Marineland continues to be a source of controversy as it operates despite repeated calls for the park to end its orca / dolphin captivity. The park has faced numerous lawsuits regarding its dolphin shows and in fact, they are currently in court fighting charges regarding a supposed dolphin show during the long weekend back in May. The park repeatedly states that the shows are educational rather than entertainment, exposing loopholes in Ontario's weak and battered animal welfare system that continue to fail animals in favour of profiting off of them.
Marineland continuing to operate with little persecution brings to light how broken and ineffective Ontario's animal welfare laws are. In fact, Ontario is reported to have the weakest animal welfare standards in the entire country which doesn't say much as Canada repeatedly falls short on welfare issues. Ontario leaves the handling of exotic animals up to individual municipalities which makes it very easy to slip between the cracks. Marineland is the perfect example; despite being in an ongoing lawsuit over repeated instances of reported animal welfare issues, they continue to operate and flourish. There's no cease in operations while investigations occur, pandering to the park and their profits over the possible suffering of some of the most intelligent creature son our planet. It's sickening when you think about all of the instances we've reported of wild dolphins helping to rescue humans, small animals, and other predated sea creatures in the wild and all we can do to repay them is throw them in bathtubs and force them to do tricks for crowds of people. These creatures are incredibly smart, social, belong only in oceans where they can thrive. It is completely immoral to have these beautiful mammals in cages. It is completely immoral to have these beautiful mammals performing tricks for crowds of patrons. It is blatant exploitation for profits and blatant animal cruelty to keep dolphins in bathtubs when their natural habitat is the entire ocean. It is undeniable that orcas & dolphins belong in the ocean. It is undeniable that keeping them in bathtub sized enclosures is animal cruelty. Why is that our province hasn't recognized the perils? Why are our animal welfare laws so confusing and easy to work around? There is so much work to do in Ontario when it comes to animal welfare but what we can do is urge companies like Groupon to stop selling tickets to these establishments. We can continue to speak out against Marineland and continue to expose the blatant animal cruelty. We musn't give up because dolphins & orcas are counting on us to continue this fight. Head to the link at the top of this post for the original story. HAPPY VEG
A boat carrying 16, 000 sheep capsized & sank at the Suakin Pier in Sudan prior to leaving for Saudi Arabia the following morning. The tragedy occurred but two days before the Ban Live Exports: International Awareness Day, which marks the anniversary of a similar incident that saw 13, 000 sheep perish on a journey from Romania to Somalia. Sadly, only about 700 sheep were rescued after the boat capsized at the pier, which means that over 15, 000 sheep spent their final moments frantically trying to stay afloat until they ultimately drowned. It's horrific but it won't be the last time if we do not address live exports.
When we look at live exports, there are so many instances of blatant welfare issues that it's astounding that there hasn't been more attention directed to the cruelty involved in these exports. Can you imagine the absolute horror of witnessing tens of thousands of squealing animals drowning before your eyes? It shouldn't happen even once but the fact is, it's happened multiple times. If animals aren't dying from lack of food, water, or clean air, they're dying when the boat they're being transported on capsizes due to being over-populated. The well-being of animals on these journeys is the furthest thing from anyone's minds and that's why it's time to take serious action regarding live exports. The only way to prevent these tragedies is to put an end to live animal exports. As I stated, animals on these journeys are subjected to unimaginable cruelty that puts their lives in danger the minute they are put on these boats. Lack of access to food and water, lack of mobility, pollution, heat exhaustion, and the possibility of capsizing put these animals in grave danger in order to feed humans. It's despicable and it's evident that these journeys are not safe. This will not be the last tragedy involving tens of thousands of animals drowning if live exports are not banned. We must do better for animals. Follow the link at the top of this post to the original story from World Animal news where they've shared a petition urging the UK government to take action and ban live animal exports. We must act now and stop allowing these horrific events to continue to unfold. HAPPY VEGThe Big Cat Public Safety Act is inching closer towards becoming a law in the United States after the U.S. House of Representatives Committee On Natural Resources voted in favour of the law 25-17. Now, the bill heads to the U.S. House for a vote after once making it to the Senate, but dying in the 116th Congress. This law would mean a serious upgrade in the protection of big cats throughout the United States and is a crucial step in bettering welfare standards.
BIG CATS AS PETSThere are so many reasons why keeping any species of big cat as a pet is immoral, exploitative, and cruel. It all starts with how these animals are obtained; filthy, exploitative breeding operations, roadside zoos that allowed the constant mistreatment of cubs, or plucked from the wild at a time when they desperately need their mothers. However they're obtained, it's likely rooted in cruelty. Their entire lives are completely unnatural to them. They lack even a fraction of the space they would need to truly thrive had they been in the wild. Their diets are completely unnatural as well and they're denied instinctual things like hunting, socializing, and forming bonds with other big cats from their broods. Keeping a big cat as a pet is unethical and puts both the owner and the big cat in jeopardy of an accident. You cannot tame a big cat and there are always risks attached to trying to do so, further proving that the only places these big cats belong is in sanctuaries or the wild. BIG CATS IN ROADSIDE ZOOS / CIRCUS'There is nothing moral about how these establishments acquire baby cats, much the same as those who acquire them as pets. They come from the same horrifying beginnings of either being ripped from the wild or bred for profits. Baby cubs in roadside zoos are passed around to tourists for shameless photographs, terrifying them. Once the babies become too large and unmanageable, they are then sent to unaccredited zoos, trophy hunting organizations, or as pets where they'll spend the rest of their miserable lives in forced captivity. The horrors of the circus are well known and we've seen many countries around the world banning the use of wild animals in performances. It's widely accepted that animals in the circus are forced to perform, usually taunted, starved, or prodded until they are submissive. It's needless exploitation for human entertainment and it's animal cruelty 100%. The only place big cats belong are in sanctuaries or in the wild. The only time big cats should be bred is to rehabilitate the species and aid in their chance of survival. They do not belong captive in any other instance, especially if it's for human entertainment. With the plethora of options available to us locally and outside of our respective homes, visiting unaccredited roadside zoos to see tormented baby animals, or circus' that force animals to perform frightening tricks seems nothing short of absurdity. It's time to end big cat exploitation in the United States. Profiting off of the exploitation of endangered animals is frightening behaviour. The Big Cat Public Safety Act must become law! Learn more through the link at the top of this post from World Animal News. HAPPY VEGA week ago, I posted about 2 very important animal welfare bills that were headed to New York Governor Kathy Hochul's desk for final approval. One of those bills was a ban on pet stores selling pets that came from breeding facilities, a bill aimed at tackling puppy mills and cruel breeding facilities. With the possibility of a ban looming, New York pet stores are claiming they fear that their businesses will have to close as a result of the loss in sales and strong competition from chain stores like Pet Smart or Amazon.
ADOPT DON'T SHOPOne of the biggest problems with pet stores selling baby animals is that they tend to lure new pet owners away from desperate shelter animals. We can't deny the allure of a baby animal, and often times, babies are hard to come by in shelters which is why pet stores selling animals are so successful. Consumers rarely consider where those babies came from and shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars for puppies, when cats, dogs, and other small animals sit in shelters waiting for their chance. For every animal purchased from a pet store or a breeder, an innocent animal is euthanized to clear space for more rescues. You might not be getting puppies from abusive puppy mills but your puppies are killing shelter animals. This is one fact that pet store owners have not accepted and instead, are only looking at how the ban will affect their profits. Reshaping the business model seems astronomical, but if I was in that position, I'd already be reaching out to my local shelters and offering to house pets and help rehome them, much the same way I would have been sourcing puppies to sell. Given that shelters are often overflowing with animals, pet stores shouldn't have any issues sourcing cats, dogs, or other small animals that are in need of homes. A coalition between pet stores and shelters is even a possibility if those involved put their heads together and figure out how to make it work for all parties. Ultimately, the defense of losing business is lacking in substance when there are other options, especially options that would help to free up shelters. The bill is currently being reviewed by the Governor's office and we should know a decision soon. I will update you guys when a decision is made on the ban. HAPPY The New Zealand Government is being taken to court over whether or not the rodeo is abusive to animals. Despite originating in the United States, New Zealand has participated in rodeo style events since the 1960's and these events have come under scrutiny in recent years. Now, SAFE & the New Zealand Animal Law Association will take the government to court in hopes of ending the rodeo and recognizing it as animal cruelty. It's going to be a messy fight but one that will hopefully see the rodeo put to an end. Let's break down some of the reasons why the rodeo is a tradition that is rooted in blatant animal cruelty.
CALF ROPINGThis one sickens me to my core and rodeo participants who argue in defense of calf roping are not considering the calves or their well-being when fighting in defense of the rodeo. Calves are released and chased down by humans on horses who attempt to lasso them around their necks and rip them to the ground. What's there to argue in defense of? These calves are 100% terrified and fearful for their lives as they flee and you can guarantee that they are emotionally and mentally tormented over these events. Not to mention the possibility of injuries sustained at the hands of being roped or slammed against the ground. To think that people sit around and cheer over a baby animal fleeing for its life and being violently roped and whipped to the ground is sickening.
The arguments in defense of the rodeo are often lacking in real substance. One of the biggest words hurled around is "tradition" but at some point, we have to recognize that tradition is being used as a way to mask animal cruelty. Things that we did 100 years ago don't necessarily hold up today and the rodeo is the perfect example. Circus' that utilized animal performances were once widely acceptable and yet today, they are almost entirely banned, recognizing the suffering of animals. We can't hide behind tradition when animals continue to suffer and those who argue in defense of these events are doing so selfishly, hiding behind tradition as an excuse. The fact is, these events are indefensible and tradition cannot be an excuse or a reason any longer while animals suffer for our entertainment. The rodeo has to go, there is no other option. I believe New Zealand has a better chance of ending the rodeo than the United States or Canada who stubbornly continue to advocate for these events. We must move forward as a civilization, one that recognizes that animals have just as much right to our planet's fortunes as we do. Until we recognize this, there will be no living in unison. We will continue to see animals exploited for our entertainment. We will continue to see animals suffer & tortured in the name of fun and worst of all, we will continue to see animals go extinct at the hands of humanity's lack of empathy & action. HAPPY VEGAfter the ban was initially approved in 2018, the Ivory Trade Ban has finally come in to effect throughout the United Kingdom; a crucial and important step in protecting endangered elephants. The law will see fines of up to 250, 000 pounds or jail terms of up to 5 years for Ivory trade convictions. This much needed law will end loopholes that have plagued the legal ivory trade by allowing the black market to thrive under the radar and will only allow ivory sales under limited exemptions.
TROPHY HUNTINGTrophy hunting continues to play a part in the decimation of elephants. Despite organizers making claims of profits benefitting local communities, it doesn't offset the fact that elephants are in peril and the very last thing we should be doing is allowing rich, perverted people to shoot and kill them for a good time. How can we continue to allow such a travesty when elephants continue to suffer? IVORY POACHINGElephants are regularly poached for their tusks which continue to hold a staggering value on the black market. Tusks are made into novelty items like trinkets, jewelry, and home decor items. Despite overwhelming global support for a total ban on ivory altogether, it continues to be a problem for elephants. With all of the perils elephants legally face in the wild at the hands of our decisions, we must do everything we can to tackle the illegal slaughter of wild elephants. Banning ivory is one of the most important steps an individual country can make in committing to elephant welfare. Ivory belongs on elephants and nowhere else and without global cooperation in banning and disposing of ivory, elephants will continue to be poached by people desperate for financial gain. Congratulations to the United Kingdom for enacting the Ivory Trade Ban and sending out the clear message that poaching elephants for ivory is despicable, unnecessary, and deserving of jail time. My hope is now that other countries who have yet to enact any kind of ivory bans will join the United Kingdom to preserve a future for elephants. HAPPY VEGCRUELTY FREE COSMETICSThe New York Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act is now on track to Governor Kathy Hochul's after a vote in favour of the law passed 143 - 1. The law would ban the sale of cosmetics newly tested on animals, a major milestone in animal welfare as New York is so heavily intertwined with the beauty and fashion industry. As we know, animals used for cosmetics testing are subjected to numerous tests including having products dripped in to their eyes, rubbed all over them to look for irritation, and consumed to determine toxicity. Animals subjected to these tests can suffer welts and untreated lesions, painful skin & eye irritation, and mental / emotional distress. These innocent animals are then discarded like trash once their usefulness runs dry, effectively ending a life of captivity and cruelty. There is no place in our society any longer for cosmetics testing. We're not arguing in defense of life-saving medical treatments, we're talking about beauty products. To think that we are literally torturing animals for beauty products is sickening and wholly unnecessary. Beauty products are not necessities and often times, we've found that animal tests do not correlate with human results indicating that we are essentially torturing animals for absolutely nothing. It's time to ban cosmetics testing in new York! BANNING THE RETAIL SALE OF PETS IN PET STORESThe Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill is also on track to Governor Kathy Hochul's desk and if approved, will effectively end pet stores selling pets that are supplied by puppy, kitten, and bunny mills. As it stands, pet stores in New York are supplied "healthy pets" by these animal mills but as we know through prior investigations, these mills are far from cozy and comfortable for the animals kept there.
The allure of having a specific breed or a young animal is often what draws a consumer to purchasing an animal versus adopting or saving one from a shelter. These mills capitalize on this desire by churning out baby animals constantly and flooding pet stores with sweet, baby animals that are hard to pass up in favour of a rescue. Shelter animals face being euthanized to make space for more rescues while breeding mills continue to flood pet stores. This cycle of cruelty starts the minute animals are born on these facilities and ends with the death of shelter animals. By purchasing animals, you are ending the possibility of a shelter animal once again finding a safe, loving home. Governor Kathy Hochul has the power to end the reliance on breeding mills in New York. The only solution is to sign the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill in to law. Learn more about these stories by visiting the attached links from World Animal News. They also share other links on how you can get involved from wherever you are in the world. HAPPY VEGToronto Based advocacy group World Animal Protection has urged Ontario residents to steer clear of Ontario's roadside zoos this summer. The group is pleading with Ontario residents to make ethical choices when considering family events throughout the summer and to avoid unaccredited establishments or those that are blatantly exploiting exotic animals. As we know, these roadside establishments often slip under the radar, are poorly monitored, and exploit wild / exotic animals for profits at the expense of their well-being.
One could argue that accredited zoos are equally to blame for their exploitation of exotic animals like giraffes or elephants. While one could ask the question about whether exotic animals in captivity is unethical all the way around, there are many differences between accredited, regulated zoos, and those that operate under the radar.
While there will always be arguments against keeping any animal in captivity, there is much to be said about the conditions animals in accredited establishments endure versus those at roadside zoos. With all of this being said, there are a plethora of entertainment opportunities across Ontario and in nearby provinces / US. states that don't utilize animals whatsoever. Theme parks, destination stays, hiking, bird watching, shopping, and water parks. Learning about animals is important if the next generation is going to be responsible for continuing conservation efforts, but learning about them through cruel, roadside establishments is not the way. Think about what we're teaching children by engaging with exotic animals in such a trivial manner. We're teaching them that these animals are nothing more than props used for our entertainment; that their existence on our planet is merely to provide for us. This narrative is what is pushing our planet's most endangered species towards extinction. So please, when choosing your summer family plans, look towards ethical and educational activities that won't perpetuate the suffering of wild animals. HAPPY VEGThe US Fish & Wildlife Services has agreed to a deadline of November 2024 for a decision on issuing Endangered Species protections to giraffes. In April 2017, several advocacy / conservation groups petitioned the USFWS to protect giraffes but they missed the deadline for a decision which resulted in this lawsuit. It is blaringly obvious that without much needed protections, giraffes will continue to plunge towards inevitable extinction.
I think one of the most frustrating aspects of the USFWS and their ability to issue these much needed protections is their often slow and lackluster effort in doing so. If they're not sued in to action, they rarely seem to do anything productive in saving animals. Why will it take another 2 years to even DECIDE if giraffes deserve to be protected? In those two years while we sit on our thumbs, giraffes will continue to be illegally poached, slaughtered for bush meat, and shot legally by trophy hunters. Their habitat will continue to be decimated and their numbers will continue to plunge. Our policies surrounding issuing these protections need to be reevaluated if we're actually going to commit to conservation. Extinction doesn't wait for us to decided if a species deserves to survive. In this case, the facts speak for themselves. Giraffe populations have dropped 40% in 30 years. There are only less than 70, 000 adult giraffes remaining in the wild of all varieties. Two species of giraffe are already critically endangered while 2 other species are now listed as vulnerable to extinction. What more information is needed to make this decision? While we procrastinate, giraffe parts will continue to be imported in to our countries for novelty products and giraffes will continue to die. There isn't time for a two year decision process, the time is now to list giraffes under the ESA and issue them much needed protections that will stave off their extinction. Head to the link at the top of the post for the original story from World Animal News. HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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