I am completely appalled to learn of our country's sickening allowance of bestiality. In this case, the charge of bestiality was dismissed under the legality of lack of penetration. This implies that what DID occur was not technically bestiality because of a lack of penetration. How sickening and disturbing that our laws are so outdated and clearly not in touch with the morality of today's society that this situation will slip between the cracks of the law. I have written the Supreme Court as well as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in hopes of having my plea for action heard. Please, take the time to voice your dissatisfaction regarding our animal protection laws. Without speaking up, more animals will continue to be exploited and abused!! SUPREME COURT - [email protected] PM Trudeau - http://pm.gc.ca/eng/contactpm Dear Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, I am writing you to bring attention to an issue that has deeply affected me. Recently, the Supreme Court of Canada in a 7-1 vote decided to dismiss a case of bestiality based on the legality of penetration. This is extremely dissatisfying and frankly, quite disturbing that our animal protection / cruelty laws are so outdated that this would be allowed to occur. This is not reflective of how today's society feels regarding animal rights. Our laws are completely out of touch with society's views on animals and their worth and we need the support of our government to help put an end to these types of situations. With any rule or law put into place, it is there to deter people from committing the described act. Without the proper laws and protections, animals will continue to be exploited, abused, and manipulated. As I'm sure you are very aware, animals are like children. They depend on us to protect them and show them right from wrong. Allowing what is clearly sexual exploitation to slip between the cracks of the law is not in tune with our nation's reputation as progressive, compassionate, and empathetic. Such barbaric acts as bestiality in any shape or form deserve appropriate punishment. It can no longer be acceptable to exploit and abuse animals in his manner. I am pleading with you to revisit our animal protection / cruelty laws. I am asking you to review the legality of these situations and update the laws to reflect appropriate protection / punishment for such heinous acts. Let us update the laws to reflect our nations progression as opposed to taking steps backwards. Thank you for your attention to this very important matter. Our morals are under fire here and it's time to truly demonstrate compassion in the face of archaic laws.
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