Hawaii became the first US State to ban shark fishing in state waters with the bill coming in to effect January 1st, 2022. The bill makes it illegal to knowingly entangle, capture, or kill any shark within state waters and is applicable to all shark species that inhabit state waters. This monumental bill is aimed at protecting sharks and ending the shark fin industry that is decimating shark populations across the globe.
Knowingly capturing, entangling, or killing a shark is now a misdemeanor that comes with some pretty steep penalties.
One can only hope that this is the beginning of the end for shark fishing. While it is nearly impossible to know exactly how many sharks remain in our oceans, what we do know is that nothing lasts forever. At the rate in which sharks are killed annually, who's to say we haven't already caused irreversible damage to their population? All of this on top of the fact that our oceans continue to suffer from pollution and the effects of climate change, sharks are fighting an uphill battle. Hawaii has set the bar for the rest of the United States / our planet and we need to step up our game. There's no necessity in killing sharks, especially if it's for their fins. Let's get shark fishing banned across the globe! HAPPY VEG
Senate Bill 32 was introduced last week and aims to protect bobcats, mountain lions, and Canadian Lynx from being shot and killed for hunting "trophies". The bill would ban the hunting of big cats within the state, recognizing their significance and the role they play in a healthy ecosystem. Despite nearly 72% of Colorado citizens being opposed to the hunting of big cats for trophies, there are hundreds of them slaughtered for sport every year.
Extending the protections to the Canadian Lynx if it loses ESA status is one of my favourite parts of this bill because it recognizes the importance of the Canadian Lynx and their survival. However, within the bill there were exemptions that included shooting and killing an injured animal, protecting a civilian, or killing them to protect livestock. Y'all know how I feel about killing wild predators to protect livestock right? It's time to beef up the barriers so that there's no chance of a livestock conflict instead of allowing them to be shot and killed for their natural predatory ways. Livestock are easy targets, especially considering their confinement, so I'd think it would be more reasonable to look at ways to beef up security rather than to permit their slaughter for getting too close / killing livestock. Regardless, Senate Bill 32 must pass in order to stop the needless killing of Colorado's diverse big cat population. I will update the story as more information becomes available. HAPPY VEGworldanimalnews.com/victory-a-ban-on-barbaric-cockfighting-has-been-extended-to-all-u-s-territories/ The United States Court of Appeals has upheld a ban on the barbaric sport of cockfighting after siding with the United States Congress in extending the ban to all states / territories. This is a major win for birds in places across the United States where this disgusting activity was continuing to take place. Even with years of effort, cockfighting is still taking place despite bans, fines, and convictions so this ruling will hopefully put an end to a sport that quite literally exploits animals to death.
The fight to keep "traditions" is nothing new. Horse-drawn carriages, bull fighting, the rodeo, the circus, cockfighting, etc., are all fought for on behalf of traditions despite the blatant exploitation, cruelty, and in some cases, danger animals are subjected to. Fighting for something because it is a tradition without recognizing that you are actually fighting for animal cruelty is so disassociated with reality. It's unbelievable to me that in this day and age, anyone would be willing to fight for their "right" to watch animals fight to the death or be gored repeatedly until they drop dead in front of a cheering audience. These "traditions" perpetuate needless suffering and cruelty all for human enrichment which is why it's time to recognize that just because they're traditions doesn't mean that they must continue. Any sport or activity the profits off of the suffering or death of animals simply has no place in our society any longer. The attitude towards these sorts of activities has shifted greatly in even the last 20 years, with animal activism continuing to pick up steam across the globe. The circus is being banned in various cities / countries around the world; fur is being banned in major fashion labels and fur farming is being banned in places where it was once quite prominent. Torturing animals for own ambitions is not acceptable, traditions or not. We must collectively realize our errors and our mistakes with animals and bury some of these awful traditions in our history. It's possible to move forward without watching animals fight to their death, believe me. I'm incredibly grateful to the United States for maintaining a ban on this despicable sport. However, they need to get a move on with relisting gray wolves. HAPPY VEG20 wolves that made the mistake of wandering outside of their protected area in Yellowstone national Park have been killed by hunters in recent months, sparking outrage at the senseless killings. The killings decimated the Phantom Lake Pack which is now considered eliminated by the park. These killings demonstrate a continued lack of compassion and empathy towards gray wolves and suggest that extinction really isn't far off if we do not relist gray wolves under the Endangered Species Act.
When you consider just how quickly some of these state's eagerly slaughtered wolves, we have to understand that it's going to take a change in our mentality if we are going to save wolves. They can be relisted over and over again but if we're simply waiting for the moment they're delisted to go and slaughter them by the hundreds, we will never rehabilitate the species. Gray wolves are under constant threat and as this story proves, are not safe outside of their protected habitat. Hunters are waiting around every corner for the moment a wolf steps off of their protected land so that they can end their lives. Sickening as it may be, it's factual and we need to address this. Obviously, the Biden administration must take the first step and relist gray wolves immediately. Without ESA protections, they are incredibly vulnerable to extinction. Secondly, there needs to be increased habitat that is designated as protected for wolves. Lastly, there needs to be some serious educating about wolves and their importance to a healthy ecosystem. Humanity needs to be reeducated and relearn how to be compassionate towards the struggles of a species that is in peril of going extinct. If we do not address how these states view wolves, they will never be safe and will always be in danger of extinction. Head to the link at the top of this post for the original story from World Animal News. They share links to contact President Biden, The U.S. Secretary of Interior, and information about the #RelistWolves campaign. HAPPY VEGA pack of 9 wolves escaped their enclosure at a French zoo, forcing its closure temporarily to address security concerns. According to reports, there were very few patrons at the zoo during the escape but unfortunately, four out of the nine wolves had to be killed after displaying "aggressive behaviour". The remaining five wolves were brought back to their enclosure without incident. The wolves had only just been brought to the zoo so to have escaped so quickly, it's quite apparent the zoo needs to address lackluster security. This is the second time the zoo was forced to close; the first time was in regards to animal welfare concerns that were dropped soon after. There's a Bigger Picture Here!
As these stories demonstrate, zoos are simply not safe for animals if we are going to allow humans to come in to contact with them. Zoos make claims that the animals they have on the premises are there for educational purposes, but children can just as easily read about them in books like the National Geographic for example. The educational aspect of housing these animals is kind of lost when they're constantly escaping or being shot and killed in order to protect patrons of the zoo. It's time to accept that zoos are simply unsafe for animals and should only be utilized for conservation. There's no reason that an endangered tiger or pack of wolves should be euthanized in a space they should be protected. It's ridiculous. The only reason a zoo should have animals is because they are working with conservation organizations across the globe. If they're not helping to rehabilitate or repopulate a species, there's really no reason for them to have animals. These animals would be significantly better off at sanctuaries that are designed to keep them comfortable and safe for the rest of their lives if that were to be the intention. I believe that there are some accredited zoos that care deeply for the animals that they have on their premises, but I also believe that those same zoos profit heavily off of having these animals so it's a bit contradictory in my opinion. When you consider the many instances of animals escaping and being killed, it's abundantly clear that zoos need to step up their security if they're going to truly keep animals safe. I also believe it's time to put a ban on taking in more animals / breeding animals unless it is directly attributed to conservation. Zoos have the ability to help rehabilitate and aid in species conservation and should be only tasked with doing so. Allowing zoos to continue to profit off of animals in enclosures continues to put them in danger because humans are so unpredictable and without amped up security, will continue taunting animals, falling in their enclosures, and being attacked. These animals will continue to be unsafe until serious changes are made to prevent ANY instance of human endangerment that should result in the death of an animal. Head to the link at the top of the post for the original story. What are your thoughts? Should we ban zoos from obtaining animals unless they are dong so for conservation? HAPPY VEGAs we all know, Betty White passed away at the age of 99 on December 31st and much like the rest of the world, I felt an incredible sadness. In my mind, this was a woman who defied all odds and continued to entertain, never letting age be a factor. I seriously believed that betty White (and Cher) were going to outlive us all. Her death was extremely sad but it brought to light her incredible passion for animals and her decades long work with accredited zoos and welfare organizations. This was a woman who spent her entire career advocating for the well-being of animals. Thus, the #BettyWhiteChallenge came to be.
So, I'm challenging all of you to do the same. On January 17th, I want to see you guys make a $5.00 donation to an animal charity that's close to your heart. Whether it's your local humane society or perhaps a farm sanctuary in the area, take this opportunity to show them a little love with a small donation in Betty White's name. Will you be donating? HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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