California is one step closer to a ban on cosmetic animal testing and importing beauty / hygiene products that have been tested on animals. Supported by Cruelty Free International, Lush Cosmetics, and voted 5-1 in a Judicial Committee, California is on track to ban all cosmetic testing by 2020. This is great news and hopefully will inspire other U.S. states to follow suit.
As the world continues to open its eyes to the world of animal welfare, I see cosmetic animal testing as a thing of the past. We can not continue to support such an awful industry for products that aren't necessary to our well being. Cosmetics should be a use at your own risk product and should never be tested on animals.
Congratulations California for stepping up for animals and working to ban animal tested cosmetics in your state! HAPPY VEG
Canada presents itself as a nation that is compassionate, mild mannered, and empathetic to the struggles of its people. Canada regularly demonstrates a progressive approach to human rights and is a world leader in the rights of its people. Unfortunately, this sort of empathetic and compassionate attitude ends at its people and the country's animals are left in the dark to suffer unbearable fates with utterly no protection. Canada's animal cruelty laws have largely remained untouched since the 1950's despite a shift in the way we want to see animals treated. Despite overwhelming support for better animal welfare standards, Canada participates in some pretty awful and widely condemned activities including fur farming, the annual seal hunt, and a lack of real protections for farm animals.
CANADA GETS AN F IN MY OPINION WHEN IT COMES TO ANIMAL WELFARE! Countries around the world continue to improve their animal welfare standards while Canada completely ignores the plight of animals. Despite being a western country with its citizens wanting better protections for animals, Canada continues to show a complete disregard for animals and their struggles. It's a shame to call myself a Canadian when I know that our country could do so much more for animals. HAPPY VEG Want to send Justin Trudeau a message letting him know how displeased you are with our country's animal welfare? Follow the link below and let him know how you feel! Every voice matters! A young male sperm whale washed ashore in Spain and after an autopsy was performed, it was determined the whale suffered an infection from consuming so much garbage and being unable to filter it out. Inside the whale a variety of trash was discovered included tangled rope, glass, plastic bags, and other trash leading to the infection that killed the whale. Trash floating in the ocean is one of the leading causes of concern regarding wildlife conservation. Just to put things into perspective, there is a trash heap floating in the Pacific Ocean right at this very moment that is reportedly three times the size of France. This is so disturbing and saddening knowing the damage that we are causing not only to land animals, but sea creatures as well.
For those of you who don't know, I spent a good amount of time a few summers ago cleaning up trash in a few of my local parks. It was astounding to me how much trash I was able to pick up in places that were so beautiful but tainted with garbage and litter. I really felt good about removing that trash and seeing the end result which was a park that was free from litter. It was such a rewarding feeling, one that I want to share with all of you! I CHALLENGE YOU I'd like to challenge you guys to help do your part in cleaning up your local parks and wildlife areas. Every time you go for a jog, take the dog for a walk, visit the park with the kids etc., I implore you to bring a container to pick up trash along the way. It doesn't take any extra time or effort if you're already there / on the way! If we all took the time to snatch up some trash when we are already out and about, what a difference we could make in our local community!
So I challenge you guys! Let's show our friends and family how important a clean planet is! Make an activity of it with kids or take it upon yourself to spend a little time cleaning up your own area. Every little bit we contribute to a cleaner planet is beneficial not only to future generations, but to the animals and creatures that inhabit this planet with us. Every piece of litter is a nail in the coffin of an animal that is innocent to the damage we are causing. Animals will never litter, they will never dispose of garbage in the oceans, they simply suffer at the hands of those who do those things. It's time for us to show the world what we think about littering! Is the challenge accepted? I'd love to see pictures or videos of you guys cleaning up your local parks or picking up trash along your walks. I'll share some photos this spring / summer of myself cleaning up local areas and hope to see the same from you guys <3 HAPPY VEG India has become the latest country to ban the import of seal skin products following the European Union and Russia. Despite overwhelming opposition to the annual seal hunt, it has once again commenced in Canada putting the live of hundreds of thousands of seals at risk. Despite opposition, Canada's MP's and Inuit communities continue to support this abhorrent event that sees thousands of seals bludgeoned repeatedly, shot, and skinned for their pelts. The annual seal hunt has been a topic of great debate amongst Canadians for many years. The demand for seal products has diminished greatly but this has not stopped the seal hunt from successfully commencing every year. It is a tradition rooted in cruelty, horror, and greed, that sees seals chased and beaten to death. I can't imagine the horror and fear these seals must experience as they flee for their lives knowing they are unable to outrun their predator. It sickens me to consider that horror.
Canada does not have reputation as a leader in animal rights. Our fine country has yet to consider sexual acts with animals as bestiality therefore making it punishable by law. Our country continues to support fur farming which is one of the biggest atrocities on the planet. There is no necessity in fur products, it's a luxury that involves animals being farmed for their fur. Cooped up, living amongst feces and infected animals, waiting to be skinned. Why does our country continue to pioneer for human rights while also turning its back on the animals of this country?
Unfortunately, tradition is the argument for seal hunting. Utilizing the "resources" available to these communities for survival supposedly justifies what they do to these seals every year. These "resources" are living creatures, living creatures that feel fear, panic, and stress, in the moment before they are bludgeoned. Is it really that difficult to see why so many activists are against it? What are your thoughts? HAPPY VEG The United Kingdom is considering a ban on the export of live animals as it continues to focus on animal rights post brexit. Environmental secretary Michael Grove, is asking for evidence to be submitted from industry experts in regards to live exports and the emotional and mental stress it causes to animals that are transported live. Michael Grove is insistent on continuing to improve animal rights and make the United Kingdom the world leader in animal welfare. Before we get too excited, this is the same leadership that have supported bringing back fox hunting and the culling of badgers across the U.K.. Is this an opportunity to save face or a desire to work on a promise of better animal welfare in the U.K post brexit, we'll have to see how this all pans out. WHILE THE U.K CONTINUES TO MAKE HEADLINES FOR THEIR EFFORTS TO IMPROVE ANIMAL WELFARE STANDARDS, CANADA CONTINUES TO SHOW AN ABSOLUTE LACK OF INTEREST IN ANIMAL RIGHTS WHATSOEVER. As an animal rights activist, I applaud any country that wants to improve animal welfare standards. As a Canadian, I want to see Canada start improving our animal welfare standards. Canada is sorely lacking in the animal protections department and we continue to be involved in several disgusting and abhorrent practices that completely work against a compassionate mindset.
Despite overwhelming support for a ban on fur farming, Canada continues to support the fur industry. Despite overwhelming support to end the needless slaughter of baby seals every year, Canada continues to support this cruelty. Why do animals not matter to our fine country? We continue to be at the forefront of human rights, portraying ourselves as welcoming, compassionate, and friendly, yet we turn a blind eye to the suffering of millions of animals living on our land. I think what boils my blood the most is the fact that bestiality is still considered legal here under the right pretenses. We have countries that have banned fur farming, banned circus performing animals, and so on, and here we are allowing oral sex and genital touching with animals!! Why won't Canada step up for animals? Are we truly supportive of such atrocities or does our Government deny that animals are of importance? Once again, it's great news to hear that the U.K. has pledged better welfare standards for animals, but at the same time it makes me ashamed of my country. Canada has a long way to go when it comes to animal welfare which means that I will continue to shine a light on the welfare of animals in our country. I am determined to see the end of fur farming, the end of the seal slaughter, and the end of bestiality allowance in Canada! By hook or crook, these things will change and I'm going to work my arse off to make sure of it! Check out the story on the U.K. at the top of the page and let me know what you think! HAPPY VEG Another day, another country displaying compassion for elephants. The United Kingdom has announced a ban on ivory sales in an effort to conserve elephant populations. This ban will see fines and a potential 5 year jail sentence doled out to anyone who participates in the sale of ivory. Being one of the major players in the International community, this will surely set an example for the world when it comes to preserving the elephant species. My last post in regards to ivory called out to the countries of the world to consider this ban. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about slaughtering an endangered animal simply for its tusks. It's as malicious and unnecessary as anything I can imagine and a shining example of what human greed looks like. No regard for a species that faces extinction and absolutely no regard for animals and their worth. It's so sickening to me that people can only see animals for what they can provide for us as opposed to the living, feeling, beings that they actually are. Innocent creatures who simply want to exist, but that is not an option as long as human greed exists.
Congratulations to the United Kingdom for doing their part to aid in elephant conservation!
HAPPY VEG Taiwan has announced it will end its domestic ivory trade by 2020 in a bid to aid in the conservation of African elephants. Elephants in general are listed as Vulnerable according to the World Wildlife Foundation which means that they are at risk of becoming endangered and eventually extinct if they are not protected. Unsurprisingly, the biggest reason for the decline of the elephants is wholly caused by humans. Whether through illegal poaching, trophy hunting, or the ivory trade, humans are virtually wiping the elephants off of the planet. While it is fabulous news that Taiwan is officially ending their part in the ivory trade, I still question how important it must truly be to them, or the world for that matter, if it takes years to commit to something. It always alarms me when communities / groups commit to change, but do so with the intention of it taking several years. Am I the only one who thinks that issues of this importance should be addressed in a much more timely manner?
As a planet collectively, we can agree to reducing our carbon footprints by an expected date. (2030 I believe) Now, pledging to reduce emissions by 2030 might SEEM as unreasonable, but I would imagine there would be a lot of change needed within a country to reduce by up to 30%. I won't argue that. But we're talking about the end of a species. Immediately banning ivory all across the board isn't going to disrupt any one country to the point that it faces serious repercussions. This is pretty open and shut, end illegal poaching for ivory, ban trophy hunting, and protect the species.
Don't you think it's already taken long enough? I hate to spoil what is being reported to be good news because it really is, but it also begs the question, what took so long? HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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