Canadian Veterinarians have spoken out and confirmed that they have had to regularly euthanize healthy pets at the owner's request. Although it is happening less and less, it is still a fact that is a hard pill to swallow.
As animals are still considered "property" of their owners, there are no rules or guidelines for veterinarians when it comes to this subject. Basically, despite a veterinarian's reservations about performing the procedure, it is still up to the owners what happens to their animals and therefore euthanizing healthy pets is unfortunately accepted. This is most disturbing and incredibly frustrating at the same time. How is it that our animals are so poorly protected that we get to decided when they die? How is it that there are no rules or regulations regarding euthanizing an animal? It's utterly disgusting to think that people bring their animals in because they don't want them anymore, or are moving, or something trivial like that and that a veterinarian will end the animal's life at the request of the owners. In the case of terminal sickness, euthanizing an animal is obviously sparing it months or years of agony but there are few other reasons deemed acceptable to me when it comes to euthanizing a pet. Here's my problem. If the government is NOT WILLING to improve our laws protecting animals and their rights, why aren't the veterinarians speaking out and approaching our lawmakers? They are in a position to have their voices heard and yet they quietly refuse / say nothing at all. They are employed to care about our animals, to help them when they are in distress and yet they will euthanize your pet if you ask them nicely?? What the hell is that?? That is not something someone who truly cares about animals would do. How could you possibly euthanize a healthy animal knowing it to be healthy? You're knowingly ending a life that could have spanned several more years, it's despicable. Euthanizing an animal should be a last resort and Veterinarians should have the right to refuse euthanasia based on health. They should also have the authority to report this as animal cruelty because that is exactly what this is. Taking a happy, healthy animal and trying to have it put down because you don't want them anymore? That's not a crime?!?!?!?! As far as I'm concerned, the complete disregard for life should be punishable by law or at least result in a ban on owning animals. I know I have said in the past that bans on owning animals are not suitable punishment for animal abuse but in the case of unnecessary euthanasia, I feel it is most appropriate. Strip away that person's right to ever own an animal again. Strip away the privilege of having a companion animal, strip away their right to ever experience animal love again. They don't deserve it anyways! Look, responsible pet ownership is so important. Never adopt an animal if you are not financially secure enough to care for it. Never adopt an animal if your life is not stable otherwise you are bringing it into a situation that is not best. Never ever think that euthanizing your pet is "way out", it's literally the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. As far as the Veterinarians, I think you people should collectively challenge this protocol and demand that certain qualifications be met for euthanasia. I also believe there should be reports to the authorities for unlawful euthanization. Time to step up and demand the very best for the animals you supposedly care so much for. HAPPY VEG
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January 2025
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