Virginia has taken the steps to become the 4th U.S. state to ban cosmetic animal testing following New Jersey, New York, and California. This bill prohibits the import and/or sale of any cosmetics or personal hygiene products that have been tested on animals. Anyone who knowingly imports or sells products that have been tested on animals faces fines that increase with each violation. This is fabulous news for animals who suffer tremendously in labs. Confined to tiny cages, repeatedly hooked up to machines, forced to have products rubbed all over them looking for blistering or rashes, and emotionally tortured, these animals suffer immensely in the name of cosmetics. I've said this a million times but I can't stress it enough, cosmetics testing is the most absurd and unnecessary of all animal testing. Although I disagree with animal testing as a whole, there's much to be said about discovering a cure for a disease versus discovering that a face cream can give you an itchy rash. Cosmetics are a luxury and novelty item that no animal should have to suffer for to benefit us. It's ridiculous to think that animals are subjected to intense emotional and mental trauma for some stupid lipsticks or makeup.
In 2015, a legislation was put into place to protect bears and wolves from being baited and hunted on National Parks in Alaska. Flash forward to today, and a proposal has been introduced by the Department of Interior to reverse that legislation. By reversing this legislation, hunters would be allowed to;
Now, we can only assume that there has to be a semi reasonable excuse for wanting this legislation reversed but we would all be mistaken. The Department of Interior is headed by an avid hunter whose intentions are simple, decrease the predators in these areas allowing for moose and caribou to repopulate so that sport hunters have more targets during hunting season. Essentially, they want to kill animals to help repopulate other animals that they also intend to kill. WHAT THE FU<K? You heard that right. Their only intention is to make their sport hunting more fruitful. Literally baiting and slaughtering innocent animals is as sickening as it sounds, but then you consider their reasoning which essentially is even more despicable than the act itself. Allowing these huntable animals like moose and caribou to repopulate only to slaughter them as well, this has to be a joke! How can anyone justify these actions? Sport hunting is such a disgusting activity that only the strangest and least compassionate people engage in. Anyone who likes to kill living creatures for fun needs to have their head examined. What kind of human being gets their kicks out of taking lives? These people are sick in my opinion and this whole attempt to overturn the legislation protecting bears and wolves is proof in the pudding. Kill predators so that there are more animals to kill in the future. Sounds pretty ridiculous right?
I love a feel good friday story as much as the next guy so I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few stories with you guys that are good news for animals! There's often so much going wrong in the animal kingdom to report on that these positive stories can be overlooked. I'm excited to share with you guys some good news!
Nothing wrong with some good news in the animal kingdom <3 Check out the original stories below <3
HAPPY VEG Millbank Fur Farm in Ontario, Canada has been charged with 14 counts of animal cruelty after an investigation that began last year. The investigation conducted by International animal rights group Last Chance For Animals, exposed severe cases of neglect, filthy living conditions, and a lack of adequate food / shelter for the minks on the property. First off, I truly hope they are convicted of every count of cruelty because that's what they deserve. Secondly, is anyone surprised by this? Canada has a poor track record when it comes to animal rights just looking at the seal hunt, bestiality technically being legal, and a true lack of protections for farm animals. Canada has a long way to go before anyone associates it with animal rights. That aside, fur farming is legitimately the worst industry of all of the industries that exploit animals. These poor babies are bred to skin and throw away. Mink / fox meat is not consumed, therefore, this industry literally profits off of skinning these animals for stupid coats or scarves.
It's time to ban fur. Big name fashion labels that once relied on fur are now turning their backs on it. Countries around the world are banning fur farming, recognizing it as unnecessary. With all of this, Canada continues to support an industry like this, blindly supporting the torture, neglect, and abuse, of animals used for fur. We must continue to share these stories, speak out against fur farming, and make our voices heard.
C'mon Canada, when will you wake up? HAPPY VEG A bill has been passed in the New York Senate and will now make its way to legislation in hopes of being approved and set into motion. The bill would prevent anyone convicted of animal cruelty from working with animals in the future. This would prevent them from working with animal protection groups like the humane society, the pound, or any animal shelter. It would also prevent them from working as an Animal Control officer. This is a big step and hopefully we see this bill passed and animals better protected. While this is definitely a step in the right direction, it certainly shines a light on how little protection animals truly have when someone can be convicted of animal cruelty and still not be prohibited from working with animals in the future. It's alarming to think that someone who abused, starved, tortured, or killed an animal, can attain employment working with animals. It's kind of ridiculous to think that this law wouldn't have already been in place. When you consider sexual crimes against children for example, those convicted generally must avoid all contact with children as well as registering as sex offenders which further protects children from them. What is the difference between an innocent child or an innocent animal? There's absolutely no difference except how our government views animals. At the end of the day, any crime committed against a group of individuals / species should come with a ban on working with them again. Doesn't this make the most sense? ANIMALS DESERVE BETTER I think it's especially important to consider the link between animal cruelty and future crimes. There's been a link between animal cruelty and other violent crimes meaning progression is a real thing. People who commit crimes against defenseless animals obviously have no regard for those who are smaller, weaker, or more vulnerable, and therefore they will progress to more aggressive crimes against vulnerable humans as well. Children, the sick, and the elderly, become targets of these individuals when they no longer get their kicks from animals. Without a stronger penalty system in place, these crimes will develop and become a bigger problem. An example must be set in place that animal cruelty is not tolerated and is punishable to the full extent of the law.
What this law will do is prevent future crimes against animals by those convicted. This should naturally be the case but at least we are seeing progress with better animal protection. What do you guys think? Do you think it's crazy that there's no law preventing someone convicted of animal cruelty from working with animals again? Check out the link at the top of the page and if you have the time, sign the petition demanding that those convicted of animal cruelty can never work with animals again! HAPPY VEG Spring is finally here, and with it comes warmer temperatures, green everything, and curious animals. Baby animals are much easier to come across during this time of year and it's super important to remember that we musn't interfere with them unless it is entirely unavoidable. Reading the story I shared at the link above, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources has put out a warning about interfering with animals and the unintended damage you may cause. What does this mean? Scooping up baby birds, tending to an "abandoned" baby deer, coyote, rabbit etc. These sorts of interference can be detrimental to the well being of the babies themselves. Once we've put our scent on these babies, their parents will often times abandon them because of this so it's crucial to recognize the difference between an animal waiting for their parents' return, and an animal in distress.
The warning is not just intended for birds either, all babies in the wild are susceptible to interference from humans with good intentions. Much like baby birds, baby rabbits and baby deer are often left in a safe spot while their parents search for food. When we discover these babies, it's not hard to immediately think that they've been abandoned, but chances are they're safe and waiting for mom and dad to return with food.
Long story short, it's important to try and avoid getting involved with wild animals unless the situation calls for it. Situations that would call for our interference are essentially injuries only. Should you spot an injured animal, call your local Humane Society or other animal rescue group to come and scoop up the animal. Remember! Having good intentions is great but you could be hurting these animals more than helping by getting involved. Happy Spring everyone <3 HAPPY VEG The Trump Administration has made it pretty clear that protecting animals is not something they are concerned with. In fact, it seems as though removing protections for animals is more along the lines of what they are fighting for. With that being said, 160 Conservation groups including Humane Society of United States, Earthjustice, and Defenders of Wildlife have signed a letter demanding that these protections for endangered animals stay in place.
By removing these protections for endangered animals, it allows for human interference that could see these endangered animals face extinction. These protections stop hunting of these animals which is essentially what would push them over the brink of extinction and Trump's administration is working to remove these protections. There is absolutely no logical reason to remove these protections and frankly, it's a slap in the face to all of these groups that have put years of their efforts into protecting these animals. If this proposal is accepted, threatened animals will lose their automatic protections and these protections will be issued on a case by case basis. This will lead to massive inactivity, slow action on protecting the threatened animals, and unnecessary political interference. When you consider how little the Trump admin. cares for animals, we could essentially see the end of some of America's most beloved wildlife. This can not come to be! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Voice your concerns over removing these protections and demand Trump stay away from our threatened / endangered animals! HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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