animals and loud cheers as a response, painting a picture of what is acceptable behaviour. All of these things are very wrong.
What are your thoughts? Is the UN on the right track with banning children from bullfighting? Will Spain agree to these restrictions or continue to promote their tradition? I want to hear from you guys!
HAPPY VEG Polar bears are going to go extinct much faster than originally thought with their habitat suffering at the hands of climate change. The arctic is warming at twice the global rate causing sea ice to melt away which ultimately disrupts the polar bears lives. Not only are they losing their habitat, but they are having to fight harder to find food to sustain them. Scientists have recently discovered that polar bears expend a significant amount of energy looking for food meaning their metabolisms were much higher than anticipated. This, with the fact that these poor animals are having to travel further to find food, is leading to the species facing extinction. We all saw that very sad video late last year of the starving polar bear, struggling to walk, likely taking its last steps. The reality here is, that sort of thing is going to become much more commonplace. It's a sad reality and without more being done to combat climate change, there is a strong possibility polar bears won't be around as long as originally thought. With President Trump pulling out of the climate agreement and turning his back on conservation and climate protection, the fate of the polar bears is grim. The facts speak for themselves, the ice IS melting away, polar bears ARE struggling to find sustenance, and global warming IS happening. Without the support of the President, climate change will continue to affect the polar bears' habitat until it is too late. Check out the original story at the above link. Sadly, starving polar bears are going to be popping up all over social media. They will continue to wander into settlements getting into trouble with humans as they desperately search for food, and they will most definitely continue to struggle for their existence.
We can only hope climate change is addressed before we see the extinction of the polar bear. HAPPY VEG Veganism is most definitely hard to deny. It's becoming quickly more mainstream as we all learn more and educate ourselves on what exactly we support / put into our bodies. In fact, a recent study in the U.S. reported a 600% increase in the amount of people who identified as plant based between 2014 and 2017. I could go on and on about the importance of going vegetarian / vegan, it's something I've supported for 17 years, and learned so very much about during that time. Interestingly, the article (link above) was in reference to plant based diets for pets. We've all seen the videos of dogs adorably enjoying their fruits and veggies, even some cats enjoying the odd fruit / veg, but is this safe / acceptable? As I read the article, there were some interesting facts that I'll share;
Ultimately, the decision to put your pet on a plant based diet is not one to take lightly. Without a veterinarians supervision, you could be harming your pet in order to save other animals and that just seems silly to me. Don't take the chance with home meal plans or plant based meal plans available online, there's likelihood of your pet lacking essential nutrients.
I want to hear from you guys? Do you have pet (s) on plant based diets? Did you utilize your Veterinarians help? HAPPY VEG pets.webmd.com/features/vegetarian-diet-dogs-cats#1 vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2016/07/vegan-dogs-a-healthy-lifestyle-or-going-against-nature/ |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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