Animal rights advocates have been around for ages and they've definitely grown in abundance over the years. Everyone has a friend / family member who is passionate about animal rights and / or living a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. This indicates a shift in the views on animal welfare and the effects of animal agriculture on the environment. If I've learned anything during my time at Healthy Mama restaurant, it's that there are a growing number of people investing in this lifestyle and more people wanting animal rights brought to the forefront. Despite this growing shift, there is and always will be one very large hurdle in the fight for animal rights and that's our very own Government(s). When you think of the ag-gag bill for example, this bill is the result of these industries growing tired of being exposed for their atrocities and wanting it to stop. Governments recognize the value of the meat industry and somehow, these bills find their way into fruition despite opposition from many an animal rights organization. Instead of working towards a solution to the animal abuse and torture documented in these industries, we are seeing bills like the ag-gag instated to prevent exposure. A bandaid to the problem without actually fixing the root cause. If these industries were forced to monitor their businesses more intensely and they were regularly checked up on / reviewed, the abuse would stop. All of the injustices will continue and nobody within any position of power seems to bat an eye. This is the problem! Another example of this is my very own fight. As I've mentioned in the past, I discovered that Canada's bestiality laws were severely outdated and actually condoned sexual activity with animals. Upon discovering this, I immediately started shooting off emails and letters to anyone of authority who could answer to this. My only hope was opening a dialogue but I was rejected on every level. It was absolutely devastating and really made me question whether my concerns were even important. I finally spoke to my local MP looking for help and I was shocked to discover the sad reality of animal rights. She told me that their party had introduced several bills protecting animals and were rejected on every one of them. Our government here in Canada cares not for animals, not in the least. Look at our seal hunt, it's a shame we participate in this unnecessarily cruel sport but evidence that our government is against us on the issue. As I said, the biggest hurdle will always be the government. Very few countries have advanced animal rights with the exception of switzerland, the U.K, and Austria. Despite the countless advocacy groups emerging, our governments are not receptive to this change and are working against a more humane and peaceful treatment of animals. WHAT CAN BE DONE? It is in the continued efforts of advocacy groups, bloggers like myself, and public displays, that our governments will have no choice but to at least allow a discussion. Stories involving animal cruelty within the slaughter industry are frequent and people are not impressed. Why haven't these industries done more to protect and preserve their animals? Why are they continuing to live in squalor? The simple fact is, we must continue to expose them, document and share these stories, and spread the positive vibes in our everyday lives. I suggest contacting your local / federal representatives expressing your displeasure of our current animal welfare standings. Talk to your friends / family and educate them (without dramatic slaughter videos or negativity) about the negative impact of the meat industry. Show up for rallies or demonstrations, even organize one if you feel confident to do so. We must continue to expose these atrocities and set in stone our country's dedication to animals. Perseverance is the best approach and as our community continues to grow, so will our voices. So will our opportunities. Never give up on this fight for animals, they deserve so much more than what we've given them. It's time for that to change! HAPPY VEG Check out my animal rights stories and let me know your opinions!
Great news for shelter animals in Vancouver as the city has just approved a ban on selling cats, dogs, and rabbits in pet stores. This is big news for shelter animals who compete with pets bred for sale to be adopted.
Pets bred in facilities and sold at pet stores often live in poor conditions prior to their arrival leaving them in physical or emotional distress and with potential disease and behavioural problems. All of this while animals in shelters are struggling to be adopted and risk being euthanized due to overcrowding. It's a vicious cycle that sees several hundred animals euthanized while pets at pet stores get adopted out frequently. What this ban actually means is that overcrowding in shelters will see these animals moved to pet stores as opposed to being euthanized. Several animals will be spared from being euthanized and given another opportunity to be adopted out. This is going to see less animals euthanized, more animals adopted out, and less taxpayer money going to housing animals heading to be euthanized. It's a win win from every angle. It's long overdue but definitely a step in the right direction. The allure of store bought pets has long been the reason many shelter pets are euthanized. Pet store pets are bred for sale and are often young and seemingly more appealing that an older pet in a shelter. People rarely consider that these pet store pets have been bred for sale and shelter pets who once knew love are struggling to be noticed. Adopting an animal is a magical thing. It's an opportunity for us to give a home and love to an animal who once had everything and ended up in a shelter. It's such a personally rewarding feeling that can't be compared to purchasing a kitten / puppy from a pet store. Saving an animal should be enough of a reason to go the shelter route and now with this bill coming into action it will be the only route. I'm so happy to know that so many shelter animals will be given another opportunity to find their perfect family! Congratulations Vancouver! HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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