How are y'all holding up? What a tumultuous two and half years we've all had with covid being the predominant topic in our lives. Learning to live with masks, distancing, capacity limits, mandates, and non-stop division created both by mandates and superiority complexes. We've seen our countries so heavily divided over everything covid; the severity of it, the importance (or lack thereof) of vaccination, lockdowns, masks, etc., everything covid has been so divisive and I'll tell you, customer service has never been more difficult than it has been during covid. Let me reiterate, how are y'all holding up? Working in customer service is something I've always loved. I love people, I love talking to people and sharing stories, laughter, and everything in between. I love serving and watching people take their first bite of the food we serve up in the restaurant. Everything about this industry has a special place in my heart. With that being said, these past two and a half years have really caused me to reevaluate what I love about people. I've been on the receiving end of so much negativity, anger, and frustration at the hands of mandates forced upon restaurants. In this time, it's been clear that people are so angry and we've taken the brunt of that anger for enforcing rules that we may or may not even agree with. No one seems to understand that my opinion is irrelevant when I walk through those doors because I'm being paid to do a job and it's as simple as that. I'm sure some of y'all have bene in the same situation. Even our friends and family are willing to drive further wedges between each other over our opinions on the situation. I've tried really hard to stay silent on the topic on social media because I don't care enough to argue with someone who wants to shove their thoughts on the topic down my throat. I honestly couldn't care less about covid and what other people think about it you know? That's been the hardest part of all of this in my opinion is dealing with all of the opinions and superiority complexes surrounding the topic. People assuming that if you don't support the trucker convoy than you must obviously support mandates and forced vaccination etc., it's beyond obnoxious. At this point as things start lifting and mandates are ending in our province, I'm so ready to move on from all of the crap people have put each other through. I've honestly lost acquaintances that I've had in my life for years over this. So stupid but I don't want anyone in my life who feels like they need to educate me lol I'm good. I care about animals, I care about the environment, and I don't give a flying eff about what you think about covid. Ugh, what a ridiculous and angering few years. I'm ready to move on y'all for the sake of my mental health. I hope you guys have made it through this relatively unscathed. I've been lucky enough not to catch it but my family has had it and continues to battle it and I know friends who have also struggled with covid. I'm ready for us all to collectively move on and the healing to begin. We need to shift our attention to the mass extinction happening on our planet you know? We need to focus our attention on the fact that within 30 years, ocean levels are set to rise to dangerous levels. These are things that really matter and like, fight for your rights all you want but what's it going to matter when we're under fucking water? Anyways, I love you all. I'm ready to move forward and start planning my next move. Will I stay local? Will I move out east? Only time will tell but one thing I know for sure is that I'm ready to move on from all of the nonsense. HAPPY VEG
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December 2024