This bill is incredibly important to me as Canada is also currently embroiled in whether or not we're going to stop sending horses abroad to be slaughtered. Canada's animal welfare track record is rather abysmal when you consider the abhorrent seal hunt, our continued production and sale of fur, and our continued allowance of cetaceans in captivity, grandfathered in after a ban took place. Canadians as a whole however, I believe whole-heartedly support a ban on horse slaughter and one can hope that New York's ban on horse slaughter will inspire Canada to do the right thing. Horses sent abroad for slaughter are flown from Winnipeg or Calgary, all the way to Japan, a grueling, lengthy journey that leaves horses frightened, exhausted, and in emotional turmoil. Interestingly, these horses only fetch about $9, 000 and we only ship about 2, 600 to japan yearly. Given that we barely make any money off of this, I'm appalled that our Government has yet to hold true to their promise of banning the export of horses for slaughter. Horses are such beautiful, majestic animals and our relationship with horses goes way back in our history. Our mutually beneficial relationship worked for hundreds of years, and now here we are, forcing them to parade us through busy city centers on gawdy carriages, or shipping them abroad thousands of miles only to be cruelly slaughtered. Unlike cows, horses don't take being stunned the same way and often times, it can take multiple tries to slaughter them before being dismembered. Is this really the end that horses deserve after they've spent their entire lives enriching us? Congratulations New York for doing the right thing for horses. Here's to hoping that Canada wakes up and commits to ending the abuse on horses. HAPPY VEG
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Another blow to the despicable trophy hunting industry, and I'm here for it! Italian Airline, ITA Airways has announced its support for HSI's (Humane Society International) #NotInMyWorld campaign aimed at targeting the trophy hunting industry. The Airline announced a new campaign that will prohibit the transportation of hunting trophies on their airline which includes both checked baggage and on flight carry-ons. This campaign aims to discourage participation in the abhorrent trophy hunting industry by making it impossible to bring hunting trophies back home.
As we all know, trophy hunting is often marketed as aiding in conservation by funneling funds in to local communities and conservation efforts. Unfortunately, statistics show that imperiled species like the African Elephant, and all varieties of rhino, continue to plunge towards extinction. The only people who benefit from trophy hunting are the tour organizers, those tied to the industry, and wealthy western folk who get their kicks out of stalking and shooting, unsuspecting wild animals. These hunts disrupt families, tear apart social structures, and end the lives of animals that face unprecedented perils to their survival. Trophy hunting is disgusting. There is honestly, not a single redeemable trait of this industry, and it demonstrates humanity's salacious need to do with animals as we please, despite warning signs telling us that this is so very wrong. Watching wealthy, often white people, standing proudly in front of an endangered elephant or giraffe they happily shot and killed is haunting to say the least. The complete lack of empathy or understanding of the perils these animals face every day to their survival is entitlement to the highest degree. Congratulations to ITA Airways for taking a stand for Africa's wildlife and sending a clear message that trophy hunting is wrong. Learn more through the link at the top of this post from World Animal News. HAPPY VEG |
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January 2025
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