Anothe rbig cat species faces imminent extinction if serious action is not immediately taken. Southern California's mountain lion population is rapidly declining due to fragmentation and habitat loss and if drastic actions are not taken, they will be extinct within 11 to 15 years. It's another sad example of how humans are destroying the big cat population and frankly, it won't be the last.
Allowing the natural predators to succumb to extinction will not only be devastating in itself but will inevitably have a trickling down effect that will be far worse than the effort taken to protect them. When the predators are no longer, the preyed upon species like rabbits, deer, and other small mammals will become abundant. With this occurring, the ecosystem will suffer because the balance will be off. What does this mean? Well, the government will resort to their ever popular way of dealing with over abundant species, culling. So essentially, they allow the predators to go extinct and then start using tax payer money to shoot and kill all of the innocent species who flourished because of their inactivity in protecting the mountain lions. You see? Everything suffers when we allow a species like this to extinct. It's so devastating that humans continue to drive all of these species to extinction while also claiming to be all for conservation. We need to put our money where our mouths are here and work harder.
I truly hope Southern Cali works as hard as they need to to protect these beautiful big cats because without them, the devastation that follows will undoubtedly be worse. HAPPY VEG
A current petition is floating around looking for signatures to tell the United States congress to introduce a law that would prevent anyone charged with animal abuse from obtaining a firearm. As the article suggests, nearly 50% of people involved in school shootings between 1988 and 2002 had previously been convicted of animal abuse. These statistics claim to prove that anyone who is capable of committing malicious animal abuse would also be able to inflict similar abuses / murder upon humans without thinking twice.
There have been many studies done over several years that have shown a direct link between animal abuse and eventual crimes against humans. What starts out as a twisted interest in abusing small animals like cats, dogs, rabbits etc., gradually develops into a desire to inflict similar pain on humans. There is definitely a connection between these abuses even at 50%, that's an alarmingly high amount of development into shootings of humans. The United States has repeatedly failed to address their gun laws despite having the most mass shootings in all of the Western countries. Unfortunately, gun lobbyists refuse to acknowledge that gun laws need to be addressed and in doing so, allow more shootings to occur. If they are unwilling to address their gun laws overall, it seems like this is a great place to start. As I said, anyone who has the desire to hurt animals in this manner has no regard for life and what makes anyone think that they won't develop these urges and turn their attention on children, the elderly, or just people in general. The urge to cause physical pain or death to animal is an obvious sign that something is not quite right with this individual and if they can then go and acquire weapons legally, are they not essentially being permitted to commit these crimes? It was widely reported that the FBI was going to be investigating animal cruelty cases for their link to eventual attacks on humans. It couldn't be any more obvious that there is a connection and the United States Congress needs to acknowledge this connection and take action. If they can even prevent 50% of school shootings by simply limiting convicted criminals from acquiring guns, why wouldn't they? Having the right to own a gun for protection is one thing despite my not really agreeing with guns whatsoever, but allowing someone who has been convicted of torturing an animal to acquire a gun, shame on you guys. If you follow the link at the top of the page to the story from World Animal News, you can sign the petition. As I said, the U.S. is very stubborn about their guns but we have to start somewhere and this seems like the logical place to make a commitment to reducing gun violence. HAPPY VEG There were over 300 listings across Europe featuring products that were from giraffes and approximately 40, 000 giraffes / parts were imported into the United States in 9 years. These shocking statistics demonstrate that Africa is fighting a losing battle in protecting giraffes and that we will undoubtedly see the extinction of giraffes if we do not take drastic action.
When it comes to lions, elephants, giraffes, rhinos etc., these animals are going extinct BECAUSE OF US. There are no other factors to consider here, it's entirely our fault that they are imperiled. Habitat loss is our fault, poaching and illegal trading is our fault, global warming is our fault, we are solely responsible for pushing these once thriving animals to the brink of extinction. We are losing beloved species recognized across the globe at a rapid pace because we are not doing enough to help them.
I'm going to be frank and slightly blunt here but the United States, China, and the EU need to step the fuck up here and recognize that there is absolutely no need whatsoever for any product that is made from an endangered animal. How can anyone justify products made from giraffes when it is a fact that their populations have dropped 40% in 30 years? How can anyone justify ivory in any way, shape, or form, when we have seen the white rhino go extinct or elephants continue to suffer and die? How do we continue to ignore this while also claiming to care about these animals? For crying out loud in the next 50 years we will have no African species left! That means no jaguars, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, etc., this is serious here? Ban these products and focus your efforts on conserving these majestic animals because we are not doing enough and it shows. It sickens me that these countries are taking in products made from endangered animals. Like, any product made from an animal is bad o.k but when you start ignoring an animal that is facing extinction so you can have some stupid statue or purse, it's a complete embarrassment to the human race. What we need to consider is there is no going back from extinction right? It's finite, there will be no more chances to help them. We are destroying the planet so rapidly and continue to turn a blind eye that we almost believe that this will not affect us but we couldn't be more wrong. As the animals continue to die and the planet continues to warm, we will continue to see devastation until we too, are wiped off of the face of the planet. HAPPY VEG Iowa officials are working towards introducing a law that will make it a criminal offence to film atrocities happening on factory farms as an undercover. The law aims to tackle undercover activists who deceive employees for their reasoning for entering the facility and filming things happening that could lead to a loss of business. This is a direct attack on animal activism but also not the first time a similar law was attempted but struck down by the courts as unconstitutional and a breach of freedom of expression. Obviously, I am against factory farming for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost, the mass amount of animals that are raised, confined, and inevitably slaughtered, often living in squalor right up until they are killed. Secondly, there's no denying that factory farming is a leading contributor to greenhouse emissions and their destruction to the environment is well documented. This aside, it strikes me as a blatant admission of guilt and a shifting of blame for the awful things that happen behind closed doors because frankly, if they were monitoring the activities and holding these slaughter houses to an ethical level, they wouldn't be concerned with anyone filming.
These laws are being struck down by the courts because they are not constitutional but also once has to hope that the courts also recognize that these situations are major problems and need to be exposed if they are occurring. Protecting slaughter houses is probably on the agenda of law makers because these states depend on large quantities of meat both for their own people and for shipping off to make money as well, so it's obvious they are concerned with their industries' success and would rather protect them from being exposed. My problem here is that it's beyond shady and demonstrates that Iowa has absolutely no regard for animal welfare and the ethical treatment of their farm animals and sees profits as more important. If they focused on doubling down on these slaughterhouses and putting standards and protocols in place to prevent these sorts of abuses from occurring, they wouldn't have to worry about trying to prevent people from filming, they would instead welcome it!
Iowa, give up on protecting these criminals who are beating and torturing animals who already suffer in this industry and put your money towards ensuring these slaughter houses operate at the highest ethical standards, that's going to be wholly better for business than portraying guilt and trying to cover things up. HAPPY VEG Here we go again with this jackass. In very unsurprising news, President of the United States Donald Trump has proposed hundreds of millions of dollars in reduced funding for species and environmental protection programs for the 2019 budget. His 2019 budget sees over 5 billion in cuts to the Department of the Interior and Environmental Protection Agency while also adding over 8 billion to his border wall budget. Evidently, his "national emergency" is far more important than protecting animals that are facing extinction or the planet which is also facing perils because of global warming. President Trump has made it abundantly clear that animals and the environment mean absolutely nothing to him with his repeated attacks on climate change and removal of protections for animals that are suffering due to hunting and environment loss. He has turned his back on lions and elephants by allowing trophies into the United States and has come out and completely disregarded climate change as a hoax despite warnings from scientists across the globe who actually know what they're talking about. He is not in any way, shape, or form concerned with the environment and evidently thinks that his border wall is far more important. I wonder if he realizes that the border wall won't matter when we're all breathing through oxygen masks and can only read about animals in history books because they're all gone extinct thanks to his lackluster efforts in helping the global community.
The Endangered Species Act is the most successful law in protecting animals that are in danger because it means that these animals are properly looked after and funding aids their protection in any way possible. By reducing funding to this, he is working against decades of effort in protecting animals and will definitely be responsible for animals like red wolves, big cats, rhinos, and other endangered animals suffering and potentially becoming extinct. His nationalist views are going to be the destruction of animals and our environment all while pretending that the United States is thriving because of his decisions. As I stated, who will benefit when these animals are extinct? Who will benefit when coastal states are buried underneath water because of ocean rising and warming temperatures? He likely hasn't considered this because he is too narrow minded to look at the bigger picture which is our planet and its survival.
Not only is he a bigot, misogynist, and racist, but he is also so far out of touch with the reality of the perils animals and our environment face that he is working towards their destruction. I truly hope that when 2020 comes around, he has his dreams of a second term stomped all over and he is laughed out of office as he deserves. I feel bad for whoever takes over after him because they will have so many burnt bridges to repair. HAPPY VEG Lawsuits have been brought upon Animal Kingdom Pet Store for allegedly taking puppies from Iowa based "rescue" agencies that are actually puppy mills in disguise. Selling puppies from puppy mills is illegal in California where it is only legal to sell animals that come from rescue agencies, basically, there can not be any animals sold that were not rescues. Animal Kingdom has been selling pure bred puppies for over $2, 000 which is an indication that they are not receiving their puppies form rescue organizations but are in fact receiving them from puppy mills disguised as rescues.
The Iowa based organizations are functioning as an intricate scheme with Animal Kingdom to produce and transport pure bred puppies to the pet store under the guise of them being rescues. They work together to sell puppies for astronomical profits at the expense of the animals that are forcibly bred in tiny crates repeatedly throughout their lives until they are worn out at which point they are often tossed away to rescue organizations like garbage. The dogs that endure the repeated breeding suffer immensely both physically and emotionally throughout their lives as their puppies are repeatedly taken from them while they are still forming bonds. Puppy mills are disgusting and a blatant disregard for animal welfare which is why states are continuing to ban them. They are nothing short of exploitation that benefits the people who sell these puppies for ridiculous money to unsuspecting people willing to pay for pure bred puppies. Here's my thing guys, the chances of finding pure bred puppies at a pet store are slim. I'm not saying it will never happen, but you must be suspicious of any pet store that is constantly in possession of pure bred animals because there is a very good chance that although they claim them to be rescues, they are likely from abused mothers in puppy mills. These pet stores could care less for their animals and are simply looking to profit off of the animals' misfortunes and torment. Always do background checks on your pet store before buying pure bred animals to be sure that they were rescued and are not sourced from mills. As I said, if your local pet store seems to constantly be in possession of pure bred puppies, they are most assuredly sourcing them from mills. The best place to get your pets are certified rescue organizations like the SPCA's or Humane Society's. These places are registered and guaranteed to be in possession of animals that have been rescued. If you're looking for a companion, then there is no excuse to be looking for pure bred's unless it's more to put them on show than to have a pet and a lifelong friend. Give your head a shake if you care that much about how your animal looks because you're obviously not after companionship as much as you're after showing off and frankly, you shouldn't own a pet / friend in that case. HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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