New York Governor Kathy Hochul, signed the New York Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act in to law this past week. Effective January 1st, 2023, companies will no longer be legally allowed to sell cosmetics that have been tested on animals and could face fines of up to $4, 000 if convicted. The law will also force manufacturers to find non-animal testing methods or face fines. New York joins 9 other U.S. states in banning cosmetics tested on animals. Cosmetics testing on animals is beyond exploitative and unnecessary. There is no argument in defense of cosmetics testing when you consider that in most cases, cosmetics are not necessities, rather, novelty items. Animals are subjected to repeated tests which include having products rubbed on their skin, dripped in their eyes, or consumed in order to determine whether there are any possible reactions to said products or ingredients found within them. These animals are left to suffer with lesions, rashes, and irritations, until their usefulness is up and they are euthanized / discarded. Literally, born in a cage to have lotions, lipsticks, and creams, rubbed all over them for their short lives. Worst of all, these tests do not 100% of the time translate to human results. Essentially, we are abusing animals and don't even know for sure if the results of these tests will be applicable to humans because at the end of the day, rabbits and humans are different. Go figure. Look, I don't agree with animal testing whatsoever. I do not believe that rats or rabbits experience the same irritations that humans do and I don't see any necessity in subjecting them to numerous tests when the results aren't even guaranteed. We aren't talking about life-saving medicine here, we're talking about lipstick or face creams, products that frankly, humans should be the ones having tests done to in order to determine these things. Like, these products are far from necessities and yet we basically torture animals to find out if we'll get a little rashy rash from your new cream. It's ridiculous. Hopefully, as U.S. state's individually step up and ban animal testing for cosmetics, we'll see some action on a federal level. There is no necessity in cosmetics testing and animals do not deserve to be subjected to those tests for beauty products. We cannot be that vain when animals are literally suffering. Congratulations New York State and as mentioned, here's to hoping more states and eventually, the entire country / world have abandoned animal testing for comsetics. You want a new lipstick? How about YOU worry about whether it'll hurt ya or not ;) HAPPY VEG
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January 2025
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