This story is from March of last year but this is a problem that still continues today. I'm sure you've all heard stories about the dog meat industry in Asia. However disgusting it may seem, it's a problem and working with animal groups in Asia, the Humane Society is working to shut down the industry, rehabilitate the animals, and retrain the farmers to grow vegetables or fruit and abandon the industry.
So many innocent dogs of all breeds sit cramped up in cages, emotionally neglected and distraught, starved, and waiting to die. Thank goodness for the Humane Society because they are working to shut the industry down 1 farm at a time. Is it surprising to you that dogs are farmed for food? Sadly, this is no different than the conditions our animals are treated prior to slaughter but because we deem dogs house pets it seems much more shocking and personal. The reality is that all animals are created equally. It is us who place a value on them as well as decide which animals we want to eat and which we want to pamper. If interested, make sure to leave a donation to help animals and support their continued efforts. Also, always remember to adopt and never buy pets! What are your thoughts on the dog meat industry? Is it shocking to you? Does it bother you to think of these poor pups being treated this way. Leave your comments. Oh and go Vegetarian ;)
This particular study shows that 3 out of every 10 people in Britian have reduced their meat intake in the past 12 months! This is the kind of news I like to share! No horrible pictures of animals being skinned or tortured needed to get this point across. Facts speak for themselves, people are eating less meat.
The question is, what's the motivating factor? Is it that more and more people are becoming passionate about animal welfare? Is it that global warming is being slapped in our faces day in and day out and eating meat directly contributes to these effects? The story suggests high profile cases regarding meat and animals have affected these statistics. Whatever the case may be, ANIMALS are definitely WINNING if people as a whole are consuming less meat. One step closer to abolishing the necessity for factory farming :) Dream big! In lieu of recent additions to the countries that are banning wild animals in circuses, I wanted to share with you all this link.
The above link lists the many countries that have bans or prohibitions on animal performances in the circus. It's surprising to me that with shows like Cirque du Soleil (which are astounding) that we even have a need for animal circuses. There's absolutely no need! Time to stop with horse racing, bull fighting, horse drawn carriages, and animal shows altogether and finally bring an end to humans profiting off of animal entertainment. We can easily find ways to entertain ourselves without watching elephants dancing (which might I add is totally unnatural) or horses forced to race. Teaching our children (in my case nephews) that animals are precious and not possessions or toys is important. The sooner this mentality is abolished the sooner we can rid ourselves of this whole animal entertainment industry. Now this story defines an ANIMAL WIN in my opinion.I've attached the original story above which is sad to even revisit. Justice the dog had both front and hind legs bound by electrical tape as well as his mouth being taped shut. This poor dog was then left behind a shopping center to die in the cold.
Well, I'm proud to announce that the loser who did this was sentenced to two years in jail! 2 years is actually a great punishment IF you compare to most animal cruelty cases from where I'm from (Ontario Canada)! One day we will see punishments that are appropriate but until then it is important to celebrate the victories. On that note, raise a glass for animals tonight! |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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