Considering Ralph Lauren is one of the largest global fashion brands out there, this is a monumental step in the right direction. Ralph Lauren has decided to ban the use of mohair in their products following an expose by PETA that showed the horrible methods in which mohair is obtained. In the video, the goats were violently shaved leaving them with gaping wounds that were stitched up poorly without any freezing or pain killers, and goats that were no longer needed were slaughtered heartlessly.
The story states that Ralph Lauren has recognized that consumers are turning their backs on products that contain animal products such as mohair, wool, or leather. Ralph Lauren joins a lengthy list of other global brands that have turned away from using animal products in the future. This is great news for animals that suffer immensely in the fashion industry. The fact is, animals are continuously used as products for various industries and oftentimes, they suffer in these conditions. When it comes to fashion, I can't think of another industry that is less deserving of animals. When you consider the amount of synthetic alternatives, it's frustrating that there are still brands that use animals for their furs or pelts. It's completely unnecessary and total disregard for living creatures. As I said, there are so many alternatives available that the use of animals is abhorrent and completely outdated. Animals who are used for clothing are often kept living in squalor, living amongst feces and other filth, emotionally and mentally distraught, and in fear every minute until they are ultimately slaughtered. This is no way for any living creature to exist and it's upsetting that there are still companies and brands out there who just don't get it. LISTEN! There is nothing glamorous about fur. The only living creature that looks good in fur is the animal that owns it. Wool and mohair too are only beautiful on the animals themselves, there is nothing sexy or fashionable about wearing a disgusting skin or pelt of an animal. With a brand like Ralph Lauren turning their backs on Mohair and considering the impacts of fur and leather, it's my hope that other major brands will take note and consider a complete ban on animal products altogether. It's my hope that these global giants will recognize the horror these animals endure and join in banning animals in their products. Congratulations Ralph Lauren and thank you for turning your back on the cruelly obtained mohair you were using in your clothing. HAPPY VEG
Being that this is the second protest in 4 days, it's obvious that animal advocacy groups in Vegas are determined to promote veganism while also speaking out against foie gras. Maintaining a peaceful, legal protest, Animal Action Las Vegas spent the day protesting outside of a restaurant that featured foie gras on the menu. Their message was clear, foie gras is not a delicacy, rather a dish that comes from an abused duck / goose that shouldn't be available to be sold. Foie gras is a controversial dish that has sparked quite a debate since animal advocacy groups started protesting against it. Foie gras is derived from a goose or duck that has been force fed large quantities of food over the course of approximately two weeks. This forced feeding increases the size of their liver supposedly making it extra rich upon consumption. Ultimately, the birds are slaughtered for their livers which are then shipped off to restaurants that sell them as some kind of upscale, luxury food.
It's astounding to me the lengths poachers will go to to slaughter elephants, rhinos, and other endangered animals. Poachers cut through the security fence of a game reserve in Ntambana, South Africa hunting the elephants that roamed the area, likely looking for tusks. The anti-poaching unit that patrols the area luckily heard gunshots and after a mild shootout, were able to apprehend 6 of the poachers. This positive news comes after an anti poaching officer was shot and killed protecting a rhino in a separate incident in South Africa. Poaching is a serious problem in Africa and anti poaching officers are regularly put at risk defending endangered animals. Poachers will go to great lengths to slaughter these animals because their parts are still sold on the black markets for large sums of money. Elephant tusks, rhino horns, big cat pelts, these things fetch large amounts of money and poachers will ultimately risk their own lives as well as the lives of the officers protecting them in order to attain what they're after.
Yaaaasssss Canada!
I must admit, I have been struggling with Canada's lackluster animal rights for a long time. In my fine country, bestiality is still legal under certain pretenses and farm animals still have basically no rights, so when an animal news story that shines a positive light on Canada's animal rights movement comes along, I must share with the utmost excitement! Canadian senate has passed bill S-214 which will prohibit the sale of cosmetics that were tested on animals. This means that any cosmetic that was developed or manufactured using animal testing will be prohibited from being sold in the country! This is monumental, and Canada will join a slew of other countries that have already put this ban into place. It's long overdue and a definite step in the right direction when it comes to animal welfare. As I've said in the past, animal testing for cosmetics is the most unnecessary form of animal cruelty on the planet. Cosmetics aren't going to save lives, cosmetics aren't going to find a cure for disease, cosmetics are a luxury that we don't even need. To think that we put animals through such emotional trauma, giving them rashes and skin irritations, open sores, and potential blindness or death, is unfathomable to me. These animals live in cages until they're forced to endure more testing which I can only imagine puts an immense amount of stress on these animals. It's just a horrible way for any animal to live. With the law passing senate, it just needs to be approved by the House of Commons before becoming a law and I have faith that we will see the end of cosmetics testing in Canada! Three cheers for animals in Canada <3 HAPPY VEG With a vote of 9 - 0, the Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act was passed this week in California. This is exceptionally good news for animals and certainly proves that people want cruelty free products. It proves that the general populous is against the needless suffering of animals who endure various forms of testing in the name of beauty products. This bill will effectively make it illegal to knowingly sell any product that has been tested on animals at any point through its manufacturing.
As the article suggests, consumers want the peace of mind that the products they're purchasing are cruelty free, and this bill, once it becomes law, will make sure of that. It will mean more and more companies will either need to adapt to a cruelty free structure or risk losing significant amounts of business. I'm expecting this bill to force more companies to turn away from animal testing in favour of other proven cruelty free methods. There are currently over 3000 cosmetics companies that operate without any animal testing so it's entirely achievable and possible for these companies that are still testing on animals. As I've said before, animal testing in the cosmetics industry is the most unnecessary of all forms of animal exploitation. To put animals through that kind of emotional, physical, and mental turmoil all for the sake of a new beauty product is so unbelievable selfish of us. Beauty products are not necessities in any way, shape, or form, so there is absolutely no need for animal testing whatsoever. Given that there are other methods of formulating products and perceiving reactions and results, there should be no need for animals in this equation. There should be no reason why animals are kept in cages their entire lives, repeatedly smeared with products, suffering skin reactions and becoming ill, for some stupid cream or lipstick. Congratulations California! I will report again when the bill becomes a law and we see the end of animal tested products in California. My hope is that this kind of starts a chain reaction and more and companies turn against animal testing as well as more and more communities start to ban the sale of these products. HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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