An article posted on the Science Daily website suggests that a changing environment along with trophy hunting is putting species at risk of extinction. The article suggests that trophy hunters typically look for specific traits in their hunt such as a large, full mane on a lion or strong, thick antlers on an antelope. Hunting these dominant males along with a changing environment in part due to climate change will most definitely cause endangered species to go extinct. The article suggests that trophy hunting CAN help conservation so long as a better model for hunting is introduced. It suggests hunting the older males who have had the opportunity to reproduce and allowing the younger, stronger males to continue to reproduce to keep the species at a reasonable level.
It's really quite a simple solution when you consider that humans are destroying the environment and taking away the animals' land, stop trophy hunting! Why in the hell is this even still being discussed? People are hunting animals that are widely recognized as being vulnerable or endangered and this somehow helps with conservation?
It's time to put an end to trophy hunting altogether. It's an industry built around the luring and slaughtering of animals that are endangered. Blood money is a dangerous thing to get involved with and the fact that there are so many people willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to kill such beautiful creatures is most disturbing. I've seen trophies mounted on walls before and frankly, they don't make you look fierce or macho, they make me think that you're a disgusting pig who took a life for sport. That's what it boils down to, a sport that involves slaughter. Enough is enough! The only animals that seem to be hunted for trophies are the ones who are teetering on becoming extinct. There is no conservation happening here! We need to get our heads out of our asses, it's a pretty simple solution. Stop slaughtering endangered animals! Stop trophy hunting! HAPPY VEG
As the United States gears up for Thanksgiving, hundreds of millions of turkeys are preparing to be slaughtered. Considering this is a holiday surrounding giving thanks for our many blessings throughout the year, it's ironic that to do so, so many turkeys have to suffer. DxE recently released undercover footage of a turkey farm in Utah and unsurprisingly, turkeys were not being treated as wonderfully as the farm would suggest. These seemingly cared for turkeys were crammed into unimaginably small spaces with little room to move. There were turkeys riddled with disease and tumors, sick and near death along with turkeys that resorted to cannibalism because of immense stress. The footage was shocking and saddening at the same time. No animal deserves to live in squalor for a holiday meal.
I can't stress enough how despicable our actions are towards animals. Our desire to enjoy meat has blinded us from witnessing the abhorrent conditions the animals live through to end up on our plates. Our greed has shielded us from any feelings of responsibility and yet, there would be no factory farming if not for our desires. The "need" for meat will continue to see factory farming as a necessity and without strict regulations, there will continue to be abuse.
I've suggested in the past a much stricter review of the conditions the animals live in. Monitoring these farms and cracking down on poor conditions is the first step. Holding these farms accountable for their actions and demanding improvements is necessary. It's quite obvious that there are significant cruelty issues within the industry and yet nothing seems to be done about it. Who's responsible for overseeing factory farms in their entirety? Until there is government support, animals on farms will continue to suffer. They will continue to live in unacceptable conditions, they will continue to be abused and tortured, and we will continue paying for it. Without undercover busts like this one, the general public would be completely unaware of the conditions their "meat" live in prior to heading to a thanksgiving spread. The fact is, we need the government to stand up and set the bar higher for animals on farms. We need stricter regulations for the conditions the animals must be kept in. We need improvements across the board, there's too much abuse happening and it's widespread. The biggest hurdle will always be the government regardless of where you live. Thank goodness for DxE and their undercover exposure. Thank goodness for their work and the fact that they rescued what turkeys they could. Thank goodness for any animal advocacy group who works to expose the cruelty of these farms. Without any of these groups, all of this horrendous cruelty would go unnoticed. My question is, when will the government see this as a big enough problem to finally address? Our current factory farm regulations are not acceptable. If animals are living in squalor amongst dead or diseased animals, fighting for space to move, or stressing to the point of attacking one another, there is a problem. If these animals are being hit, thrown, or beaten, there is a major problem. Unfortunately, until it is recognized as a problem by those responsible for doing anything about it, there will be no change. HAPPY VEG Trump has halted his original decision to allow elephant trophies into the U.S. citing more information needed regarding conservation. Personally, I think the immediate uproar at the hands of his decision has a lot more to do with it than needing more information. I don't think he cares whatsoever about elephants and conservation and frankly, anyone with a functioning brain is aware that elephants are endangered. What more is there to consider here? Allowing these trophies to come back into the U.S. will ultimately promote more hunting which will ultimately reduce elephant populations. It's pretty straight forward as far as I'm concerned.
Whatever the case, there's still time to lend your voice to this cause! In my last post, I provided you with two ways to contact President Trump and I'm going to reattach those avenues along with a few petitions that are picking up steam. Your voice matters! Every signature / email is another advocate for elephants. It only takes a moment to get involved so please lend your voice and let's stop Trump from making a very bad decision for elephants! TRUMP'S WHITE HOUSE CONTACT PRESIDENT TRUMP on TWITTER PETITIONS TO SIGN HAPPY VEG I have tried to stay out of politics involving the United States because I think the media is doing a fine enough job dragging President Trump through the mud on a daily basis. He's pompous, full of himself, and frankly, out of touch with reality. Amongst all of his awful traits is his lack of empathy for animals. Since taking office, he has worked against animals and animal welfare groups making it well known that animals and their rights are not on his to do list. Most recently, President Trump has put into motion lifting a ban on importing Elephant trophies from two countries in Africa. This is especially unnerving considering the fact that elephants are in fact endangered and the entire world has taken note. When you consider that China is moving forward with a full ban on ivory import by the end of the year, it's obvious that even the countries who notably had the biggest ivory problems are stepping up and working towards ending the ivory trade altogether. President Trump is literally working against the efforts of the world to save elephants. This is quite unsurprising considering his own sons and members of his congress are hunters, but what's surprising is that he disregards the efforts of the world to allow such trivial things like trophies to be brought into the country. It's an absolute disgrace!
President Trump is making it abundantly clear that he has absolutely no empathy towards human or animal rights. He's literally making the United States look worse and worse by the day and it's saddening especially considering the animals who will suffer the most under him. Elephants are the some of the most gentle, inquisitive, intelligent animals walking the earth. Why the hell anyone would get pleasure out of slaughtering an elephant is beyond me but with this reversal, we will unfortunately see more elephants slaughtered and ivory finding its way back into the U.S. all thanks to President Trump.
What can be done? Contact his office and let them know how disgusting and despicable his attitude is towards animals. Let him know you completely disagree with the elephant trophies! You can also find him on Twitter likely yapping off about something or another so shoot him a message there and politely remind him how important elephants are and how stupid his decision is! Let him know how disgraceful his actions are !! HAPPY VEG I'm super proud and excited to announce that Ireland has now made an official ban on wild animals in circuses commencing January 1st, 2018. It's kind of cute that my hometown (Windsor On) and my hometown for 10 minutes have now both made the ban on wild animals in circuses. I couldn't be more happy to hear this news.
To date, here's a list of all the countries that have banned wild animals in circuses entirely on a national level. These countries have absolutely no exceptions and the ruling applies to all wild animals performing in circuses.
There are a list of countries including Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, who have local bans enforced or other stipulated bans but have yet to put a nation-wide ban into place. It's so exciting to think that circuses are on the way out and wild animals will stop being forced to perform night after night for human profit. There is absolutely no need for an animal circus when there are so many other successful options that are available. When I think of Cirque Du Soleil and their many years of success, it's evident that there are other options and means of putting on a great show without the use of animals. It's time for the entire world to jump on this bandwagon and ban circuses involving wild animals! This is long overdue considering society's changing views on animal rights. This shift in wanting animals held to a higher standard is most definitely going to be reflected in more cities and hopefully countries banning wild animal circuses entirely. Three cheers for animal rights! HAPPY VEG Another city, another ban on live animal circuses. For the first time in ages, I'm actually proud to hail from Windsor Ontario and this is because of the city's decision to ban live animal circuses. This was originally attempted in the early 2000's but was met with many stipulations and legalities that prevented the ban. With a shifting attitude towards animal performances, it was only a matter of time before we jumped on board and banned the circus. This is especially true when you consider Cirque Du Soleil is extremely successful without the use of any animal performers. What shocked me upon reading the original article posted by the Windsor Star was that there are still so many people who oppose the ban. So many people who have no problem paying for animal torture. So many people who have no regard for animals or their rights. It's appalling to think that there are still so many people who can't seem to look at the bigger picture.
Such is not the case with wild animals in the circus. They have NO loving home, they are NOT rewarded for their performances, and they spend half of their lives in cages travelling from city to city to perform night after night. The comparison is lackluster and frankly, a desperate attempt to stir up drama.
At the end of the day, these animals have no choices. They have no say in the way that they are treated, no say in how their living conditions must be, and absolutely no activities that are true to their wild nature. An elephant would never be caught dead doing tricks in the wild. Tigers and lions DON'T jump through hoops of fire in the wild. See the point? The circus is outdated and built on the torture of stunningly beautiful wild animals. There's absolutely no reason why these circuses are still operating and it's time for the entire world to ban them. Let these animals live out the rest of their lives in a sanctuary free from performances, torture, and confined spaces. Let them spend the rest of their lives doing what they should have been doing all along, being wild and free. What are your thoughts on circuses using wild animals? Outdated or a ok in your books? Comment below or FB / TWEET me! HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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