How nostalgic is a deli slice sandwich? It brings me back to grade school with my little lunch box stuffed with a piece of fruit, some goodies, and my lunch meat sammie. Admittedly, I disliked almost every lunch meat on the market because I found them all slimy and unpleasant but there were a few that I loved. I was also a big fan of sub night at our house growing up which included various lunch meats and all the veggie fixins you could ask for. Lunch meat definitely brings me back and since going vegetarian, I've tried a few different plant based lunch meats that I absolutely loved and some that well, I simply didn't. That being said, these plant based lunch meats have come a long way and give you the same satisfaction of any deli style lunch meat from back in the day. Knowing this, we're going to let three of the leading plant based deli "turkeys" battle it out for most nutritious choice. Let's find out who's involved in this little nutrition scuffle.
ROUND 1 CALORIES LIGHTLIFE - 100 TOFURKY - 100 YVES - 80 WINNER - YVES All three competitors are extremely close in this race but the YVES version comes in at 20 calories less per serving. Might not seem like an exceptional win but every calorie counts they say! ROUND 2 FAT LIGHTLIFE - 3.5g / 5% DV TOFURKY - 3.5g / 4% DV YVES - 1g / 2% DV WINNER - YVES Yves veggie turkey comes out on top again with 2.5g of fat less per serving than both of the other brands. You could double up on the meaty slices and still take in less fat than one serving of either of the other two brands. YVES is the clear winner this round. ROUND 3 SODIUM LIGHTLIFE - 290mg / 12% DV TOFURKY - 350mg / 15% DV YVES - 300mg / 13% DV WINNER - LIGHTLIFE Another super close round here with all 3 competitors within 60mg of one another. Lightlife however comes out on top just barely edging out the YVES brand with 10mg less per serving. Keep in mind, all 3 brands have a pretty significant amount of sodium so you'll want to watch what toppings you use as well as making sure to drink lots of water. ROUND 4 FIBER LIGHTLIFE - 2g / 8% DV TOFURKY - 1g / 4% DV YVES - 0g / 0% DV WINNER - LIGHTLIFE Fiber is a necessary part of our health and well being contributing to a healthy gut and digestive tract. Lightlife brand provides the most fiber per serving with almost 10% of your daily requirement of fiber. Unfortunately for the YVES brand, it offers absolutely no fiber whatsoever which is a major letdown. ROUND 5 PROTEIN LIGHTLIFE - 14g TOFURKY - 13g YVES - 13g WINNER - LIGHTLIFE You can't go wrong with any of these options when you're talking about protein but the LIGHTLIFE brand inches ever so slightly ahead with 14g of protein per serving. ROUND 6 VITAMINS & MINERALS WINNER - YVES Although the other two options also offer up some vitamins, the YVES version gives you 20% of your daily B12 and Iron. B12 is reputably one of the hardest vitamins for plant based eaters to get as it naturally comes from animal products meaning the YVES version is fortified for better nutrition. WINNER .......... ......... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . IT'S A TIE YVES & LIGHTLIFE! We have a tie folks! Both the YVES & LIGHTLIFE brands took home 3 wins each leaving the Tofurky brand in a very distant last place. Although we should always try to eat as many fresh and unprocessed foods as possible, rest assured that eating either of the winning brands once and awhile won't hurt your waistline. Make sure to come back again for the next product battle! HAPPY VEG Information and photos taken respectively from;
Jonathan - Happy VegWhat's the hottest plant based product launch or the best plant based beef on the market? You'll find those answers here. Archives
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