Rat Poison Found in Almost 80% Of Eagles Across US
If an eagle were to consume a rat that had ingested enough of these poisons, the eagle would undoubtedly feel the effects of these rodenticides. These effects include bleeding internally or externally, bruising, bloody urine or feces, or death from cardiovascular shock. Whether a species feels one or all of these ill effects, the result is agonizing, painful, and torturous. There is absolutely no argument in defense of rodenticides to manage rodent populations. As this story proves, these rodenticides are so indiscriminate in their targets and can poison a variety of species which can include young children who come in to contact with them. They are unsafe, environmentally destructive, and ineffective in their management of rodents. These poisons do not belong in our environment and innocent non-target animals should not have to endure hours or days of agonizing pain before dying. There is only one option here and it is to ban rodenticides across the United States in favour of other methods . We cannot keep killing eagles, foxes, coyotes, wolves, and bobcats because we're trying to kill rats. It's unbelievably irresponsible and as mentioned, environmentally destructive. Dozens of Swans Found Dead Around Michigan Lake - Suspected Poisoningwww.mlive.com/news/2021/04/dozens-of-swans-found-dead-around-michigan-lake-poisoning-suspected.html
Animal cruelty MUST be taken more seriously across the globe. Fines are nothing more than a slap on the wrist, especially in the case of these swans who likely endured grueling pain as the poisons coursed through their systems, ultimately leading to their death. When you consider the malicious nature of this crime, the only option is jail time. How does a fine justify the loss of dozens of lives lost under such despicable circumstances? PETA has offered a $5, 000 rewards for information that leads to an arrest and officials in Michigan are currently awaiting autopsy results before pursuing further action. As I said, this sort of a crime is malicious in nature, intentional, and premeditated. We cannot allow this sort of crime against living creatures to be punished with fines. This magnitude of loss can only be punished with prison, otherwise, what has anyone learned here? What they learn is that they just got away with poisoning dozens of innocent mute swans and all they'll get is a slap on the wrist. Animal cruelty needs to be treated as seriously as it is, especially in a case like this that is so malicious and intentional. An example must be set that going out of your way to poison and watch innocent animals die for fun is wholly unacceptable and deserved of jail time. I'll update y'all with more information as it becomes available. HAPPY VEG
Costco is under fire for misleading its consumers for years on what is being described as blatantly false and misleading animal welfare claims. Two United States Representatives are now requesting that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) investigate Costco for potentially fraudulent claims. Costco could be in big trouble for profiting off of false claims of animal welfare standards, especially after undercover footage told a very different story.
These documented welfare slip-ups indicate that there is likely no veterinary care available to injured birds. These birds are left with sores, wounds, and broken bones, likely until they die or are sent to slaughter. Secondly, Costco cannot claim that animal welfare standards are of the utmost importance when their suppliers are so blatantly disregarding the welfare of chickens every single day. These claims by Costco are what have got them in hot water, prompting a potential investigation in to false advertising. Costco hasn't even joined the BETTER CHICKEN COMMITMENT, a set of higher welfare standards adopted by hundreds of producers across the US. Knowing this, it is apparent that Costco has not only been misleading the public about their commitment to animal welfare, but they have also been profiting off of these claims. Consumers who claim to care about animal welfare would be purchasing Costco products under the pretense that they are supporting better welfare for chickens when in fact, these chickens are treated inhumanely and left without appropriate care until they are slaughtered. Costco has blatantly profited off of flase claims and needs to be held acocuntable. You know the easiest way to avoid purchasing meat from a company that has lied about their welfare standards? Ditch meat and go vegetarian / vegan <3 Click the link at the top of this page for the full story from WORLD ANIMAL NEWS. HAPPY VEGA bill to ban the trade of shark fins is being reintroduced in the United States. The bill would effectively end the sale / trade of shark fins altogether, playing off of a ban on the slaughter of sharks. “We must join our allies in Canada, who have closed their borders to the destructive shark fin trade and do the same in the United States. We look to finding a path forward on this important issue that a majority of Americans support. The U.S. needs a fin ban now,” Whitney Webber, Campaign Director at Oceana
Several countries around the globe have enacted either a full, or partial ban on shark finning / sale & trade. Unfortunately, a partial ban is simply not enough of a commitment when it comes to participating in such a gruesome disrespect of a creature for something we don't even actually need. Shark fin soup is simply another example of human entitlement, something we believe we are entitled to but frankly, don't need. Humans continue to take from the animals kingdom whatever they please, and then rush to save them when it's far too late. Extinction is preventable but it requires us to smarten up long before we decimate a species. Our actions now will determine what kind of future sharks have, and we must collectively end our participation in the shark fin trade. One can only estimate how many sharks there are below the ocean's surface, but if we're killing tens or hundreds of millions of them annually, they're not going to be around forever. Advocacy Group WildEarth Guardians has won their lawsuit against the USDA Wildlife Services after they agreed to stop their needless slaughter of native wildlife in New Mexico. This will spare black bears, cougars, foxes, and even endangered gray wolves from being unnecessarily slaughtered on all Federal public land. The lawsuit will also prohibit the USDA Wildlife Services from using cruel and agonizing traps, poisons, and snares on specific public lands as well. This is a major victory for the native predatory animals of New Mexico.
Can you guess why a large percentage of these native, predatory animals were slaughtered and continue to be slaughtered? If you guessed to protect the animal agriculture industry, you'd be correct. You see, these predatory animals hunt and there's really nothing better for them than livestock who are often easy targets for animals like bears or wolves. Unfortunately, because of their NATURAL INSTINCTS to hunt, they are being penalized with death to protect the money-making industry that is animal agriculture. The Wildlife Services is willing to continue slaughtering gray wolves, putting them closer and closer to being extinct with every slaughter, in order to protect the animal ag industry. As you all know, animal ag is one of the most protected industries on this planet. Evidently, even being on the verge of extinction doesn't shield you from the animal ag industry as gray wolves have fought their way out of near extinction for many, many years. I can't say this enough, but if the livestock industry is so valuable to the government, they should be implementing some serious upgrades to their security and perimeter fencing to prevent these predatory animals from easy access. You can't serve up a delicious meal on a silver platter and then shoot and kill the damned animals for doing what comes naturally to them. We must also consider that this land long belonged to them and when we continue to take their land away to produce animals, we must expect that there will be conflict and be ready to utilize non-lethal methods in dealing with wildlife. Unfortunately, the Wildlife Services rarely makes a decision for the best of native wildlife, instead pandering to the heavily protected livestock industry Let's look at exactly what this lawsuit against the Wildlife Services included;
The New Zealand Government has announced a ban on the live export of animals, allowing two years to phase out the process altogether. The ban was decided after citing animal welfare concerns as well as the possibility of a tarnished reputation, motivating the government to enact the ban. Another main motivating factor was the world wide attention received after an export ship carrying cattle to China capsized last September, plunging 6, 000 cattle into the ocean to die along with crew members. It became abundantly evident that live animal exports were cruel from start to finish, that is if they ever made it to the finish line.
The government has heard arguments in defense of live exports but has still chosen to move ahead with a ban. While I'm disheartened that the main motivation is reputation versus the welfare of these innocent animals, it's still progress and we cannot balk at any progress made in animal welfare. What a horrific scene it must have been approaching the capsized livestock boat, watching in horror as 6, 000 cattle struggle to stay afloat until they drowned. There is no excuse for what happened to those animals and absolutely no argument in defense of livestock safety during these journeys. This event was horrific but also a wake-up call that once these ships leave, you simply cannot guarantee that animal welfare standards are being met and that animals are being properly cared for.
We need to see a ban on live animal exports across the globe. Whether we're talking about wild animals, livestock, or anything in between, there is simply no guarantee that these animals are being properly cared for during their journeys. There is no justification outside of profit for allowing animals to sit in their own filth for days or weeks on end. There is no justification for allowing 6, 000 innocent cows to plunge into the ocean to their death. We know well enough at this point in the game that live exports are cruel, unnecessary, and have the potential for serious danger to both human crew members and the innocent animals being sent to their death. Thank you New Zealand for recognizing that live animal exports need to go. Now on to the rest of the world :D HAPPY VEG I've got a good feeling y'all that the fur industry is on the way out. Saks Fifth Avenue joins a growing list of companies that have announced a plan to end fur sales. The plan will phase out all products made from the fur of wild animals or those raised specifically for their fur. The ban will not include down, feathers, leather, or goatskin. The plan will see Saks officially done with fur by the end of 2022.
Saks Fifth Avenue will join a long list of big name brands that have committed to ending fur sales in their companies. Some of these big names include;
The future is fur free you guys and every day we are on step closer to the end of the fur industry once and for all. Head to the link at the top of this page for the original story from World Animal News. HAPPY VEG Conservation groups urged the United States & other International leaders to sanction Mexico in an attempt to force them to act on protecting the last 10 critically endangered Vaquita porpoises. Despite years of broken promises, the Mexican Government has failed to protect Vaquitas from extinction, continuing to use illegal gillnets that tangle, trap, and drown the Vaquitas. Their years of inaction and broken promises have put the Vaquita Porpoise at extinction's door. Isn't it sad that this is what protecting a species going extinct comes down to? Isn't it sad that we must sue, sanction, and ban imports before action is even considered? Vaquita's are literally at death's door, with only 10 individuals recorded remaining in their habitat. Why is the Mexican government hesitating to protect them? Profits, it's as simple as that. Overfishing contributes to monetary gain and unfortunately, it seems the survival of the Vaquita is second to the money gained from utilizing disastrous gillnets. As the story mentioned, the Mexican government has been aware of the perils the Vaquita faced for many years and have done virtually nothing to prevent inevitable extinction.
Our lackluster global approach to conservation is the exact reason hundreds of thousands of species are facing the possibility of extinction. We are destroying every single habitat on this planet, including the oceans where we are decimating underwater species and coral reefs at a rapid pace. Those of us who continue to draw attention to these matters and fight for conservation are simply outnumbered by a planet of people who care so much more about money than the survival of a species. It's an uphill battle to say the least, one that would require global cooperation in acting to protect the many species' on our planet that are headed towards extinction. Without global cooperation, we will undoubtedly continue to see extinctions happening rapidly. The Vaquita's survival is in the hands of Mexican authorities. We can only hope these sanctions force the government to take real action before the last remaining Vaquita porpoises find themselves tangled up in gillnets and drowned to extinction. HAPPY VEG The U.S. District Court of Colorado ruled that the US Fish & Wildlife Services violated the law when they funded a Colorado Parks & Wildlife plan to kill hundreds of mountain lions and black bears. The ruling claimed that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services failed to analyze the risks to their population properly before funding a plan to slaughter hundreds of them. Sadly, this is not the first time that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services has been caught making decisions that work against animals.
Both black bears and mountain lions are crucial inhabitants of an ecosystem that relies on them to maintain the natural balance. For example, mountain lions hunt and kill and in doing so, feed scavenger birds & mammals. Black bears consume fruits and disperse seeds and through foraging, allow sunlight to penetrate lower levels of plant life. When we start taking them out of the equation, things will be naturally disrupted which always comes with negative results. Humans have a nasty habit of manipulating the animal kingdom to suit our own desires. There is rarely concern for the animals / species themselves, rather those who hunt them. Too often do we witness the salacious desire to hunt and kill as we continue to demonstrate a complete lack of compassion for these species and a lack of understanding of the importance of other living beings aside from ourselves. When grey wolves were delisted in the United States, despite evidence suggesting they should not be, it was only 2 months before Wisconsin fought to go out and end the lives of over 200 grey wolves. It's almost as though we can't wait to get out there and start slaughtering, which clearly paints a picture of a civilization that is so uneducated and compassionless and frankly, barbaric. The Upper Arkansas River Plan was was approved in 2017 and would last 9 years. In those 9 years, 50% of mountain lions in the area would be killed costing almost 4 million dollars, 75% of which would have been funded by taxpayers. As of now, the plan remains halted because of this ruling but if it manages to go full-steam ahead, black bears and mountain lions will die by the hundreds and the ecosystem will be irreversibly damaged. The only solution is to cancel this plan altogether and force the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services to do their jobs according to the law and make decisions with science in mind and the best interest of the very wildlife they're tasked with protecting. HAPPY VEG |
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January 2025
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