Montreal has made it official, come January 1st there will no longer be horse drawn carriage guided tours parading around the streets, exciting activists and angering the horse-drawn carriage community. Citing concerns for animal welfare after a string of incidents involving the horses sparked outrage and concern for the horses' well being, the city moved to make the ban official ending decades of horse-drawn carriage activity in the city. The horse-drawn carriage community has expressed anger and resentment towards the decision stating among other things, the horses are well taken care of. Luc Desparois, operator of the largest caleche community, goes on to say that the horses have shelter, are well taken care of from a veterinary perspective, and the incidents cited in the ban were all the fault of the city. In one case, a horse collapsed after getting stuck in a metal grate which :uc states could have been avoided had the city properly informed them of construction to the roads. He argues that horse carriages are part of Montreal's history and shouldn't be done away with despite these concerns.
Horse drawn carriages are part of Canadian history that needs to be put to rest once and for all. As mentioned, there is simply no place for horses on our busy streets any longer as they face multiple dangers to their safety. The government has offered to pay $1,000 per horse to the caleche drivers and has also reached out to the provincial government's labour board to help caleche drivers find work. Despite this, the caleche community intends to continue to fight the ban and they haven't considered yet what their next move will be once the ban is enforced.
Unfortunately for them, it appears they will be out of luck come January first. Three cheers for the end of horse drawn carriages on Montreal's busy streets. I will update this story when more news becomes available. HAPPY VEG
Over 400 animals were rescued and have been set up at various animal sanctuaries after several animal rescue organizations came together to rescue them from deplorable conditions at a roadside zoo in Iowa. The Cricket Hollow Zoo is in a position to now shut down after several appeals have failed to keep the animals on the property because of the witnessed neglect the animals endured.
This story once again demonstrates why roadside zoos need to be investigated frequently because in my experience reporting on these stories, often times these zoos operate with minimal supervision allowing them to slip under the radar despite there being instances of neglect or abuse. They rarely have contact with veterinarians to care for the animals properly, don't know enough about how to provide shelter and adequate space for the animals to roam, and likely obtained some of these animals through less than admirable means. They simply exist to exploit animals for the sake of profits, nothing more.
It is crucial to monitor these establishments and ensure they are complying with all standards of animal care, have all appropriate licences, and have qualified animal care specialists readily available to care for these animals. This is definitely not the first roadside zoo nor will it be the last that is discovered to be in possession of animals that are not being taken care of properly which is why it is imperative that they be monitored and regularly inspected to ensure that the animals on their property are being properly taken care of. Thank goodness the animals in this story are going to be ok but this is not always the case. Should you encounter a roadside zoo on your travels, take the time to contact your local animal rescue organizations and ask them about these properties. Ask them whether they're accredited or whether the organizations are aware of their operation. There's a very good chance that these establishments have operated under the radar and would likely be exposed for having lackluster conditions for their animals. Ultimately, don't stop at these roadside attractions. As I said, there's a strong chance they are not doing things by the books and giving them your money simply validates the animals being treated poorly for the sake of profits. HAPPY VEG We've all heard the term, "Adopt Don't Shop" at some point throughout our lives, but what exactly does it mean? Every year, millions of animals end up in shelters after being forfeited, left behind when moving, or simply abandoned, leaving them in cages at shelters hoping for a second chance at being loved by a family who will take good care of them. Nothing about ending up in a shelter is good for animals who once felt the love of a family but there is always hope that they will once again feel that love. THe most important thing is being adopted, which is where the "Adopt Don't Shop" motto comes in to play!
It is so important to adopt when it comes to having a pet especially when you consider how many animals are going to be killed in shelters. Give a dog or cat another opportunity at love. There will be nothing more rewarding than giving an animal who once felt love only to end up in a shelter feeling hopeless another chance at a loving family. Don't allow yourself to be caught up in specific breeds when considering a pet, it's not about showing off, it's about adding a member to your family. As I said, the allure of purebred puppies or a batch of kittens is hard to deny but if you keep in mind that those sweet babies come at the cost of a lost life in a shelter, there should be no question as to whether it's the right decision or not.
So Adopt Don't Shop is so much more than just a suggestion, it's an opportunity to save a life. HAPPY VEG Massachusetts has finally banned wildlife killing contests after much pressure from scientists, activists, and the general populous have spoken out about the contests. The vote will see wildlife killing contests in Cape Cop and Granby where participants compete to kill the most animals of various sizes in return for prizes nipped in the bud permanently. These contests are some of the most despicable blood sports of them all because of the magnitude of animals killed. Participants are rewarded for their kills based on a points system allocated prior to participating but ultimately, the goal is to kill as many animals as possible. Often times, cruel and manipulative tactics are used to lure shy coyotes or foxes out of hiding only to be shot at close range such as the sounds of crying or distressed pups. These contests are at their core, wholly cruel and destructive to ecosystems that rely on a healthy balance of both predators and prey. However, with less predators around, deer and other game animals will become more abundant leading to more hunting opportunities outside of these contests. Ultimately, they're killing predators so that they can find more animals to kill as a result of these contests.
Massachusetts joins California, Vermont, New Mexico, and Arizona in taking a stand against these cruel wildlife killing contests. It's time to put these barbaric contests behind us, there is simply no justification for allowing them to continue aside from allowing people to fulfill their fantasies of killing and in these cases, killing as many animals as they possibly can. Congratulations Massachusetts on your commitment to ending these abhorrent contests and figuring out a more compassionate approach to dealing with these predatory animals.
HAPPY VEG New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed a landmark bill that will ban the sale and ownership of parts from vulnerable species which includes the heavily imperilled giraffe. The bill comes on the heels of two species of giraffe being listed as critically endangered after a sharp 40% decline in their numbers over the past 30 years. Wildlife trafficking is helping along the extinction of hundreds of species and given that scientists are warning that we are in a position to lose over a million species, drastic measures are required to properly protect them and prevent an extinction epidemic. Although there are many other factors pushing wildlife towards extinction, humans are propelling some of these species to extinction much faster because of the wildlife trade. Elephants, rhinos, giraffes, and lions, are all sought after for trophy hunters as well as poachers who acquire and sell their parts for large sums of money.
While this is amazing news, there are still 49 other states that need to hop on board this train if we're really going to see wildlife protected. Even further than that, there are several countries across the globe that need to be acting in this manner. As stated, without a market for these parts, there's no reason to continue to kill them. We need to be discouraging wildlife trafficking on a global level if we ever hope to achieve our goals of protecting and helping to support these species from going extinct. Every small step is a step in the right direction but there will always be more work to do until the time comes that we start hearing positive news for these animals.
Congratulations New York on this monumental bill and your commitment to protecting endangered animals. HAPPY VEG The NSPCA (National Council of Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has filed criminal charges against a South African game farm facility after discovering that the tigers on its property were suffering from inadequate care. Tigers on the farm were found to be living in dirty, unhygienic enclosures that appeared to not have been cleaned for some time as well as dirty drinking water, lack of bathing facilities, and inadequate shelter. Tigers are a critically endangered species which makes this situation even more despicable. As they are not necessarily adapted to the high temperatures found in this region of Africa, it's imperative that they have access to appropriate shelter and drinking / bathing facilities. The game farm has failed to provide them the necessary components of being well taken care of which has led to the criminal charges being filed against them.
This is another reason why I believe we need to be addressing trophy hunting. It is evident it is not solely about the activity of the hunt itself, but now we look at the roots where these animals often come from. They are being kept in squalor until the moment they are old enough to taste freedom briefly until they are shot to death for fun. It's absolutely sickening that we are exploiting critically endangered animals to this extent all to satisfy some perverse urge to shoot and kill these beautiful animals. It's shameful of the human race that we continue to allow these sorts of things despite the fact that there is overwhelming support from the general populous for ending trophy hunting of endangered species.
Thank goodness for the NSPCA and other organizations that investigate these claims of abuse and lay criminal charges against them. With that being said, we need to see more action in curbing trophy hunting and perhaps shutting down some of these breeding facilities. Critically endangered animals belong on protected reserves, not in breeding facilities suffering from lack of appropriate care, awaiting their opportunity to die. HAPPY VEG Three species of pangolin are inching closer towards extinction as activists press government leaders to issue them more protections and shut down markets for pangolin parts. The adorable mammals are being hunted to extinction on top of losing their habitats making their chances for long term survival slim without appropriate protections put into place. The Center for Biological Diversity recently released its intent to sue the Trump administration for failing to recognize pangolins under the Endangered Species Act effectively granting them much needed protection. Without the ESA protection, there is no plan in place to curb poaching, shut down any kind of market in the US for pangolin scales / products, or work to better protect their habitat. They are in desperate need of ESA protection before it is too late to recover these wonderful creatures.
What a world we live in today where almost every week we are learning of a new species that is teetering on the edge of extinction almost entirely due to our actions. Elephants, giraffes, rhinos, sharks, whales etc., have all recently found themselves on the endangered species list and sadly, all of them landed on this list because of the greed and despicable actions of humans. At the rate we are going, we are going to wipe out a good percentage of wild animals on this planet if we do not shape up and start acting responsibly for the sake of our planet. How greedy of us to continue to poach an animal that is on the verge of literally being gone forever.
We are continuing to do our planet and the species that also call it home a disservice and it is entirely due to our own greed and lack of empathy or concern for those who suffer due to our actions. The pangolins are simply another notch in our shameful record and we must take this opportunity to protect them before we see them go extinct. HAPPY VEG I couldn't be any more outspoken when it comes to trophy hunting. I find it to be an utterly repulsive "sport" that allows people to engage in unjust slaughter of innocent animals without regard for animal welfare. It has long been a target of my aggression, in fact, I can honestly say I've written to and been in touch with at least 3 different governments petitioning them to enact a trophy hunting ban. I would love nothing more than to see a global ban on trophy hunting but until that happens, we will continue to see pictures shared on social media of people revelling in their glory, sitting in front of a majestic animal they shot dead for fun. In lieu of my hate towards Trophy Hunting, let's talk about the top 5 reasons trophy hunting is cringy.
2. Trophy Hunters Kill Exotic Animals Under the Guise of Conservation This is probably my biggest bone of contention with trophy hunting, the excuse that they are somehow helping with conservation. Trophy hunters claim that the money spent participating on these exotic hunts is funnelled into conservation efforts. The problem with this claim you ask? How about that they are shooting animals like giraffes, lions, and elephants, all of which are currently struggling in the wild due to a variety of natural and human caused perils. Loss of habitat, drought, and increased human conflict are all pushing these beautiful creatures further towards extinction and somehow running out and shooting them is helping them to recover in the wild? I would have an easier time believing these claims if these same arseholes weren't petitioning to bring back trophies. I mean, if you're so invested in helping conservation, why do you care so much about bringing back bits and pieces of the animals you've slaughtered to put on display? It's hypocrisy at its finest.
4. The Trophies I'm sorry, there's something unquestionably twisted about hanging body parts on your walls for everyone to see. Hunting trophies are to me, the biggest slap in the face to animals imaginable. Celebrating the slaughter of innocent animal is questionable enough without the addition of hanging their heads in your dining room for guests to marvel at. I think it's even worse that these trophies come from animals that are potentially endangered like elephants or giraffes. It's like celebrating that you're contributing to the decline of a species, it's just wrong and gross.
a A sperm whale died after beaching itself on a Scottish beach and an autopsy of the mammal found in upwards of 220 pounds of trash in its stomach. The trash consisted of discarded fishing gear like ropes and net as well as various plastics such as cups, tubing, and bags. Although this did not necessarily contribute to the whale's death, it still paints a very bleak picture of the state of our oceans. There are approximately 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic sitting in our oceans and almost 14 billion pounds of trash enter our oceans every year. Isn't that just astronomical to even comprehend? Like, 14 billion pounds a year. This in itself is a call to action but when you start to consider the reefs and marine life that are undoubtedly affected by this insane amount of garbage every year, it's frightening. The situation with the whale is sad for sure but it also shines a light on how bad things really are in our oceans and why we need to be doing more and quickly.
It's tiring hearing about single use plastic bans by 2030 and carbon emission drops of 25% in 20 years because the situation is dire. We need more action than something ten years down the line, we need urgency. A growing number of people across the globe are becoming increasingly aware of the damage our planet has sustained as made evident by the climate strikes across the globe. Pollution is a major contributing factor to environmental damage which is why we need solutions now, not ten years from now. It may sound harsh and overly critical of me to expect a leader to make this sort of an abrupt change quickly but doesn't this sort of situation warrant my reaction? Yes, we have to condition a nation to adapt to change but we must also consider the scope of the problem. We need to be preventing continued pollution in the ocean before we successfully endanger / cause extinction to more aquatic creatures. We need to immediately ban single use plastics like straws, cups, and silverware & offer incentives for reusable containers / bags for shopping. We need to be monitoring and punishing fishing boats that dump old gear into the ocean. We need to work at finding reasonable solutions for cleaning up some of the mess we've made in the ocean before it's too late. RIP whale, but thanks for bringing attention to this extremely grave matter. HAPPY VEG Information taken from; |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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