An 81 year old dog breeding veteran has been convicted of animal cruelty after breaching her probation. She was under order not to own any more than 25 dogs and was found to have 41 when authorities investigated her property. This story has led to dog breeding groups and animal rights activists attacking one another, both accusing the other side of wrong doings. Her conviction stems from cropping her dog's ears without proper anesthesia and without a veterinarian despite her having been married to a vet and performing the procedure for the past 50 years. Former employees reported her for performing the procedure after witnessing what they deemed to be animal abuse. She is currently awaiting sentencing and dog breeding groups have rallied behind her saying animal rights activists are attacking them, their traditions, and their business.
Dog breeders are crying out that animal activists won't stop until there are "no dogs left" but I think they're missing the point. With the adopt don't shop movement becoming more prevalent and supported, dog breeding is increasingly being looked at us unnecessary. While animals sit in shelters waiting to be adopted, people who breed dogs are making a killing selling off dogs for extremely high prices. The allure of owning a purebred dog is enticing enough to overlook animals struggling to get adopted in shelters and that's the problem.
They say animal activists are attacking their traditions but what they fail to see is we only have the dog's best interests at heart. It's about wanting to see animals in shelters adopted out instead of people making profits off of animals being bred. It's about saving lives and not sitting idly by while people like her continue breeding dogs rolling in cash. Some of her dogs sold for almost $3,500, that's astronomical when you compare that to what it costs to adopt a dog and save its life. Do I want to see an 81 year old woman sent to prison? No, I do not. What I want to see is an example made of her that sends out a message to breeders that the attitude towards breeding are changing. It's not about attacking traditions or businesses, it's about saving the lives of countless dogs who are at risk of potentially being euthanized. Every dog sold by a breeder is a nail in the coffin of a dog at a shelter and frankly, profiting off of breeding while animals struggle at shelters is wrong. There's nothing else to it, it's completely wrong. What do you guys think? Should she go to jail? What are your thoughts on dog breeding? Leave a comment here or on fb / twitter. I want your opinions! HAPPY VEG
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Three Florida men are being charged with felony animal cruelty after brutalizing 2 sharks on June 26th. Not only do they brutalize the second shark in excess, they post videos to social media for everyone to see. The shark is shot repeatedly, tied to the back of a speed boat, and dragged at high speeds until dead. All of this while laughter and excitement can be heard throughout the video. There are so many things wrong with this story but I'm going to start with the blatant disrespect of a living creature. Torturing and filming a living creature being attacked is malicious, sadistic, and frankly, indicative of bigger problems. "Possible" is not a word I want associated with this type of aggressive, malicious cruelty. This is where I say we need a tiered system much like with murder cases. There must be degrees of animal cruelty to properly hold people accountable. Being a hoarder and having an animal living in squalor is awful but should it be punished to the same extent as someone who does something like this? Not a chance! Intent is a very big part of what would make this first degree animal cruelty and someone who intentionally causes excessive harm to an animal deserves AUTOMATIC JAIL TIME!
It's such a disturbing thought that we are in 2017 and people are still so disrespectful when it comes to animals. I find myself wondering if the boys would find it funny if they were caught off guard and perhaps attacked / mauled by a bear, or shark etc. You know what I mean? So despicably smug and just taking lives with no regard. It truly is a shameful act.
What this all boils down to is. JAIL TIME BETTER BE DISHED OUT! Possibility should be out the door when someone does something this malicious. I'll make sure to update when the story breaks! Also, check out the original story through the link at the top of the page. HAPPY VEG The proof is in the pudding when it comes to being diligent and making your voice heard! In my most recent Animal News Recap video, I discussed with you all the U.K.'s decision to vote against animal sentience and what that meant for animals which was less protection and more cruelty. That vote was a direct attack on animal welfare and worked against years of activism on animals' behalf. In a wonderful turn of events, Environmental Secretary Michael Gove is drafting much tougher sentences for animal cruelty in the U.K. which is likely a response to the severe backlash the vote against animal sentience drew. Several U.K. and global animal welfare groups condemned the decision and were outraged speaking out against MP's for their decision. It must have worked because this new draft would see animal cruelty sentences increase from months to up to 5 years in prison!
Hey guys and gals! I always tell you guys that perseverance is key when it comes to having your voice heard and that's why I've written the prime minister's office again. There's a very good chance my email will be overlooked but I'll continue to write until the words BESTIALITY and CANADA ALLOWS IT ring through their ears all day and night. Here's my latest message. Let me know what you guys think <3 Dear Mr. Prime Minister Trudeau,
This will be the second time I've written to you after also contacting the Ontario Premiere as well as my local MP. The first time I wrote to you, I was directed to another department that directed me to a department, that seemingly ignored me. This message is in regards to our current bestiality laws and how very little they do to protect animals from being sexually exploited. Allow me to explain once again. Our current law only considers penetration to be bestiality. What this ultimately means is any kind of forced oral sex or genital touching on or from an animal is legal within Canada. We are a first world, western country, that prides itself on being compassionate, empathetic, and fair. I would imagine that our government couldn't possibly condone this sort of activity. Unfortunately, this is the case. There is a lot going on in the world understandably keeping our government occupied but our animals continue to suffer. I could go on and on about the atrocities in the fur farming or meat industries but that's for another time. I am asking you for an opportunity to discuss with you / our lawmakers in depth if needed as to why it is incredibly wrong to be denying animals the protection from ANY sexual exploitation. This behaviour develops and progresses and if left untreated, the progression will ultimately lead to children, the elderly, and the weak. This is on top of the countless animals that will be subjected to sexual exploitation in their lives. This can not be the case. Mr. Trudeau, I understand you to be a pretty compassionate leader so I would hope that in the face of beastiality and animals, you will stand up and make the right choice. Any and all forms of sexual exploitation must be punishable by law. Thank you in advance for your time and I would hope to hear back from your office very soon. Sincerely, Jonathan Charbonneau Windsor, Ontario "The Happy Veg" A conservation group has released their "red list" of species at risk of extinction because of things like climate change and unsustainable fishing and farming methods across the globe. This list not only includes land and sea animals but also includes crops that are facing an unlikely future. What's worse is that this is not contained to one particular area, but rather, across the globe.
Of the 91,523 species this conservation group assessed, 25,821 are threatened, 866 are extinct and 69 extinct in the wild. It said 11,783 species are vulnerable, 8,455 are endangered and 5,583 critically endangered. So basically, a third of the species assessed are literally in danger because of human activity. One third for crying out loud, that's astronomical and extremely concerning. At this rate, we'll be lucky to have any animals left on the planet in the next 100 years! I think the most unfortunate part of this story is knowing that a lot of this has to do with humans and what we're doing to the planet. We are literally destroying everything on the planet at such a rapid rate, where can we expect to see ourselves in the future? Can you honestly imagine living on a planet where animals no longer exist? We wouldn't be far behind them that's for sure. There are several groups across the globe whose conservation efforts have been recognized. For example, Russia has successfully seen the Siberian Tiger's numbers increased thanks to their work in conservation. New Zealand has brought two species of the kiwi bird up to a vulnerable status from an endangered status. What this means is that with the right amount of dedication and effort put forth, it is entirely possible to reverse some of the effects our mistakes on the planet have brought upon the animals. It's not enough though. While these efforts are working, we still have leaders who deny climate change while polar bears suffer and struggle to survive. We still have asian countries that are fishing whales and dolphins in excess. We need to come together as a planet if we really want to see the changes we need to see. Countries promising to reduce emissions by 30 years from now is great but the fact is, we're seeing the effects of global warming NOW. In my opinion, there needs to be a lot more focus on our environment and our animals before it's too late. We're at a very crucial point where there is still hope but we need the world's cooperation here. If more is not done, we will see the end of so many species in the coming years. It's an utterly frightening thought but it could become a reality. HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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