A group of brave veterans from the UK, Canada, & the United States, travelled across 3 borders in the war torn country of Ukraine in order to rescue a group of 9 lions that were in danger of dying from starvation. The lions were left behind at the Biopark in Odessa, where supplies of meat were running dangerously low due to the continued war putting the lions in danger of starvation. Not to mention, with missiles raining down, enclosures were susceptible to being destroyed, freeing hungry lions and releasing them in to cities where chaos would undoubtedly ensue.
If you're interested in helping or have the ability to make a donation to a shelter or advocacy group in Ukraine, I've attached a link to a post I did that featured several groups in need of donations. Every little bit helps when it comes to saving animals and the animals of Ukraine are in desperate need of continued support. As I said, every donation helps to keep shelters operating, helps to rescue animals and get them out of warn torn areas, and keeps advocacy groups like this able to continue the life-saving work they're doing to save animals in the country. HAPPY VEG
Conservation groups in Hawaii have filed a lawsuit against the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) for failing to adequately study the whitetip shark population along the coast. In the lawsuit, the groups represented by Earthjustice, claim that the Fisheries Service has continued to allow Pacific longline fishing fleets to operate off the coast despite being required to properly study the whitetip shark population. Whitetip sharks were listed as Endangered in 2018 and it is reported that their population has declined anywhere from 80 - 95% since the late 1990's.
Back in 2018, the NOAA listed fishing as the biggest threat to the survival of the whitetip sharks and shockingly, they've continued to permit fishing fleets without adequately surveying the whitetip population. The NOAA is dragging its feet, procrastinating, and continuing to allow further endangerment to whitetip sharks instead of doing its job and ensuring a future for whitetips. This is an alarming trend with these organizations. As you all know, I report regularly on the failures of the US Fish & Wildlife Services over their continued failure in properly addressing issues that are causing further endangerment to species in peril. These agencies are so slow moving and often need to be sued in order to light a fire under their arses to get anything done. It's ridiculous that the only way to get results is to sue an organization that is supposed to have our planet's best interests at heart. The story of the whitetip sharks is further proof that our planet needs advocacy and continued pressure on these organizations. If we were to leave everything up to them, our planet's most imperiled species would undoubtedly go extinct at the rate that things are currently going. The NOAA must address whitetip shark populations before their inaction causes the extinction of a once abundant species. Learn more through the link at the top of this post. HAPPY VEGAn open letter was sent to congressional leaders in the US by activists & members of the equine industry, urging them to pass the SAFE act and stop allowing horse slaughter. Horses haven't been killed on US soil since 2007 due to efforts to block the operation of horse slaughterhouses, but 10's of thousands of horses are sent abroad every year to be slaughtered in Canada & Mexico. The hypocrisy in preventing horse slaughter while simultaneously shipping horses to be slaughtered elsewhere is evident and disgusting.
According to a recent poll, a whopping 83% of people surveyed opposed horse slaughter and the SAFE ACT is sponsored by nearly half of the House of Representatives. This incredibly large support for a ban on horse slaughter should be enough to push lawmakers to finalize the SAFE act and stop exporting horses to be killed. There's no place for hypocrisy in animal welfare. You're either pro-horse slaughter or against it, there cannot be an in between when it comes to welfare issues. The United States has shown that they believe horse slaughter to be wrong, now is the opportunity to write it in to law and demonstrate a commitment to ending horse slaughter. Taking a stand will push neighbouring countries to hopefully adopt similar legislations. It is imperative that the SAFE ACT be written in to law. Learn more through the original post at the top of this story from World Animal News and also make sure to read the open letter sent to congress urging them to pass the SAFE act. HAPPY VEGThe Kering Group, which manages big name brands St. Laurent & Gucci, has taken steps to eliminate cruelty in their fashion line after announcing a ban on fur in future lines. Through this commitment, a cell-cultivated leather startup is also being funded which would further eliminate cruelty within the industry and reduce leather made from plastic. Despite this, the group continues to brutalize reptiles for bags, wallets, trims, and purses made from skins.
Reptiles are either hunted, plucked from the wild, or bred in filthy breeding facilities where they are denied even the most basic luxuries they'd experience in the wild. Snakes are decapitated or strung up by their heads before their skin is violently ripped from them. Snakes' slow metabolism means that they experience pain for long periods of time, even after being decapitated. Lizards experience a similar fate, often being decapitated before having their skin ripped from their bodies. Alligators and crocodiles spend their miserable lives in cramped, filthy facilities until they are incapacitated and have their skins ripped off, sometimes even while still conscious. In a society that is shifting towards a more cruelty-free, sustainable future, there is simply no place for the brutalization of reptiles for fashion. It's incredibly hypocritical and ignorant to ban fur for its cruelty to animals while skinning snakes, lizards, and alligators. When you consider that the products created from these skins are all novelty items and not necessities, it's even more sickening that we continue to exploit them for fashion. If the Kering Group is going to truly head towards an entirely cruelty-free brand, the reptile skinning is going to have to stop. Follow the link at the top of this post and head to the original story from World Animal News. They've provided a form to fill out and send to the Kering Group urging them to stop killing reptiles for fashion. HAPPY VEGA new report from the Born Free Foundation has outlined the true suffering of captive elephants in zoos across North America & the EU. The report aims to shine a light on the horrors captive elephants endure and the effects captivity are having on their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. As we know, elephants are some of the most social, intelligent, and empathetic animals on our planet, and in some cases, these majestic animals are living in solitary confinement. They are suffering tremendously and this new report brings to light some of the recognized perils captive elephants are facing.
The report also outlines the horrors of zoos acquiring elephants and whether it's breeding or obtaining them from the wild, elephants suffer to keep zoos stocked. The report stated that a whopping 40% of baby elephants born in captivity don't even make it to 5 years old. Those that are taken from the wild suffer intense emotional and psychological distress as they are ripped from their social hierarchy which disrupts their social stability and conservation of wild populations. Doing this to keep a zoo full with elephants is so immoral, exploitative, and ignorant to the needs of elephants. We are literally willing to put an animal through psychological torture for our entertainment. Keeping animals captive denies them of everything that comes natural to them. Their diets are impacted, their ability to roam and socialize are impacted, their instinctual habits are also impacted by captivity. Elephants in captivity only live a fraction of the life they would live if kept in the wild. Evidently, infant elephants also have a significantly higher survival rate in the wild than those bred in captivity. Everything surrounding elephant captivity is wrong and we know this, the report simply reaffirms what we already know about elephants in captivity. We are causing them insurmountable suffering so that we can stare at them through metal bars or behind plexiglass. It is my firm belief that the only time an elephant should be in captivity is through a rehabilitation program that works directly with conservation groups to rehabilitate wild populations. Outside of conservation, elephants do not belong in zoos. We are exploiting their suffering for profits and entertainment, completely disregarding their needs for our own. Elephants in captivity should be moved to sanctuaries or wildlife refuges so that they can have some fraction of normalcy for the remainder of their lives. Learn more about the report from Born Free by visiting the link at the top of this post. Share the story, share THIS story, and keep the word going about the perils of captive elephants. We must continue to advocate for their release. HAPPY VEGThe United States Department of Justice, along with pro-hunting groups Safari Club International & the National Rifle Association, have filed an appeal after a federal judge reinstated gray wolf protections in most of the lower 48 states. The decision to reinstate gray wolf protections was decided after a federal judge determined that removal of their protected status was premature.
When a species lands on the Endangered Species List, funds, efforts, and time are allocated to protecting said species. In the case of gray wolves, they were protected for almost 45 years and within mere months, were hunted to nearly 0 individuals in some US states. In only a few months, 45 years of efforts, money, and time spent were effectively undone. This salacious desire to hunt completely trumps any logic or moral compass in favour of self service. Knowing the perils gray wolves have endured to their survival, how could anyone be eagerly awaiting an opportunity to kill one outside of a sickening sense of entitlement? What could you possibly be advocating for when appealing the protection of an endangered species? When you look at the root of their appeal, it's quite obvious that their only intentions are to be able to hunt wolves. Knowing the species has been on the brink of extinction multiple times, they want to hunt and kill them. Knowing that wolves spent 45 years being protected, they want to hunt them. Knowing that the possibility of extinction looms over gray wolves, they want to hunt them. This is what they're advocating for; there's no sense, logic, or empathy involved here, only a sense of entitlement. When you're on the same side as the National Rifle Association, you're on the wrong side of whatever the argument is. Gray wolves will go extinct without protections. As this story proves, there are too many losers with guns just waiting for their opportunity to kill wolves. If we delist, rest assured that gray wolves will plunge towards extinction once again and inevitably end up back on the Endangered Species List. Instead of this endless cycle of protecting, delisting, hunting to near extinction, and relisting, how about we keep them on the ESA and work towards educating people on why slaughtering everything in their path is immoral and frankly, disgusting. Head to WORLD ANIMAL NEWS through the link at the top of this post for the original story. HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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