South Korean President Moon Jae-In hinted at a possible ban on dog meat consumption amidst strong animal welfare momentum across the globe. Although the practice of eating dog meat is typically associated with the older generations, it's a practice that continues to bring negative attention from animal welfare groups at home and abroad.
A recent poll in South Korea found that of those polled, 78% of respondents believed that the consumption of cats and dogs should be prohibited with 49% claiming that a ban on consumption should be in place. The consumption of dogs and cats has long been a bone of contention from animal activists and it seems that it recently has become a big issue as animal welfare and compassion towards animals becomes more prevalent in our society. The time is now to take a stand for dogs and cats slaughtered for meat. Considering all of the animals we currently slaughter for food, dogs and cats need to be off the menu. I'll update y'all with more information as this story develops! HAPPY VEG
Six Native American tribes are suing the state of Wisconsin over a planned hunt that is set to take place in November. In the lawsuit, the tribes claim that the state is violating their treaty rights after the Wisconsin Natural Resource Board approved a quota to kill 300 wolves, more than double the 130 wolves the Department of Natural Resources recommended.
This is simply another example of the same story; entitled humans who think trapping and killing wolves is their right. These people have absolutely no regard for the survival of the wolf population, they will simply move on to the next target once wolves are eradicated. This is happening in Ohio and Montana, wolves who have spent 40 years on the endangered species list are being slaughtered almost in their entirety in less than a year of being delisted. It's repulsive how quickly people jumped on the opportunity to slaughter wolves after all of the many years of resources invested in rehabilitating them. There should be some kind of law in place that once an animal comes off of the endangered species list, it is on a no-hunt list for 5 years afterwards. How else do we ensure the survival of a species when we have clearly demonstrated no empathy / compassion to this point? Our history certainly indicates that we cannot be trusted when it comes to protecting a species from extinction. Why do we delist and immediately open them up to hunters looking for a thrill? It's utterly ridiculous, irresponsible, and frankly, a complete waste of 40 years of resources, time, and efforts. We're working in circles when we should be moving forward. Our relationship with the animals on this planet must change or else we will most definitely see the extinction of wolves among other recognized species in our immediate future. HAPPY VEGTwo more big name fashion labels have joined an animal welfare commitment to going fur free. Yves Saint Laurent & Brioni brands have pledged that their fall 2022 line and all future lines will be fur free moving forward, signaling a continued downward spiral for the use of fur in the fashion industry. Both brands will join others such as Oscar De La Renta, Canada Goose, and Saks Fifth Avenue who have also ended their use of fur for fashion.
What we're seeing though is a continued shift in the use of fur. More and more of these recognized fashion brands are committing to fur free designs and pledging to end their use of fur in the near future. We also discovered how susceptible the industry was to being taken down with the coronavirus and the various outbreaks that happened on mink fur farms across our planet. Tens of millions of mink were euthanized in order to protect humans from the spread of the coronavirus which was not only a giant loss of life, but also profits. The industry is dying and the cracks are starting to become prominent. Fur is disgusting, unnecessary, and no longer viewed as a luxury. Our planet will be better off when this industry disappears and we're on track to see this come to fruition! Head to the link provided and check out the original story which features a more extensive list of brands that have banned fur and some of the places around the world that have also enacted fur bans. HAPPY VEGGrey wolves were only delisted from the Endangered Species Act this year by former President Trump and yet we've got two states that are eagerly awaiting wolf hunting season. Idaho & Montana both will permit in upwards of 90% of their state's wolf population to be cruelly slaughtered during this year's hunting season. This actively undermines 4 decades of conservation to bring grey wolves back from the brink of extinction and yet in only a month, grey wolves will once again be decimated in these two states.
There is currently a review being done by the US Fish & Wildlife Services to determine whether grey wolves require emergency protections under the ESA but the review can take up to one year to be finalized. As we know, time is of the essence when it comes to protecting animals from extinction and frankly, a year is too late for wolves. Grey wolves need immediate protections under the ESA before they are wiped out entirely, effectively undoing 40 years of conservation efforts. We can't allow decades of hard work to be in vain at the expense of heartless hunters and states that lack empathy for the struggles of wild animals. We're pandering to hunters instead of the innocent animals that are facing the possibility of extinction. It's ridiculous. We need to give our head's a shake when it comes to animal welfare, particularly endangered species / extinction. We act as though our actions aren't directly contributing to the extinction of hundreds of species on our planet. Wolves won't survive continued slaughter. Elephants won't survive continued poaching. Koalas won't survive continued human-caused wildfires. Hello?!?! We're destroying everything around us and only half of us seem to recognize this. We are in serious trouble if we still cannot see how slaughtering animals at this rate will see more and more species face extinction. We need to wake up and stop being so selfish. Human's are the plight of our planet and every species around is will continue to suffer until it's too late for them, and us for that matter. My only hope is that the US Fish & Wildlife Services rushes to protect wolves before the Montana season starts. Wolves heavily depend on these protections. HAPPY VEGThe annual dolphin hunt on the Faroe Islands saw an astronomical amount of cetaceans slaughtered this year. Over 1, 400 White-Sided dolphins saw their lives come to a bloody end on the islands this past Sunday and even local residents were alarmed at the number of dolphins slaughtered. The images are shocking and saddening, but organizers of these hunts claim that this tradition is not endangering white-sided dolphins as they are not on the Endangered Species List.
Dolphins are some of the most intelligent, social, and interesting mammals on our planet. Dolphins have been recorded many times helping other mammals avoid danger, including humans. Dolphins have been recorded rescuing humans in various situations, but that relationship is not reciprocated. I think that's what saddens me most about the annual slaughter; these are some of the most amazing creatures on our planet and we treat them in such a disgusting manner. They are recorded having saved our lives on countless occasions and we are recorded having slaughtered them in the thousands in one day. It's just despicable how little empathy or respect we have for mammals who have done amazing things for us throughout our recorded history. Will this year's massive overkill change things? Probably not, but like all mammals that were once abundant, white-sided dolphins won't survive this overkill forever. Elephants, lions, tigers, giraffes etc, these animals were all once abundant on our planet until we nearly decimated them. It's not out of the realm of possibility that white-sided dolphins will one day find themselves endangered at the hands of humans. We're pushing every species on this planet towards extinction through our actions and we have to at some point recognize the damage we are causing. When does it end? When do we wake up and realize that a shift to more plant-based options is necessary to protect the species on this planet? HAPPY VEGNevada's annual black bear hunt is scheduled to commence on September 15 despite the hell bears have been through due to continued wildfires that are ravaging their home. In fact, 8 of the 10 hunt units where black bear hunting is permitted have burned to the ground and there are only approximately 300 - 400 black bears remaining in Nevada. Black bears have been through unimaginable hell while their home burns to the ground around them and yet Nevada will continue with their black bear hunt, further putting black bears in peril.
Allowing the hunt to commence despite the wildfires that have been declared as emergencies by the state's Governor is compassionless and irresponsible. As I stated, wildlife in affected areas have suffered tremendously as they've had to flee while their home burns down to the ground around them. Bears have been forced into migration which can cause social dynamics to be disarrayed and in the case of these fires, can lead to a near 0% survival for bear cubs. With all that we know about how devastating these fires have been, the only option is to cancel this year's hunt and allow black bears to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. If we allow the hunt to go ahead as planned, we are knowingly turning our backs to the struggles these bears have faced at the hands of merciless wildfires. Nevada has the power to stop this year's hunt and spare black bears additional stressors as they continue to deal with the affects of their home burning down. It would be incredibly shameful and despicable if we allowed the hunt to commence despite all of the perils wildlife have faced at the hands of these endless fires. We must demonstrate even an ounce of empathy and cancel this year's hunt. HOW CAN WE HELP?Want to help black bears in Nevada? Head to the link at the top of this post from World Animal News where they've attached some contact information to officials you can reach out to and express your discontent over this year's hunt. Every voice helps, let's save black bears in Nevada! HAPPY VEGAs Sea World continues to be decimated by the public, Marine Land in Ontario has managed to skirt some of the worst publicity while being responsible for the captivity of one of the world's loneliest orcas. We're talking about Kiska, the 44 yr old Orca who has spent all but a couple of years of her life in captivity. Kiska's story is a sad one, one that should have prompted her release multiple times before now but she remains in isolation, alone, and showing serious signs of being depressed and unwell.
Orcas are incredibly intelligent, social creatures that when in the wild, travel, hunt, and live in pods. Their social needs are well documented and their ability to communicate with one another has been highly studied. Orcas are some of the most intelligent creatures on our planet, one of the main reasons that keeping them in captivity for "educational" purposes is embarrassing animal cruelty. With all that we know from studying orcas for as long as we have, we know that keeping them captive is inherently cruel. We know this because Canada banned new captivity, indicating that they too believed that cetacean captivity was wrong. So why did this new law forget the innocent victims like Kiska who remain imprisoned all alone? Kiska's spent nearly 40 some odd years in captivity. During this time, she's lost all 5 of her calves at a very young age. This beautiful Orca has suffered for 4 decades, most of which was spent all by herself in what can only be described as a bathtub. She's had hardly any room to move compared to her natural habitat. She's watched all of her calves die. She's been manipulated and exploited by horrible humans for decades and she's showing some disturbing signs of being emotionally and mentally unwell. Banging her head repeatedly against the wall of her tub, floating without moving as though she were dead...these are signs that she is so emotionally and mentally drained from this horrendous experience she's been through at the hands of humans. If we as a country no longer believe cetacean captivity is acceptable, we mustn't be hypocritical in allowing already captive cetaceans to remain that way. What message are we sending if we're saying they don't belong there but are pandering to places like Marine Land by allowing them to keep their "stock"? It's embarrassing and wrong. Kiska is showing so many signs that she needs to be released and we must heed her warnings before she too dies in her tank, alone, sad, and emotionally dead. This intelligent, beautiful girl deserves to be released where she can live the rest of her life doing what she should've been doing her whole life. End the hypocrisy and free Kiska! Learn more through the link at the top of this page. Here's the Marine Land website with a CONTACT US section if you're interested. Let them know just how disgusting it is that they continue to put Kiska through hell for ticket sales. HAPPY VEGMexico will become the first country in North America to take a stand for animals by banning cosmetics testing on animals. The ban which is set to become law in 2 years, will ban cosmetics testing on animals within the country while also banning the sale, import, and marketing of products from around the world that were tested on animals. This is a monumental step in the right direction for animal welfare; one that will hopefully inspire both Canada & the United States to enact similar bans.
Animals within the cosmetics testing industry are discarded like trash when their usefulness runs dry. The very same animals who endured weeks or months of repeated tests are euthanized to make way for new, healthy animals to test on. This cycle of needless cruelty for the cosmetics industry is despicable and wholly unnecessary. Cosmetics are novelty products, they're not life-saving medications. I think when it comes to cosmetics, humans should be the ones we're doing these tests on. If we want the damned cosmetics so bad, we should be using them at our own risk. To think that we've forced animals for decades to sit in cages until they're poked, prodded, or smeared with the newest product is embarrassing. We need cosmetics testing banne don a global scale. It's 2021 guys, we know better than this. Stop exploiting animals for makeup, it's gross and absolutely unnecessary. Congratulations Mexico, thanks for leading North America in the ban on cosmetics testing. :) HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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