For the first time in 45 years, there were no Indian Rhinos poached in 2022 in the state of Assam. This monumental success is being celebrated by conservation organizations as the Indian Rhino continues to make a comeback thanks to the efforts of the Assam government in partnership with organizations aimed at conserving endangered species. As we know, poaching is one of the biggest perils species like rhinos face so to see an entire year with absolutely no rhinos poached, that's a reason to celebrate.
Poaching is a grave peril for species like rhinos as money-hungry humans aim to sever their horns for profits. Rhinos are left for dead after their horns are severed from their heads all so someone can sell the horns for large sums of money. The black market for animal parts continues to thrive despite continued international efforts. As long as these parts maintain some kind of illegal value, poaching will never stop. Elephants, rhinos, giraffes, etc., they're all in danger of being poached for body parts / horns but the success of the India rhino last year is proof that anti-poaching initiatives are effective. This story proves that there is hope for endangered species if we continue to fight poaching and stop habitat decimation. Congratulations to the Assam government for a successful year with the Indian rhino. My hope is that 2023 sees another 365 days without a single Indian rhino poached. HAPPY VEG
The 2nd annual Betty White Challenge for Animals is today y'all, which means that we need to step up and make a donation to our favourite animal organization on Betty's behalf. Betty's legendary love for animals was well known and she spent her time with animals right up until her passing. Throughout her lengthy career, she advocated for animals and their treatment, reminding us of how special animals were. Her lifelong love and advocacy for animals has created the #BettyWhiteChallenge, a way to honour the star's love for animals and continue to support our local animal organizations. On Betty's birthday, the challenge asks us to make a small donation to a local animal organization in her honour. This means you can send your donation to any organization that is out there helping animals. Organizations like your local Humane Society for example, taking care of rescues, rehabilitating, and rehoming innocent animals. There are also sanctuaries that rescue and care for animals that have been part of the animal ag system. Wildlife rescues, rehabilitation centers, animal conservation organizations, etc., the idea is that we make a donation to support an organization that helps animals in any way. Let's make 2023 the best year yet for the #BettyWhiteChallenge <3 HAPPY VEGOrganizations in Windsor, ON
HUMANE SOCIETY CHARLOTTE'S FREEDOM FARM ERIE WILDLIFE RESCUE CARA Windsor WINGS Back in July of 2022, Angel the Husky went missing from her Windsor, Ontario home. Later that day, she was found under a bush, covered in life-threatening burns all over her body. Despite the best veterinary care, Angel inevitably succumbed to the injuries she sustained. To date, there has been no justice for Angel. The person who did this is still out there, walking among us on the streets. Now, the Humane Society of Windsor is offering a $2, 500 cash reward for information that leads to arrest.
Violent animal abuse / cruelty is a precursor to other violence. Someone who is capable of inflicting this kind of intentional harm on an animal has the potential escalate. This means this sort of targeted, intentional abuse could be next inflicted on young children, minorities, women, the elderly, etc., if this person is not taken off the streets. A lot of studies have directly linked animal cruelty to psychiatric disorders which as we know, fester and get worse as time goes on if left untreated. The fact is, it's been 3/4 of a year since Angel was discovered and no one has been caught. You know, it's unsettling AF to think that someone capable of doing this is like, in front of me at the grocery store, or perhaps is ringing me up for my purchases at the local convenience shop. As long as this person remains on the streets, the streets are not safe. My hope is that the cash reward prompts someone to do the right thing and provide information. However Angel was burned, it wouldn't have been a quiet or unnoticeable event. Someone knows something. Head to the link at the top of this post for the whole story. Consider making a donation to the Windsor Humane Society by visiting the link below. Also, consider adopting an animal while you're at it, there's always a little baby waiting for the right person to come along. HAPPY VEGIn a major victory for animals, President Biden signed the Big Cat Public Safety Act into law after it moved through the Senate successfully about a month ago. This monumental law will protect big cats from exploitation and innocent cubs from being handled and exploited at roadside establishments. Now, it is illegal to own a big cat as a pet. This includes lions, tigers, jaguars, cheetahs, and any hybrid big cats. Big cats historically roam for miles, eat a varied, hunted diet, and some of them have large social structures they would normally be a part of. When kept as a pet, they are confined to an enclosure that will never match what they would have in the wild. They are unable to hunt for prey, a trait that is inherently natural to them. In fact, they are essentially denied every single instinctual trait they have, forcibly domesticated although never fully. The danger also lies in the fact that these animals are never FULLY domesticated. They can attack at any time and if let loose accidentally, one can only imagine the danger that would ensue. When it comes to cubs, roadside establishments exploit them for profits at the expense of their safety. Opportunities to hold cubs for selfies or bottle feed them cause s them great distress as this is wholly unnatural to them. These industries continue to breed cubs because once they're too old to be cute or coddled anymore, they're shipped off to game reserves, zoos, or other places where they're denied their natural instincts. This cycle of exploitation has big cats passed around for profits until they're no longer profitable anymore. A disgusting, manipulative cycle that sees humans profit off of some of the most beautiful animals on our planet. Their needs are disregarded in favour of profiting off of their sorrow. Head to the link at the top of this post for the story from World Animal News. Take a second to learn about the horrors big cats faced in these situations and why the Big Cat Public Safety Act is so important to animal rights. HAPPY VEG |
Stay educated and remain involved in animal welfare. Together, we can all make a difference!
January 2025
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