Hey guys!
I've been toying around with idea of doing a complete redesign for the blog when I get back to Canada. I really want to focus all of my attention on making this blog something more than just a hobby and the first thing I think that needs to be addressed is the design of the blog. I really want to give it a refresh and have it looking a bit more refined and professional. In doing so, I'll likely change up the headers and such and focus a bit more on recipes, animal news, and products, and probably take out the travel page. I'll also be forcing myself to learn my DSLR camera so I can really upgrade my photos and dive into cooking videos as well. I'm also going to be returning to my animal rights videos which I thoroughly enjoyed doing so I've got a lot of plans / ideas for the blog and I'm so excited to get back home and get started on giving this blog a much needed refresh! Thanks for sticking with me for over 4 years now! HAPPY VEG
There's a couple new stories under the ANIMAL NEWS tab so make sure to check them out :)
Hey everyone!
It's been a long time coming but my very first ebook will be available within the next 2 to 3 weeks through amazon! As you all know, I posted last year about completing the book which I'll admit, took me several months to put together but upon trying to upload it to Amazon I discovered the format was incorrect. This meant that I needed to either re-do the entire book in the appropriate format or pay someone to do so for me. As I was planning on moving to Ireland at the time, I couldn't fathom spending the money on the formatting so I shelved it until the time was right. Well, I've submitted the book to a formatter and should have it returned to me within the next week! After I receive it, I will submit it to Amazon and make it available for sale! For those of you who don't remember, the book is titled, "Happy Veg - Month of Mains", and will include 30 main course vegetarian meals to take the meal planning out of your month. There are a collection of recipes I've tested and enjoyed thoroughly and can't wait to share with you guys in an ebook format. All you'll need to do is whip up a side salad and dinner is served. :) Once the book is available, I'll be making an official announcement on all of my social media platforms so make sure to stay tuned! HAPPY VEG I'm reflecting on life in the personal blog area and there's a new animal rights story! Check them out!
New posts under the ANIMAL NEWS and KITCHEN AND VEG FACTS pages!
There's a new review in the BYPASS or BUY page and also, expect some photos and stories from my trip to Glasgow in the next couple of days <3
Hey everyone, Jonathan here and I'm the Happy Veg! I love creating vegetarian recipes that everyone can enjoy, whether you're going vegetarian for the first time, or giving meatless Monday a go! Thanks for visiting the blog and have a great day xo
--Jonathan Archives
February 2025
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